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Posts That Were Thanked by General Butt.Naked

  1. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Would you say there's a lack of sunshine in your life currently? regardless of the weather, do you feel that the temperature in your local environment has cooled somewhat? do you feel like whenever she leaves, she spends far too long outside of the home? at least you know she's at the holiday inn express. are you worried at all that the comfortable living conditions they provide might incline her to remain there indefinitely? in her absence, does your house no longer feel as though it were a *home*? do you know? you know? you know? you know? that, hey, you oughta leave the young thing alone (she's trying to work after all)? does it feel like your world is enveloped in darkness every single day she remains absent?

    is it like this every time she goes away?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Sweet African Astronaut
    That's why a gay man is also commonly known as a Swiss Army Wife
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  3. Sweet African Astronaut
    RIP Lance Red Dick
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    a tear precedes destruction
    a form that follows function
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Honestly im pretty drunk. i pulled up to the 25 hour subway n there were 2 cops inside. They sized me up and i knew if i looked sketchy they might stop me on my way out so i just looked real NONCHALANT and asked them about if they solved any MURDERS tonight and remarked that it was sad that the city wasnt paying him enough that he had to get a flatbread sandwich instead of the jalapeno cheddar double philly cheesesteak i was getting. Then i said thanks for ur service and got back into my jeep full of whiskey bottles and mushrooms and drove across the street to carls jr to get an oreo milkshake.

    On the way feom carls to my home i played HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE. Not the first time ive driven without pants and it certainly dont be the last

    Hashtag yolo
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  7. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Knife She has bruises everywhere and two blue eyes and I dont hesitate to take her out with me looking like a punching bag.. I was one time at Japan with my girlfriend and this random asian whore came up to us asking for a picture while my girlfriend had bruises all over her face and body and I looked evil and angry in the camera like Richard Ramirez I could see the Japanese girl shivering and wet for me, the only reason I allowed the picture to be taken was because if it gets famous to show that I am a evil sadistic fuck that beats the shit out of my girlfriend and she cant do anything about it because she loves it and its completely normalized in her brain. I bet this asian bitch probably masturbated at night picturing herself as my girlfriend with bruises and imagining me beating the shit out of her, women love evil darktriad looking badboys dont they? I mean why else would she wanted a picture this dirty whore.

    They ask about the bruises she gives a honest answer, "he beats the shit out of me and i love it!" because if i answered it of course I would get in trouble because i am a "Man!" and we always get the blame.. fuck society. Same thing with women saying they wouldnt care if a hot man raped them on the internet but if a man said he wants to rape a hot woman he gets in prison and locked forever.. This world isnt fair innit?

    Tldr: My girlfriend is into bdsm, she likes being beaten by me and i show it around not giving a fuck because no simp cuck can say anything infront of my face because i will break them.

    I thought this was a Kafka post cuz I'm drunk and I was like dam she's admitting she's a man lol
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  8. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
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  10. Sweet African Astronaut
    Mister Nema-Toad

    Has all the powers of a nematode as well as a toad and also of being people's nemesis. If he decides to nemacize you, he will plague you and be your nemesis until you are defeated or he is otherwise satisfied and convinced to leave you alone. Even if he is completely annihilated, he will find a way to return. He has infinite persistence to nemacise you.

    His nematode and toad based powers allow him to perform various superhuman feats. He can accelerate his won metabolism when he needs to "boost" himself. As a side effect this causes him to produce more heat and perspiration, which generates more toad sweat, which itself can be imbued with many dangerous and useful properties like acid and psychedelic 5-MAO DMT. He doesn't need to breathe with lungs and can make all his bones flexible to escape holds and locks and slip between obstacles and escape all forms of bonds and containment mechanisms that are not specifically conceived to trap him. He can burrow really fast and can recover and heal from huge damage, to the point where he can even survive being cut in half (his other half doesn't become another living guy though, that's a misconception).

    His parasite abilities allow him to quickly threaten even the strongest biotic enemies by allowing him to circuit into their life forces and juices.

    He can lash out his big tongue and even use it for parasitic insertion and sapping and spit various kinds of acidic and toxic muscosal discharges. He can jump all over the place and stick to surfaces and shit.
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra best part was his daughter immediately replying 'dad what are you doing'

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  12. Originally posted by CandyRein

    🐬 πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ’–

    have you seen a 12 year old girl ?
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  13. Sweet African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked My life is all work and girlfriend now. Nothing fun happens really. All shenanigans and tomfoolery were put on hiatus. Casper a decade ago wouldve stolen my credit cards, pissed in my car and called me a bitch.

    I should piss in my car metaphorically and also literally

    You are a stallion you gotta run free
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I might see if its on hulu rn. Last i remember there was a big naked lady and the little japanese boy becamed a big strong man and they had a sexually charged wrestling match in which the boyman was effectively dommed

    I think you only watched the first season

    if you watched the second you'd probably remember the giant monkey man
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump GG and me are the ideal height to have standing sex, since she has slightly longer legs than me, but she won't because she broke her pelvis when she was younger and says it hurts. She won't even ride me. We only ever have sex doggy style.

    I never had standing sex with anyone :(

    sounds like it didn't heal right and you need to break it again to reset it
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  17. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I watched to the end of season 2 and then it seemed like no episodes came out for a long time so thats just where i stopped

    yeah this is what fucked me over. i watched season 3 as it aired without watching 1-2 again and was kinda lost. should prob watch it from the beginning again, now that it's more or less done (a couple more episodes but the last episode they put out was an hour long so you can tell they're really tryna wrap shit up at this point. it's currently on "the final season: no really, no REALLY we really mean it this time" and they actually do seem to mean it.

    istg if they make me wait for the final final final final season i will fly to japan and fly a plain into MAPPA's studio building i do not care anymore their animations have consistent issues with transposing characters onto the background layer and i am done with their shit that would be the last straw (they clearly need to understand how plains work)
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  18. cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
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  19. cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    its me, im the fattest user here

    and DAMN CASPER you got the chill dude hosting bingo night, family man, sick arm tats, big biznessman, and the fuckin chillin in a hoodie looks down thats impressive

    i think i still have the monopoly on the suicideboys though and probably will til they bury me with my ice on but til then lets start a rap duo and if that doesnt work we can just move to japan and reinvent ourselves as a japanese pop duo
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Today was fucking awesome and I don't know why. I worked all day but I was just in a really good mood, high energy, cracking jokes just being a goddamn silly goose of the highest order. Fuck you!!!

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