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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dorf Cooter No wonder you have no sack

    you certainly have a well endowed sack. the one belonging to your pimp hanging from your chin

    go on, faggot bitch, get on with posting all this knowledge you claim to have

    when you continue fumbling your replies im going to smack your ass the way your pimp does when youre naughty

    get on with it, fumbalina...we want to hear more of your idiocy
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dorf Cooter im pathetic

    im still waiting for you to post this wondrous knowledge you claim to possess about the subject matter.

    all youve done so far is beat your bird-chest and oook and eeek like a nigger getting cornholed by my dick.

    put up or shut up, bitch
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader isnt isis the moslem version of what andrew's been trying to establish/encourage ???

    their stated goal is to turn most of the world into their version of the ideal situation for islam: a 'caliphate' united under one head-priest
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dorf Cooter Is that Princess Faggart?

    youre pathetic and should now kill yourself to preserve any semblance of dignity to atone for your disgusting display of retardation and incorrect information.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Wrong on too many points to begin. But just to name one, the M829 APFSDS.

    As you can plainly see the DU penetrator is well down range and clear if the crew before the discarding the sabot. Go play arm chair general with the civilians.

    Key point:

    - faggot claims video depicts an M829 APFSDS round
    - faggot states a 'DU penetrator is well down range and clear if the crew before the discarding the sabot.'

    facts: both statements are false

    - at no point in the posted video is a M829 APFSDS round depicted
    - at no point in the posted video is a DU penetrator shown.
    - all sabot rounds begin to shed their sabot immediately upon leaving the muzzle. this is irrelevant since the sabot has no DU and simply covers PART of the actual penetrator, emphasizing my point that hyper-velocityj propellant gasses interacting with the potentially exposed DU endanger the interior crew, as well as personnel nearby and down-range.
    - faggot is clearly and obviously clueless and retarded and should be frequently derided.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader isis were a bunch of people inspired by ander breivick. they read his 2083 and it radicalized them.

    and thus, isis were born.


  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Sorry, Someone answer this. I kept up on all of this shit until a few years ago..maybe 5. I'm locked into one time zone. is ISIS leftover from Al Queda or whoever? and then what is the fucking purpose of these guys? and who's on their side and who isn't? What nationality are they most of?

    to me it was just going from one group to blaming as insurgents to the next and took off. what happens if ISIS is stomped out. and whatever happen to Al Queda? it's like AIDS.. blame blame blame .. fear fear fear.. "what's AIDS"

    is-is is a western-created organization to further the stigma of terrorism and ensure continued funding for the war-machine
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Nothing but armchair idiots ITT. Not one of you has so much as touched a sabot round. Of you want the skinny on this shit grow a set of balls… 440 321 2253

    I'm not gonna waste finger power typing what I know. But if you dial I'll gladly tell you how it is.


    bitch...i have literally used live sabot rounds, amongst other cannon shells, and even larger...'ordinance'... as dildos.

    youre the retard. you literally stated a video you posted depicted a specific round, when in fact, it did not. YOU, fucktard, have made it hilariously apparent you have absolutely zero knowledge on anything relating to OOB.

    the only waste going on here is reading the bullshit you try to pawn off. fucking faggot...youre so lonely and desperate youll do anything to get someone to call you.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fox Paws You fuckin idiot, the missile attack on Syria had absolutely nothing to do with their chemical weapon deployment on civilians. That was just the most convenient and obvious excuse for them to use.

    Back when Obama was president and Syria conducted a similar sarin gas attack that killed over 1400 people (according to U.S. estimates), nothing was done. You might remember that Obama had previously said that such an attack would be crossing a "line" for him and that he would respond with force. But after much deliberation, we didn't do shit. And at the time, Obama was criticized by who else but Donald Trump for even CONSIDERING an attack against Syria as that would have been a "big mistake".

    Now we get less than 100 civilians killed by the same tyrannical government using the same exact type of gas as before, and Donald Trump, wiping tears from his eyes over all the dead kiddies, decides that the only moral choice is to initiate the first direct military action against the Syrian government by the U.S. since their civil war began. Come the fuck on. Morality means jack shit at this level.

    dont forget that even before is-is existed the west wanted to invade syria until the proles said 'no.'
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    two fucking years.

    youre a fucking retard.

    and fuck-pause...your name is retarded. no one cares youre fucking your daddy.
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    youre all retarded.

    its more like 'one flew over the coo coos nest', 'idiocracy', and '12 monkeys', had a butt-sex gang bang which resulted in a rectal birth of this site.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by benny vader my understanding is that du rounds are by default … tinily radioactive, and therefore everything they came into contact with becomes tinily radioactive ….

    and the blowback seems rather significant in this video.

    edit t : whatever happened to auto parsing ?????

    Post last edited by benny vader at 2017-04-12T01:21:01.171751+00:00

    tinily...yes...and in an insignificant amount compared to the toxicity of airborne DU. Anything the DU particles come on contact with will also carry the particles around. the chambers are by no means hermetically sealed and the smell of burned propellant is very, very strong inside the tank or whatever armored vehicle is firing a DU round...even with the AC/enhancements running. any round where the DE itself is exposed to the propellant gasses will dispers DU/oxidized-DU all about the firing position and inside the vehicle.

    those rounds being loaded were training (blue) shaped-charge. the 'spikes' at the front are for standoff distance when the round impacts the target.
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by AngryOnion If I post a vid of one my bee hives will anyone watch?
    Bee's are very busy all the time.

    only if they're gay bees stinging each other in their assholes. or whatever holes gay bees use to get plugged to derive their foggotry bliss
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Pictures exist.. they are on here somewhere…if you went through her post history you would find them. I have them on my laptop but I value her beauty too much to just give it away frivolously.


    your pathetic attempt at the extinct principles of chivalry are not going to get your dick sucked or fucked by any chicks, faggot
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    lube up a video camera and cram it all the way up your asshole...then do a hand stand long enough for it to work it's way thru your digestive tract and out thru your mouth.

    if it gets stuck, have a helper use a plumbers snake to help jamb it thru
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by blackbird You can have anything in jail if you hide it in your butt.

    I'm taking requests from anyone that wants to hide my dick.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RestStop Sometimes Brahs, I feel like crying. Sometimes Brahs, I feel like dying. Sometimes Brahs, I wonder why I'm trying. I wish a fountain of Pepsi could be my fountain sprang. Sometimes Brahs, I wish I could chill and do my own thing. In the end I am just a hat, just a hat, a hat.

    take off your bra and post pics, you illiterate fucktard
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RestStop Okay so basically Totse had gay butt sex with a squirrel and that squirrel gave birth to this gay retarded fish named Zoklet. ZOklet had gay butt sex with this other gay fish and gave birth to this retarded monkey called Redfern and after a drunken gay butt sex orgy eventually this kid Lanny was born and he created this site.

    you forgot the anal seks gang bang between several iguanas, a goat, four monitor liserds, a few 'my little pony' ponys, Bill Krozbys mother, and a drunken mexican pinata which resulted in the rectal-birth of 'intoskankery'
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    this thread is now about....depleted uranium

    all masters of the till your fingers bleed.

    I especially want to hear from the resident expert of depleted uranium, also known as Dorf Cooter.

  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump My name isn't RisiR, please dont reply to my posts. Go find your German piss master on totseans he misses you.

    I don't care what your name is, you're nothing more to me than a repository for my sexual expression. be happy that I address you as 'bitch' and consider yourself fortunate.
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