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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL His name was Beige Warlock. I met the guy briefly. Taken from us way too soon.

    Totse 2001 is beige warlock, he forgot his password or something
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  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    ^thats only becos your too slow.
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  3. DocFoster Tuskegee Airman [concentrate my unpalatable boomer]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Are you DocFoster's brother?

    Google is your friend, bud.

    He's not. I have no idea who he is, but there's room for only one foster on my station
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  4. @ 0:20

    I think Mr Lifeson has been experimenting with Cough n Paris Hilton

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  5. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    engaged in rampant phaggottry/
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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeh you feel differently when you get older. you'll start to realize that obsessing about vanity really is retarded for one. coz you obsess about how you appear to everyone else, but guess what? none of them give a fuck what you look like, coz they're all obsessed with how they look too much to give a fuck what you look like.

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  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If you squirted a tube of Crazy Glue into a person's dick, what would happen to them if they didn't immediately go to a hospital and get a bypass? Would their head explode from not being able to piss, or would their guts eventually explode through their stomach? You know that feeling when you just GOTTA go and it's excruciating? What happens if you can't?

    I don't know what adhesive crazy glue is based on, but I do know there is a class of adhesives based on various types of isocyanates (xxxxxxxx isocyanate) that it's curing process involves exposure to moisture. (the higher the humidity...or wetness...the faster the cure rate)

    if a quantity of this adhesive were squirted into the urethra deeply enough, the excess moisture would result in a faster-than-spec curing, which would also involve unintentional expansion, even more effectively plugging the tube.

    this is the simplistic explanation because a real bladder rupture involves a decent sized books worth of information for treatment but...

    over time the kidneys would continue to fill the bladder, causing discomfort, then eventually excruciating pain. if the person didn't receive medical treatment to remove the blockage, their bladder would rupture, the technical term being fistula, and would release the bladder contents along with any blood from torn blood vessels.

    again...too many variables and too complicated for this thread...but simplistic terms, the person might bleed to death first, they might go xx amount of time before infection kills them, their abdominal or pelvic cavity (or both) would continue to fill with fluids, including new ones the body is trying to use to protect itself, or...they just might fucking explode from drinking too many fluids and literally pissing themselves to death
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ OK, and now help me out here, why would they do that? There has to be hundreds of people, at least, that knew the real father and son, so would it not be immediately obvious to them that this was a ruse?

    If I were involved in a false flag, and someone other than my mom (but claiming to be my mom) got on national TV tomorrow and giggled and said they were so sad I am dead, so many fucking people would IMMEDIATELY call that out.

    Evidently the whole town was corrupt.

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  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Religion will actually give the kid a basis for his morality and sense of right and wrong down the road. I suppose you guys would rather he attend a KKK meeting or something.

    Pretty much. The 'because I said so' line also wears out pretty quick.

    I'm not going to fuck him up - honestly I wish I'd gone to church when I was a kid. It sure would have saved me a lot of trouble later on. He'll ultimately be better for it.
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  10. Z-K Yung Blood [my mistrustfully intense shariah]
    Its okay he paid me all is well
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  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The military is for dumbasses and people who don't know what to do with their lives and need a structured guided environment.
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  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL For those who can actually follow the thread properly, infinityshock was mocking BOSS's post, not admitting to any stupidity.

    it defeats the purpose of making fun of the retards if you spell out to them how im making fun of them. the entirety of the humor is them being made fun of without knowing it.
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  13. Sub_Mod Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL There are two genuine Bill Krozbys… Bill Krozbyes… errrr… Bill Krozbyi… on the Internet? Wow!

    Sub_Mod back again,

    Yes, you are correct.
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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by BOSS I deal and synthesize drugs for IRL and darknet sales. How about yourself? Good to meet you

    how much do federal agents make these days?
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  15. bling bling Dark Matter
    idoit i eat 6 dhcsprites every 2 seconds
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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Mayweather You are literally jealous of my youth.

    It really comes through in this post.

    youth really isn't something worth being jealous of, but then you don't realize that till you hit about 40. then you realize just how much advantage life experience gives you and how much of a dumbass you were when you didn't realize you lacked it.

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  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL Why is Ohio called, The Ellipsis State?

    O HI, o
    O -> 0 -> o

    0 is an ellipse
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  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 So why is it a canary? I think it should be a mockingbird, since it's mocking federal authorities and all

    back in the olden' days deep-earth miners would bring canaries (the bird) into the mines with them. canaries are more sensitive than humans to the 'bad' air that is common underground. if the canary died the miners knew the air was toxic and it was time to haul ass to the surface before they succumbed.

    nowadays they use electronic devices to sample air quality.

    in summary...the term 'canary' is used to describe some sort of early warning method.
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  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Person: Good morning.
    infinityshock: fuck you with a 14-inch dildo
    Person: Excuse me…?
    infinityshock: you heard me, bitch, fuck you and the AIDS-infected horse you rode in on
    Person: [blank]
    infinityshock: now, get out of here before I grab your sphincter-flaps and pull them right up over that ugly cock holster you like to call a face
    Person: [runs away in terror]

    i would never say anything like that for no reason...only when its justified due to the idiocy of the intended recipient. im completely serious when I say i have done something not completely dissimilar to that

    - in city-hall where the water bills are paid, i was returning a plastic water-meter cover that the city workers left in my yard, that I didnt need because i had a cast-iron one...the fag (based on his lisp) behind the counter wouldnt take it for some stupid ass reason. i told him if he didnt take it i was going to cram it so far up his asshole his proctolgist was going to need a construction crane to remove it.

    - i was on the phone with a particular financial issue, with a supervisor, and the individual wasnt seeing things from my point of view to my satisfaction. i gave him a specific and well described explanation of what i would do to his lower digestive tract. he hung up on me...then i used that as justification to my CC company to get them to reverse the charges.

    - a pedestrian in front of my house was annoying me because they were marginally inconvenienced in their daily stroll due to my truck being parked on the sidewalk since it needed to be worked on and i didnt feel like getting hit by a car while doing so that particular day. i happened to have a brake-juice siphoning tool in my hand (it looks like a big hand exerciser with a pressure gauge on it and two lengths of 1/4" tubing) and gave the fucktard an elaborate description of what I could do to their asshole and other internal organs with it. i dont remember the exact verbatim wordage i used...but i do wish i had a camera to have recorded their facial expression. not exaggerating...but to this day he walks on the other side of the street or if im outside and he sees me, he'll either cross the street if he has time, or get off the sidewalk and walk in the street.

    i do such things so regularly i cant think of them all. there have been many, many times when i get into a public altercation i specifically get my phone in my hands with the camera turned on, but in the heat of the moment actually pressing the 'record' button slips my mind.
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  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Just imagine what the alternative could have been. A couple of rapist criminal thieves in the White House, selling state secrets and state favors to terrorist countries, arming and funding terrorist groups, running the entire government through a giant slush fund, igniting dozens more useless wars across the planet, murdering anyone who got in their way, and lying through their teeth the entire time. At least the Crooked Clinton Dynasty is now deader than a door nail.


    and imagine how it would be after she lost her mind more than she already did during the elections.
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