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Posts by TJ

  1. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong again

    Definition of pshaw
    —used to express irritation, disapproval, contempt, or disbelief

    Examples of pshaw in a Sentence
    pshaw! anyone else could have done that job in half the time that it took her

    First Known Use of pshaw
    1607, in the meaning defined above

    ok I was closer than Bill Krozbyt and irritation. pshaw this corset/petticoat is too tight and I have the vapors.

  2. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong again.

    did you go to a foreclosure and steal that from some family suffering from hardship?

    is that pea rock packed down? I love that stuff. it keeps the weeds from coming up and giving it kind of a natural desert look. contrasts to the hills area
  3. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It certainly is. But it's origin is Norse from "umbuds man" meaning representitive.

    Humboldt? You're not the crazy jedi guy who claims to be mossad agent are you?

    fuck was his name. he's edgy.. or likes to think he is.

    Speaking of which.. I went on Jumpin last night in some random pot room. everyone looked too square to be potheads though Im sure they were. I said "You all look like scientist or mossad agents" and I got banned. not booted but banned. I mean what triggered them?
  4. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood he wont, he' s a bitch

    You're his friend. call him and ask him to. I want to see if he's stable to be living with a senior citizen he claims to love so much.
  5. TJ Houston
    nothing more to say. be there.
  6. TJ Houston
    Parkers Place LOL

  7. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You missed the point entirely dumbass. Move along.

    I can only imagine what White Trash decor you're gonna design your new home in. Dead deer heads mounted like prize hunter trophys and tacky ass 1970s paneling on the walls like an old double wide might have.

    lawn half ass taken care of with crab grass everywhere. shitty old cars and car parts leaking oil and the neighbors getting pissed off.

    You probably hoard empty cardboard boxes and news papers and have bags of trash 6 months old collecting cacaroaches

    You're not fit to be a property owner, PARKER
  8. TJ Houston
    Oh, Pashore.

    I believe it's pronounced pea-sure or something weird like that. it's an old Georgia saying that Old Georgia women during the post slavery Victorian Era would say.

    Usually when they have the "Vapors" which was having bad gas for wearing those metal petticoats under their dresses. its like a corsette where it would bind their guts and they would often have to wrench one out or pass out.

    I forgot what I was thinking of.
  9. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.................................... (banned) 'technically' getting rectally ramrodded by more niggers than fit in a medium-sized sub-saharan nation does not mean youre a virgin

    your insults are so repetitive with slight changes I can swear you're just a vulgar chat bot with low AI ability.
  10. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by cigreting Since 2013 for me so its long enough that i qualify

    Your avatar is the face only a mother can love. what species I'm not totally sure.. but yeah.
  11. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty teej could kick your ass, he knows how to go berzerker mode.

    there will only be two hits, kid rocks bawittadow and you hitting the floor you simpering cuck.

    That would be elder abuse from a AARP member turning senior citizen.
  12. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Nigger are you fucking high???

    I am not the OP
  13. TJ Houston
    Sorry.. I just You have a sea in the north. I thought you were entirely surrounded.

    what is gotland island about? go there.
  14. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Wariat This is me rigt now. yes id rwthe rbe me right now.

    Poland is landlocked. What beach is that?
  15. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls

    Send them photos this way

    I got one where he wont let go of a rope (chew toy) and I am spinning him in the backyard and I let the rope go and he tumbles sideways on the lawn and then comes back at me for more. I did it gently'ish he was a tough dog.
  16. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I dont drink.

    I'm glad my man. it's the quickest way to liver destruction especially with Hep.
    I'm sorry you have Hep. I wish they could give you those pills that cure it. I think it's a 6 week treatment.
  17. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Person one: What is your opinion deep pile carpet vs a berber weave?

    Person Two: While a deep pile is softer a berber last much longer and releases dirt better when vacuumed or shampooed.

    Wariat: I beat a vacuum cleaner salesman once. I hate salesman.

    Parker, you're on some interesting drugs my man.

    Berber carpets aren't "IN" anymore because in fact when they break down they look like shit and when you get lose threading it jams up the carpet cleaners.
    I would stick with a wood floor or wood laminate flooring like a floater floor style. and just run "Runner" rugs on them. nice Asian or Persian ones if possible.

    I would like a nice wood laminate or even clay tile flooring. Spanish tile is nice. and place a big ass high-lo white shag under the coffee table and have all leather sofas and end chairs that match.

    a place a big ass Persian Tapestry on the wall.

    floor is easier to clean that way. carpet is nasty. it collects dust and never really vacuums out. you only vacuum out like 75 percent of anything.
  18. TJ Houston
    If he pushed you and threatened you then ideally you walk away but if you have to defend yourself then do so. I have a short fuse. I was just trying to tell you to get meds because you clearly have a short fuse as well.

    but if he physically threatening than do what you have to do, Wario.. but remember. you came on here talking about hitting people and knocking them unconscious with sucker punches and laughing about it. I'm just saying thats highschool or college shit. and it's dirty.

    but I don't expect you to get ordered around or bullies either.

    Remember. I'm not supposed to be the nice supportive guy. i got addressed on that in jumpbltc

    So fuck everyone. I still think you could benefit from chill pills though
  19. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Wariat salvador dali was a genius and one of the greatest artists of all time.

    He was but he was a known perv. It's weird how he and Walt got along so well. He made art from poo and drew butholes mainly of peoples butts he would stick his brush in. True story. he did this during the French New-wave art scene. 1960s?

    Guy was daft-punk as fuck.
  20. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Wariat Some weird Armenian looking guy got in my face and started disrespecting me and saying I shouldn't piss near him behind the dumpster. He treated me like a punk and said he worked there but wouldn't explain to me where exactly he worked like in the club/bar or where and started talking shit. I then after finishing my piss went to him and said I can't piss inside because they require masks and I don't have one and I will piss where I please. He then got up and started touching my wrists grabbing them and I quickly reversed his grip then he either went for a mace or started putting his hands in his pockets. I told him while backing up to calm down he threatened to get some security orther ppl on me then as he got close again I threw a right hook so hard I still feel my middle knuckle and a left uppercut. Some guy behind me grabbed me or touched me and I panicked it was a bouncer from inside or they surrounded me or something and ran off.

    You don't fight fair. you sucker punch and hit people with glass objects.

    I mean, that shit might of been funny in the teen years but you're a full grown man. You need to deal with your anger issues. I swear you're gonna get murked by some crazy 12 degree black belt instructor one of these days. or just straight up stabbed or shot.

    You need to try and just go "pfft" and walk away. you need to control your anger more. get medication. it helps. I'm trying to see you as a guy with an art skill (really weird art that I enjoy sometimes. it speaks volumes of what is going on inside your brain) smoke pot. drink less. shit. move to amsterdam and just get a job working in a restaurant that serves foods with weed inside. consider it a "Slinging Hash" job that most artist have to do before being discovered. even your buddy Adolf Hitler (Which is weird because you're polish) got rejected much of the time. Did you know in the 1920s he tried to become involved in the bohemian art scene in Paris and was rejected. Possibly why Adolf started hating gays and gypsies known to be apart of the art underground scene that Adolf was so much attracted to.

    see the film Max (With John Cusack) hahaha hitler had stockholm cuck syndrome for Aryans because they thought Hitler was a short jedi and he wanted to be like them so much.

    He got rejected in the finest Art Acadamy that only Aryans were allowed and then the Underground Gypsie and Gay art culture of bohemians. but his art was pretty interesting

    that being said. Keep dating them older women and respect that's only were your penis should be. not 14 year olds that you claim to like to date.
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