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Posts by Headspin

  1. Headspin Houston
    I just came here to say I read this thread, upped my post count and left. I'm not clicking that damn link.
  2. Headspin Houston
    I think possums have an off switch. In all actuality you probably scared the shit out of it.
  3. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Helladamnleet

    For sure. I remember your username.
  4. Headspin Houston
    Hey did you scream at the top of your lungs when you were chucking all your possessions at it?
  5. Headspin Houston
    In basically all my experiences there it was the black staff members that would freak the fuck out when the raccoons came swooping in. 😂😂🤣🤣

    Oh my God I can hear Regina screaming in my head still. I miss that woman :( , her and I hit it off so well. We would stay messing with each other about board games and scrabble.

    Shed be like, "Oh, you want some of this? Cuz I am a win-ner. (Hand gesture included) w-i-n-n-e-r."

    The first time I got a 7 letter word she had walked up when I realized STADIUM was basically staring me in the face. I had this look on my face and when she sat back down she was like, "! You cheated!"

    "Regina I wouldn't do you like that c'mon! You got to stop getting up in the middle of our game this is serious stuff."

    We would go back and forth sometimes about the most random things, people would be looking at us like we were nuts.
  6. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What's the cheapest drug combo you can hit the LD50 with

  7. Headspin Houston
    Hahaha. Cracked me up again. Reminds me of when I was locked up this Nigerian staff member through a chair across a window to try and scare a fam of raccoons away in our courtyard. From my perspective in the day room all I see is a chair go flying across it. I look up from what I was doing and said, "Did any of you just see that?"
  8. Headspin Houston
  9. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by Poast OMG doesn’t actually care. He didn’t even notice that CASPER wasn’t talking to him. He’s just bumping the thread these days. No substance.

    Nope, he doesn't know who I am. I'm like batman in this context. Mad Squeegeeman.
  10. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN Happy birthday man! I personally don't even care about mine anymore. I hold no expectations so it's never a let down. Just another day.

    Nah I'm talking about the day I got arrested. My birthday was the same day.
  11. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sometimes teams up with itypedthiswithmytits.

    No that was the one I was thinking of!
  12. Headspin Houston
    I'm the squeegee killah mofuckas.

    Worst birthday ever by the way.
  13. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER lol you tried to kill a cop? You madman you.

    Mine were El Paton, Casper, Trunk.

    No. My victim was the owner of a gas station. But I did rip the two prongs from a taser gun out of me. I was so amped up dude.
  14. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER lol was that you?


    Yeah. Coincidentally my nickname on the street was Ghost.
  15. Headspin Houston
    Top this one:
  16. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER Hydromorphone was a user. An older white woman living with her husband in Florida. MexicanMasterRace (§m£ÂgØL) hitchiked from Illinois to have sex with her and her husband, took a lot of drugs with them, found out she lived in hoarder conditions, had her pull a gun on him, and then she got pregnant and told him he was the father. She later became a junkie and homeless prostitute.

    In other words it was hilarious and a good time was had by all.

    No shit... I always pictured hydro as an older gentleman. They always had a pretty good knowledge of drugs as far as u can remember.
  17. Headspin Houston
    I remember that username.
  18. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by CandyRein Yup I sure have ..when I first moved here so I was like 20..

    It was the craziest thing because I watch a chair literally float my window.. like it was a big window and this chair floats by like slow motion.. real life wizard of oz feeling..

    I was the only one who didn’t have a cordless phone and my neighbors used to talk chit but guess what… LOL..I was the only one with a phone when power was out for a week..

    Who’s laughing now 😂😭
    I had like my whole neighborhood using my phone lol

    Aw how nice of you. 🤣

    I'm in a good mood and picturing the chair cracked me up.
  19. Headspin Houston
    Let me just say, meth is a helluva drug.

    I still bust up laughing when I read this shit. I was out of my MOTHAFUCKIN mind. You just cant make this shit up. Here's what happened to me after zoklet.
  20. Headspin Houston
    Originally posted by AngryIVer If you want to nitpick, at no point does a piece of software become anything but hand-coded.

    I assure you I'm not who you think I am. I got banned a few months back and started posting with an alt and just kind of kept doing it after the 3 day ban was over.

    I do recognize your name though.

    Yeah now that I think about it I was thinking of Vizier.

    Who were you? PM me if you dont want to say here.
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