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Posts That Were Thanked by General Butt.Naked

  1. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Im sure people just think youre going to use it against them.

    i dont really care though. sure.

    Im overweight and unhealthy
    i have terrible posture
    i sweat too much
    im poor
    im easily discouraged
    i alternate between getting overly involved with people or not caring at all
    i have zero ambition
    i drink too much
    my car looks like i live in it
    im not creative
    im not near as articulate as i used to be
    I rarely complete a project

    Im sure theres a ton more.

    wbu beb?

    Oh hell yea.. that was beautiful Casper you possess a whole hell of a lot of Courage.

    I'm doing a lot of mindless annoying tasks today so I'm going to keep adding things as I think of them and hve time

    mine won't all come at one time but trust me you're going to get a lot.

    1) I sweat at the drop of a hat also and I'm ridiculously bothered by heat from the furnace I prefer an internal temperature at my place of 60° which is incompatible with anyone else who comes over.
    2) I am an insatiable addict for food, sex, drugs, and and other stuff too the list is too long. I require 2 gallons minimum to stay hydrated and about 4000 calories minimum because I'm 6'2 258 lb of a lot of muscle and to a lesser degree, fat. I require way too many resources in life to keep functioning at a high level.
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  2. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Oh God I hope you die soon
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  3. Instigator Space Nigga
    Because it makes me feel spcial and part od plus the drugs make my whole nerves and body feel.
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  4. why?

    As in why at 40 are you hanging out with a drug gang and jacking off in bar restrooms?
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  5. Sweet African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I've become emotionally abusive toward my mum and feel intent on making her life miserable. I'm taking steps to ruin her career. Some part of me thinks this is evil and I may be making a massive mistake because of lack of empathy, but another part of me wants clarity, to make the decision to kill her (not literally) and not let her manipulate me into caring about her so she can show me again that she doesn't care.

    Didn't read
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    They had me training a new guy last night, I asked what his hobbies were and he said "mostly smoking weed and running Minecraft servers". I offered him a couple high strength gummies I currently had at the end of the night, thinking he'd hang on to them for later, and he ate both right away.

    Still the best person I've trained there
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  8. cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat i want to have sec with a 16 yr old so bad like a fwggot and its legal here wudo too so sue me.

    wariat also wants to be a character from con air
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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  12. Originally posted by Wariat when he confronted me about me giving his srupid ghrtto neighbourhood deughter or ghetto child patologia that she hwd nice yes and asking if shed like w monster:

    “first off lewrn the definition of pedo because shes not a little kid and how old is she?”

    when he answers 14 like he did instead of putting my arms up wnd swying its wll good man i didnt know her wge wnd wsked her wnd she didnt answer (i did ask):

    „then learn the definition because apparently girls her exact age work in polands brothels because google „14 yewr old hooker” or „afera podkarpacia” where one of your very own right wing pie politicians fucked w girl her wge wnd didnt even get arrested but simply demoted. and this is who you white trash pathology in this neighbourhood support because they hold your right wing values and nationwliem and give you free money or 500 plus for every kid you have or raise so maybe instead of worrying sbout a guy giving a co pliment to your dwughter or a 14 yr old he didnt even knoe her age worry about your politicians you support who fuck foreign or ukrianian girls this age in podkarpacie brothels you white tradh pollack hypocryte.”

    Originally posted by Wariat i rgret flwt out not choking this guy like luciano but i have wome fwmily that comes here every few months so csnt avoid their cockroach infested ghetto area if i want to go to the shopping mall area and would rwther not hwve cockroaches gather up looking for me or me worrying in future when i need to get acrosw this area. fucking hypocryte white trash scum supporting politicians ho fuck 14 yr olds on a regulqr bqsie but making a guy who gives one a fompliment into some sort of bad guy because hes not from around their shitty neighbourhood. their patologia mentwlity is probably oh its fool if the PiS politicians do it in „afera podkarpacie” because its far away feom our neighbourhood and the girl was ukrianian but if they do it to one of ours even a simple look or vompliment get the pitvhforks out folks. fucking. hypocryte scum.

    Originally posted by Wariat also i could eaisly have told him to look up lowca nastolatek on google or preyer of teens as the media clearly disagrees with him saying someone who even fucks 14 yr olds isnt a pedo or did not label thst guy as such. retard. and all i did was give a fucking little bitch whose obviously sensitive white trash a compliment and offer to get her a monster.

    Originally posted by Wariat the craziest thing about these pollacks in these bigger fities and shitty neighbourhoods in poland is how they give their kids cigaretted alcohol or money for it from pis 500 plus or relaise thwts what theyre spending it on cause how long can one not know? and also beat their wives drunk on a regular basis but an older guy hititng on an even over the age of vonsent chick or their dsughter is some bad guy or criminal to them. talk about hypocrisy of pollacks right?

    Originally posted by Wariat to be honest who knows what lie or what that little bitch told him as she was offended a fuy from not around here apparently co plimented her and not a drug dealer im sure or a rich arab like they do on instagram, but i still dont know when he came into the shop i was buying beer in i didnt jsut mace him. situarion would have been over in three seconds without all thwt talka ne posturing and him even waiting ourside later to tlsk to me some more. guy must have been pn mefodrone or something or had a knife on him to be thst cocky and confident when i already even told his dsughter dont try to sidk anyone on me unless they want to be maced ahead of time.

    Originally posted by Wariat damm i hate these fucking people and their country i have to live in.

