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Posts by TJ

  1. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Poast is a Mossad agent.

    i believed so as well.
  2. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Im not trying to take a pill that makes me vomit when I smoke.
    Yes there is a shot heroin addicts can get that block you from being able to get high. It lasts a month.
    I never tried it.

    And im pretty sure there are plenty of things that will make you puke if you drink on it.
    I dunno the name of the medication but i know ill puke if i eat a whole bunch and start drinking really fast.

    just have a half a teaspoon full of epicat syrup before taking a drag. you will vomit either way. but it might get associated with the cig or vape you drag from. actually dont do that. its for poison control not as a cig controller..even though its the chemicals mixed in with cigs that are poisons
  3. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're astute, not that I know what that word means but, hey thats quite the triad.. talk about seeing things face to face.

    "Its astute of you". its french for craft. im not a craft i might have a craft.

    i just looked it up.
  4. TJ Houston
    i mean do i need snap chat or is there a stand alone software?
  5. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by WellHung step out into the open, and you will find yourself in a duel, cowboy.

    why did you make me stand alone so long. did you fall asleep?
  6. TJ Houston
    im told deep-fake which was bizillion dollar software paid by american tax payers for crypto agency exist in the public sector of snapchat. it doesnt just stick a virtual wig and silly groucho glasses on the face, it will turn a mans face into a womans or the cartooning is very well done 3d and very fluid with motion and eye and mouth coordination.

  7. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by G My mantra

    should be used for one of those degree mill colleges like Phoenix Online.
  8. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Errr.. maybe they're actually all Mossad agents. Occam's Razor might apply.

    I was thinking of the user Poast
  9. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by WellHung shut up, nerd.

    fucking make me u fat fgt
  10. TJ Houston
    Micheal Aquino is in hell with Satan and Adolf Hitler he worshipped. he got what he wanted. tormented for eternity.
  11. TJ Houston
    Beto Oroarke is friends with Lt Cln Mike Aquino as was Jeff Hunter
  12. TJ Houston
    I thought Captain Retard was Cpt Falcos real name
  13. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls

    He’s almost about 3 months old or so

    lol. im starting to wonder ifits not stuffed. like a real animal that died at 3 months old and you brought boris to a taxadermist because you couldnt let go.

    so like you use stop motion animation you keep posing his dead body in different boris poses :p
  14. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Admin's name was Arnox.

    thats strange, i think thats Lannys mother"s maiden name.
  15. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Michael Myers

    That's awesome that the dragon dude decided to keep the forum alive, it's pretty lulzy to see my posts from when I was 18.

    try going on and see if you can still find posts made on totse 20 years ago. theyre selectivly left on but if theyre potential evidence of treason, most like removed. at least treason from the admin
  16. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by STER0S that's me in his avatar and i'm not wearing a wig you fucking asshole.


    I just started an entire thread with an apology. what more can one do?
  17. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.................................... (banned) the niggers that you rent your orifices to say the same thing about your sexual skills

    weak ass AI Rude-Bot confirmed.

    Move on CARL!
  18. TJ Houston
    I need glasses. I thought you might be mmQ in a alt state.

    Your avatar looks like mmQ with a black wig on.

    in case that is you and I said "You only have a face a mother could love" well it speaks for most of us.

  19. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy My chantix is free with insurance.
    It is over $500 without it.
    They didn't have any in stock but I am going back Monday to pick it up when they do.
    I think I even got Chell down with Chantix and she said she would get a script and do it with me.
    Hell yeah

    So there is a medication that I believe makes you vomit if you do some kind of vice. I think it's smoking tobaco but it could be alcohol or even heroin. but I think there might be at least 2 different drugs out of the three vices that will work (I mean for at least 2 of the vices mentioned)

    so how many people truly are moderate drinkers like 1-2 glasses of wine on a weekend and an occasional weeknight?

    not many. I think alcohol is the worse fucking drug on earth. and it's been legal for centuries minus the 1930s prohibition years.
  20. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Sudo whats the link

    I PM you the link. I am afraid if I say it here that I will be cast out over there.
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