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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I have spent 2 days awake, nothing on facebook, chans, youtube, steam, the hive, niggasinspace, reddit. Literally everything is dead. I messaged a bunch of girls on online dating because I'm so bored and nobody replies back. I can't smoke tek because I live with my mom and im supposed to hang out with sober friends.

    This is fucked. Society is fucked, the internet is ruined.

    suicide is always your best option

    kill yourself and put the universe out of your misery
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Good riddance, faggot. I know but fo real.

    Is it me or is the forum really getting shitty? It's probably both. Does anyone here actually enjoy this shit?

    it's all you.

    kill yourself, faggot
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    sweet-100s that I grow myself

    then whatever heirloom type comes off my plants
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Who the fuck cares you people are all faggots.

    said the dot headed cock sucker
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump you people can all get fucked.

    it's a date. your asshole...or lips...or a new one we can create on your person...
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I did. Once.

    keep not posting, faggot
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny P.S. the salt level of this thread makes it inhospitable to human life.

    speak for yourself.

    it's better than viagra
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist i'd have to be unconscious.

  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Too many cocks in your face all day will make you epileptic.

    outstanding. what's your twitter name...I have something for you...
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra that piece of shit deserved it

    I hope his jaw snapped shut and clipped his tongue clean off as he rolled down six flights of stairs, spazzing out all the way down

    agreed. fucking commie crypto-jedi
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra

    you totally ruined my plot
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra Israel has a policy of never admitting when their planes get shot down. one went down in Yemen a while back and they deny it to this day, even though the army there have posted pictures of themselves posing with the wreckage. the official jediStory is that three missiles were fired, no planes were hit and their Iron Dome/Arrow/whatever system intercepted one of the SAM missiles launched at the jets - not impossible considering as IS said earlier, the s200 munitions are fucking huge and from the 60s, but unlikely.

    all of the unofficial sources I could find on the Israeli side reported missile launches and explosions but couldn't confirm anything more than that.

    most of the sources I follow are either in or linked to Syria, but I've also recently been chatting to a local in Iraq who's been posting some amazing photos - some of them he's taken, some he's come across but it's hard to tell which is which. here's a gallery with a bunch:

    last one is a LAW with turkish firing instructions on it.

    Post last edited by aldra at 2017-03-18T17:46:52.646489+00:00

    the only thing the jedimedia can be depended on for is to NOT provide accurate information.

    I can't wait until non-jedi media starts releasing pics of jediplanes in tiny pieces scattered about the desert.

    the single greatest accomplishment of jediland is trumpeting their operational successes while wholly burying their far more numerous failures. and holy flaming shit, do they have some good ones I wish everyone could know about.

    that pic link failed...
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra Israel has done this something like 5 times recently - they claim they're attacking Hezbullah or some other group they don't like, but it's usually SAA sites that get hit. in many cases the SAA has claimed that their attacks were explicitly to protect ISIS or AQ.

    This is the first time the SAA have fired SAMs at them - they've been very careful about not engaging US/EU/etc craft, and the jedis have a habit of flying at night and not flying their colours so they have to be extremely sure of the target before engaging.

    for that reason it may be likely that Russia gave the go-ahead to engage - they have S400 units (and in all likelihood a prototype S500) with the latest radar deployed relatively close to the Israel border so it stands to reason they were able to get much earlier and more detailed information than the SAA's units.

    in short, the SAA has demonstrated that the jedis can no longer carry out strikes with impunity and that Russia is backing them on that.

    that...and every intelligence unit in the western hemisphere is drooling over the telemetry of that launch. SA-5 nothing... SAM vs SAM? the testicular emissions resulting from that engagement are going to fill a fleet of ocean going tankers.

    I don't know what jedimissile was launched. Ive seen articles calling it arrow or patriot then showing stock-pics of the opposite... patriot or arrow. might even have been iron-jedi, depending on range.

    as far as an as yet deployed firstly, it's not designed primarily for anti-aircraft when other, less expensive, alternatives are available, and secondly, Russia is trying to keep its capabilities hush-hush and sparking one off in the middle of Syria is going to advertize to the world it's capabilities...including ELINT they don't want to be giving out.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist lol zill the zat must be epileptic. why else would you make such a fred. hahah what a loser faggit.

    pray that I never find you passed out unconscious somewhere. I guarantee by the next morning you'll be epileptic
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i dont know ive never…

    you should...itll be fun for you
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby post a picture of your face and your pi here

    this is how you provide evidence of your want face pics. only fags care what their fap partners faces look like.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I've had 4 seizures from drug / alochol usage, why do you ask?

    thats awesome...i mean, my condolences

    no reason...just curious.

    soooo...hypothetically, out of curiosity, if someone sent you an epileptogenic tweet...would your head splode?
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by DocFoster Having posted on here a little bit, and lurked much much more I'm curious about the DEMOGRAPHICS and social make up of such a group.
    As such I have a few basic questions. Feel free to answer or not. Or lie. I'm just curious about what niggas I share space with
    Education level?
    Political stance?
    Criminal record?
    Drugs of choice?

    I'll start. 20s, private security, 3 years of college and dropped out. White, flawless criminal record, deep love of weed and xanax. No goals really anymore, I like aliens, transhumanism, human augmentation, shitty conspiracy theories, and good beer. On an A+ day is be repairing old game consoles. I'm about as politically middle of the road as it gets.

    Now it's your turn!

    at least youre not a nigger

    orifice plunderer
    orifice plundering
    elevendy five
    on top
    use enuff dont get caught
    viagra, intravenous
    plunder orifices
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Native American eh? This is why we want to know what people look like. That's cool kolokol. I wish this forum was littered with natives and black and Indians and mexixans and everything in between. I love diversity.

    so did your mother. which explains why youre a nigger and your other siblings are natives, nigger, spic, and probably some extra terrestrials.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby They should all be destroyed

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