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Posts by TJ

  1. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 The passwood is *******
    My passwood is ********

    you'll be responsible if someone unscrambles that
  2. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Im not even out of weed yet.
    I still have 1 bowl but I picked up some of this crap hoping to substitute and use it to weeeeen off the weed.
    I drank a bit of it.
    Tastes like a yeast infection.

    See if i feel it in 10 or 15 minutes.

    I got some before but a different brand and i swear i didnt feel shit.

    I thought about buying some gummies instead but i didn't want to eat them all in 1 go which is something id do.

    is the entire bottle collectively 110mg? or is it 110 micro grams per drop? because 5-10 mg is the average to get you buzzed. unless you'r3e a hardcore burnout pothead.

    how many drops per bottle does that give you? how many drops are you supposed to place on your tongue? looks confusing as fuck. but no way is 110 mg a dose. that's fucking mad crazy.
  3. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Well your password is wrong, jeff

    OK Metaphys
  4. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Sorry boomer but my generation never learned math or history so i have no idea what the hell youre talking about


    Fuck off Scron. You're a pathetic confused Homosexual who pretends it's not gay to be in love with a chick with dick.

    Remember. there are no Chicks with Dicks. Just Dudes with Tits.
  5. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood im thinking you're a huge troll shitterhead

    as I mentioned before. Zok and Jeff Hunter are the King of Trolls. Not me. Zok stated "Greenspam is the King Of Trolls" and I got feedback on this as a serious matter. because at one time "Trolling was going to be outlawe" by George Bush Jr. stating it was an act of crime by deceipt and can cause physical or mental harm. NO FUCKING SHIT.

    But being an online Troll isn't the same. I was just being playful like most others. then suddenly it was just a card to play off of. I was called King of Troll because of some crazy shit to do with linenoise during a coding convention held on the 7 node of dialup at &TOTSE it got on Hunters nerves so much, he stated I was about to be the first to be banned from a no ban site. Eventually I and some dickface COCK NOSE name Digital Avatar and I were kicked. then Greenspam was first voted off of by everyone who fucking hated me. But Jeff popped on in his little chat bot he tested on me and then stated he will let me stay but others aren't going to treat me well.

    it was just a way for him to fuck with me for a while. then the fucking cunts took my password and Jeff banned me and there was robot.txt when I would log in. he IP wildcard banned me and anyone from my area on viacom/comcats (whatever it was then)

    I told this story often on other forums.. spreading how fake they were. and how it was all a Government Contract no doubt. no it's typically what everyone says. The 20 year Contract. but no one accepted when I said it. proving I was right about hunches.
  6. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yeah thats what every boomer says IM ACTUALLY GEN X Y Z HURRR

    Look up the rule. XGen which was defined by 8 different sources. 6 out of 8 stated mid 1965 was the cross over from Boomer to Xgen.

    it has to do with when someone graduated school. because there was 13 years left over from wanting to call everyone MOON PERSON, they created a short Generation to fill the gap. it was Geritol-Generation till graduation of 1941 Then Boomers (start of WWII) and finished Graduation year 1965. The reason is 72 years is a generation of man. but this consist of 3x24 which is Grandfather, Father and Son. 24 years is a generation to man. 72 years is a Generation of Man. it's bible related I think.

    I think the other 2 made 1964 the year because they were done by Europeans in which WWII started as the European war first.
  7. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker My dogs like fireworks, But they aren't little pussy dogs like yours.

    My Dog wasn't a pussy, when people set them off he would try and gnaw on the light reflections off the window. he wanted to take them on. he never needed one of those faggy hug blankies.
  8. TJ Houston
    JIE looks cool with that haircut. unfortunately he's in his fucking 30s, looks 17 years old and still lives with his grandma.

    My Strep bro lived at his fathers house till he was like 32 years old. his dad had to get him a Job for him. he was good at wrenching on cars. if it wasn't for his father, I don't think he would of had the Chutzpah to find one on his own. though he kept it for over 20 years so in a way he saved face by loving his job and sticking to it.

    What is your fucking excuse, JiE?
  9. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You mention Daddy often. Is there something you want to confess?

    whats up with the couches you dumpped off? Yeah, I know who you are.

    Did you treat Mitch's father like that as well? what would your mother say?
  10. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood UMMM no its not lol epic troll lmaoo

    according to Zok "Greenspam is the King of Trolls"

    I Think Zok, Jeff Hunter and Team MK whatever are the true King of Trolls. I'm just a space clown
  11. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay boomer

    I was born after June of 1965. that means I am a "13" aka XGen.
  12. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay Gramps2gramps keep pulling my leg you think youre so cleaver

    I got scared at the end and changed it.. Im naughty.
  13. TJ Houston
    The Cage was reference to the pilot's episode name of Star Trek with Jeff Hunter. they let Jeff go and hired on William Shatner because I guess Jeff was a raging alcoholic or some shit. I figured some of you would get the reference but not all.

    Nuclear Weasels. funny scene. Look at the cops expression. listen to the lady give directions at the end. she flubbed her lines up in cold read for the part and they liked the line and gave her the bit part and then told her to use that line regarding the USS Enterprize.

  14. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood OKay TJ we all know you're jeff hunter

    Oh man. the layers and layers of &TOTSE made me truly believe I was MKUltra chosen for this knowledge. who would believe me. Yes, Who would.

    Star Trek. Captain PIKE. USS Enterprize. Do you know where I can find Nucleeur Weasle USS Enterprize. Swims to Rock Wall Alameda. Known to locals as the "Cage" because it's would be a good fishing spot with a rockwall holding in catch.

  15. TJ Houston
    I'm leaving but before I leave I just wanted to say All Canadians should off themselves. You're not brits. Stop pretending you are. Same goes with being French. You're North Americans just like USA.
  16. TJ Houston
    The gift of the TJ account which I would not reveal the original owner is because Wellhung says I shouldn't be here. and that I am a weirdo and that I have no reason to live.

    I think he's right. Even in my best dreams no one likes me. I mean I have never had so many dreams like the past year or so in which I'm the one getting beat up or beat on instead of owning my dream like an A*lpha Dog should.

    My teeth have been breaking. I can't even smile now because one of my front tooth is decayed and is turning blackish. 3 teeth have cracked. one vertically and to others down to the root. 2 expensive crowns I had just placed in the last 5 years broke out. My bones are brittle. I was warned to start chewing on tums or take calcium supplements because of abone density test showing my bone were shit. I don't drink milk and don't eat much red meat. I eat cheese but not sure it's a good source of calcium.

    My own brain and dreams have turned on me. my breath is bad, my pills make my dick limp and my girlfriend wants me to sleep on the couch because my farts smell so bad.

    dogs and cats won't even come up to me anymore.

    So My password is gramps2Galore if you want to use the user name. I'm leaving.
  17. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by WellHung I dont like you…that's why. Ur personality sucks.

  18. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Wariat umad? cslifornia inclusive and liberal no?

    Actually I take that back. Come back. You bailed and broke the law. You were supposed to stay until your Probation ended. LOL you broke the law. they'll nab you at the Airport.
  19. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what u want ?

    like those weird games or game boards or maybe some cool 3D pictorial arts made from bamboo or stuff

    Originally posted by Wariat panties.

    You stay out of this. Also You stay out of California.
  20. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur such a lame, boring normie. U like gay shit.

    It's a funny film the trailer doesn't do it justice.

    Why are you always silly with other people with your pathetic weirdness but always bust on my nuts? You work for Satan aka Dr Michael Aquino?
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