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Posts by TJ

  1. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Wariat this thread just shows me hiki was right. youre all a bunch of normi epadants and you support the media and link articles who you claim to be me even if it had been so ehow proving im a bad guy due to media saying it from some hick toen and yet here youw re bashing the same emdia you use yourselves a s a wepaon. thwts what hor ies and peadants do. theyre hypocrytes like you.

    Shut the fuck up Wario. We don't have a MOMMY to support our glob trotting adventures like you clearly have. No Job, trying to be discovered as the next Dali Pedo in mind all the time. Maybe the Pedesta Brothers would dig your art scene.
  2. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Im on generic but I can't spell the generic name.

    I suffered from GERD. acid reducers are great but everyone seems to have one work better than the other. I think Zantac was pulled because it was seen as causing cancer?

    Is this because of the HepC Fona? the liver is lagging and the pancrease is probably pumping more enzymes out (or however that works) to wake the liver up.
    The doctors gave me cocktails of lidocain and other shit. the pain was so bad. i havn't suffered from it in recent years. it's about being Young and the liver over reacting. I'd tell you to stop drinking but as Red stated. "Stay out of my business stop trying to be the nice guy" because I told him to keep in touch with his pops. it's true. I shouldn't give fucks.

    so everyone can fuck the hell off.
  3. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Oh yeah did you see Kissinger? 97 and still hopping around.

    Or Alan Greenspan, a spring chicken at 94

    Never retire. as long as Uber doesn't leave cali.. just work 20 hours a week or 15. just keep doing shit. eat healthier. I'm trying to not eat as much meat but I pick Saturday as a pig out fast food (not much pigging out) and drinking mostly veggies and banana in a bullet juice mixer to get all of my veggies (I hate the texture of eating veggies). I love Broccoli and baby spinach in a blender with banana. just add water and a cutie. maybe a carrot.

    then I eat some small cold cuts of turkey. more fish. I mean maybe that's the key. walnuts too.
  4. TJ Houston
    You get those 200 dollar you put up front' credit cards with a 500 limit to get your credit score back up. just buy stuff you have cash for, use the card and immediately transfer funds to pay them off right away every time you purchase.

    your credit will be fixed by 18-20 months time.
    540 to 720. i did it myself. just buy 30 dollars here and 15 bucks there. pay it off right away. don't use it as a credit card for debt.
  5. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood scuse me tj?

    I did not start this thread. I am not the OP
  6. TJ Houston
    German jedis seem to have really good genes. they always seem to live in their 90s or past 100. Rockafellers especially
  7. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls I’m being serious, never put other fruit next to bananas because they’ll ruin it

    A simple google search will tell you that also my man

    well.. i'll let gigi know this. I'm told you're supposed to wait till bananas turn hell of freckle and slightly squishy before eating them. most people throw them out by then (or best to make banana bread with an aged banana) it's healthier and anti oxident or some shit. keeps cancer cells from growing I guess.

    thanks for the reply. I should show you photos of my old dog. :( he dead now. Cancer
  8. TJ Houston
    inb4 kr0z says Week Whytes
  9. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Guessing they were Nigerians. Most of the African families we get here tend to be Nigerians. We get Congolese and Zimbabweans too, but they tend to be as refugees, Nigerians often come here on employment visas.

    I didn't see Nigerian at first. I thought they spoke their own language. You said French African and I know Congo peeeps speak it because my friends dad was half of that. or maybe he was Kenyan but he spoke fluent french because he lived in the Congo working.

    they're general nice people too. it's more of a class of low income that don't respect their host countries it seems. it's weird. give them more shit and they just create chaos because they want to be seen as locals and maybe feel they're being paid slave wages when often many of them have better life styles and riches than poor locals have. they get more subsidy while locals struggling dont get shit.
  10. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls Gigi? I knew a Thai girl with that nickname

    Well he's so playful and spoilt right now but well behaved, pee pee and poo poo in the correct places too

    There's only one issue at the moment he chews on everything but that's because he's teething

    Get him one of those icecream rubber chew toys. he will teeth on that. rub some dog treat on it so it becomes his fave so he doesn't chew on other shit. take one of those gravy dried treats and rub it on the toy every now and then. he'll get used to gnawing on that and nothing else...much

    I have experiences.. I'v owned several dogs and this was taught to us by a vet.
  11. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The Carrigaline stabbing? Last I heard he was fine, and the guy who stabbed him (who was some half Irish half-Nigerian, but running with a crew of Fresh Off the Boat Africans) was on the run, assume he has been caught by now, but the media covers all this sort of stuff up so it's hard to get the actual information.