    Originally posted by Wariat its such lowlife scum. 14 yr olds apparently exist in their brothels but unless you go to one and are willing to twke advantage of human trafficking victims against their will you cant get laid by a teenager or meet one even over the age of fonsent anywhere.

    Originally posted by Wariat its like a zero sum game in pollackistan. i get zero messages badk showing interests from even 16-18 yr olds anywhere on social media zero even prostitution offers and same on their one dsting site existing in their fountry and zero interest in this ghetto shit town when trying to meet them in real life including 18 yr olds in clubs yet if im willing to go to a brothel and take advantwge of people for an hour who are probably fucking many men per dsy doing wll sorts of things where even teenagers exist im good. apparently thwts the only option in such a shit fountry to meet a teen if you are not one urself and even then id have no luck as im not white trash like them and an introvert im sure.

    Originally posted by Big the Cat
    "You're a fucking faggot"

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  13. I could imagine you lying in wait for the main character to leave his adopted kids to go off and kill bandits.
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  14. Sweet African Astronaut
    Nah I'm just a faggot bro
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  15. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead LMAO, can't believe you never switched names and built a new reputation. It's been over a decade, and you're still the guy that got a hilighter stuck in his ass. You're the living embodiment of OMG telling me "can't live it down gotta live it up."

    I'm actually the GIRL that got a highlighter stuck in my ass now.


    Yeah I'm still the guy who got a highlighter stuck in my ass.
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  16. Originally posted by aldra LOL, can those fire actual 30mm grenades

    They fire 38mm rounds. Military uses 40mm, so it's 2mm between fun and felony. So long as I don't rifle the barrels and avoid loading anything designed to be shot at a person, we're gold.
    If I wanted to kiss the ATF's ass, I could register them as destructive devices, and mill/rifle out those extra 2mm and load some buckshot or shards of glass if I so wanted to. God knows where I'd find a 40mm grenade, but it'd be legal to shoot some out of it if I registered it with the ATF. But me and Poast are happy launching fireworks for now.
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  17. Originally posted by Meikai Or wait I think his friend passed and they didn't show his friend in the best light? That might have played a part in it.
    There is no bad light you could possibly put OMG under. One time, he got white girl wasted and buttchugged a 40, which some of you may remember him bragging about--what I don't think anyone knows, is the very next day at work, OMG walked up to our manager and told him all about it.
    I watched it happen, and was like "why the fuck would you tell our boss you buttchugged a 40???"

    OMG just says something like "you're not gonna be able to live everything down. Some shit you're just gonna have to live up. People are going to hear about it, and I'm just cutting them off and making it sound cool."
    The guy was an absolute monster.

    He drunkenly told me a few times about how he wildly looked up to me and Poast being lawless little shits back in high-school, how he never understood how people can exist giving no shits and sowing chaos. I don't think he ever realized how hard he surpassed the edgy little teens me and Poast were back in the day. I had my gripes with the guy, but he really was too chaotic to hold a grudge against. Guy would just think "what's the funniest outcome of this bad situation" then turn off his brain and make shit happen.
    Hate that he was an asshole to my wife, but otherwise he was a very endearing kid that deserved a lot better than what he got. OMG wouldn't give a solitary fuck about what people show or say about him, he'd be happy just knowing people are having a laugh even if it's at his expense.

    I'm sure Poast already explained why he removed the videos, doubt it was over OMG being in them.
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  18. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked It look like you just cleansed the hookworms from ur intenslinal track bro.

    Kid i eat so good u wouldnt even believe ur eyes. U like those lost boys in hook u can only make believe the stacks of gabagool i got on deck always

    GABAGOOL?! I yield sir

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  19. Poast Houston
    I deleted all my socials and pulled my content years ago. Went on a pretty good run making compilations afterward, of all my old party footage and online content smashed together in music video format. Shit is really dumb and out of context but hilarious to me. Only shared those with my close friends. My Mom Is Dead and I spent a summer making knives and cooler stuff together and I made some vids of that which came out funny/informative.

    As for how I’ve been, last July I fucked up my back after I spit in my hand and bitch slapped a guy way more card than me. My drinking had been getting particularly out of hand, was blacking out way easier and faster, doing more and more dangerous illegal shit spontaneously. Shocked I’ve never been arrested for public intoxication or worse after all the shady shit I’ve done at night black out drunk.

    So I decided to give up partying, 255 days no booze, no cigs. Got a new girl and moved away from the Eureka party scene. Got a new job closer to home. Built a garden. Learning leather craft. Trying to get fit and put away some cash. Trying to minimize my suffering during the hard times ahead. All in all I’d say that I made a pretty good escape given all the terrible stuff I did. Living with chronic pain as a result but it can be managed with diet and exercise.

    Glad you guys still think about our videos. We had a ton of fun making them and they were like a time capsule of OMGPLZDNTBAN and I’s friendship near the end of his time in Eureka. If it wasn’t for you guys, I seriously doubt we would have made so much content, and I’m happy to keep it all to remember him by. OMG just kind of shit the bed by dying. Took the wind out of my sails. Sorry about the old footage, but the world is to sensitive these days for how retarded we were back then. And the prospect of explaining to a boss or judge why we did the things we did is just too surreal and nightmarish. Maybe someday I’ll reupload the stash if I’m extremely comfortable but it’s under lock and key for now.
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  20. Originally posted by aldra what the fuck lance reddick died?

    yeah 1 day from retirement too
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