    French African? like Congolese?
  12. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by blaster master fralala is like cathulu, older than the concept of time.

    I heard she has wide birthing hips. Somehow this turned Lanny on. (even though I thought he was a gay)

    Maybe Lanny's sperm count is running out and he wants to have a little lanster or a lanna at best.
  13. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker None, got it.

    Seriously. It doesn't prove shit that you got money from a deceased relative, PARKER. and bought something with it probably at a state auction sale during a time people are suffering and losing everything.

    6 Properties so far is what i'v owned. not flipping but slowly flipping each one. upgrading and buying a nicer property. the shortest flip was 18 months. the longest about 17 years.

    I plan on buying property near Shasta and go off grid. my own place. some houses sadly burned out in fires like Paradise (and only property left) were going for 20k on auctions because people didn't want to move back.

    but those properties have water lines and electricity still existing. and zoned. I wouldn't buy one even if they were still that low because they are zoned for specific bedroom bathroom. which I can't afford and don't want to take a loan out.

    So I want to have a prefab placed at best. I want to find a property with a well and sewer if possible. it doesn't have to have electricity. I will go off grid and use minimal appliance. you can find small open face freezers that can run off of a small solar array and own just a laptop and small TV or tablet for sports or news. I don't watch much TV itself.

    I'v never owned a property outright. but I have bought real estate and the bank carried the papers like most people. If I had the cash you did, I would of gone to auctions and just waited until I knew I got a great deal.
  14. TJ Houston
    He was in a Junior Cop program and maybe it's a photoshop but he's seen in a firefighter outfit (or he's a volunteer?)

    Someone on Reddit joked he was trying to become all of the village people. his face in all the costumes photo shopped.

    But he seemed like generally a good kid. washing paint off of walls from Antifa faggots graffiti.

    did he just shoot someone or did he shoot someone who was a clear and direct threat to him and others? i don't want to turn this into a white nationalist pride shit. maybe other shit went down.

    also Antifa aren't all bad I'm sure. just the left wing nut cases who are a splinter cell and embed themselves in Antifa
  15. TJ Houston
    I want that dog. But I can't have any. gigi says it makes her sneeze and her face swells up. she's allergic. Its a short hair mut with a precious pissy face. how can you not just deal with the allergic reaction. often your body gets used to it. she can admire it on my lap from a distance. just me a Boris laying on the couch.. me flipping him in acrobatic cartwheels.

    do you moosh his face Grylls.. just to see how much more pissed off he gets?

    dude.. that's a hollywood dog for sure. I can picture him in a film. Bengie or some shit
  16. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by STER0S hey now you leave lanny out of this!

    Everyone always protecting him. especially Fralala

    She's a little old for him, isn't she?
  17. TJ Houston
    I don't take meds to get high. If it happens The medical industry states it's "A Happy Coincidence"

    It sounds dangerous. you can easily OD. and if you suffer from COPD or Asthma it's really not a good idea. you could have an attack. it says right on there it can have an adverse reaction with asthma patients.

    also you have to take a handful. I mean I get grumpy taking 2 of them when sick because I'm so groggy. imagine taking 10 or whatever the number is. it's supposed to cause LSD like delussions? why is that fun?
  18. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting We're like sheltered children in the west.

    Before the video got out in a big way the media tried to spin this as some sort of attack by ebul nazis.

    Imagine lying this much.

    This is past even Techno tier dishonesty.

    Whats up in Ireland, Soi? the white kid getting stabbed in the back some time ago. i heard it was candy coated and wiped quickly off the media. did he survive? his girlfriend protexted him which was pretty BrOvado

    I guess if you can get an Irish Girlfriend.. she's a woman for life if you chose.
  19. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by HTS I bet the idea of some stupid brainwashed goyim sticking a red hot car cigarette lighter into a gunshot wound in vain is better than viagra for some hollywood producer out there somewhere.

    {in meg griffin voice} Hi HTS.

    did you do it. did you go all the way and went full mangina?
  20. TJ Houston
    I got a shitty memory. I know I tried this password like 2 times (same one) and it rejected me and then with a capital in areas and then I got shut down for too many tries.

    Lanny Gaems no doubt
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