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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood it wasn't incel rage it wast mostly amphetamine psychosis. I threw a can of beer at a girls head once and she slapped me. Another time I puked all over a girl and made her cry

    nig y u b noggin?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lets leave you and your granddaughter out of this.

  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Aren't you thricely married and posted for a long time on a dating site? Shut up with your hypocritical coping strategies for your loneliness. You aren't a zen Buddhist and you live in one of the top 5 most populated cities in the continent.

    Your post is nothing but projection. Maybe your life ended at 50 but that doesn't mean everyone's does by any means

    he learned the lesson the hard way but he is right, being dependent on somebody elses validation isnt just a weakness, its the sign of being a bitchmade pussy who cant stand on his own two feet.

    man the fuck up you little bitch

    or just kill yourself if thats too difficult
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cock tracheotomy pics or it didnt happen

    lol i didnt know how to screencap back then, i may have a few buried deep in a backup somewhere but cba, the quality sucks anyhow.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat I used to have big jups of euphoria when I saw hot chicks do super nasty shit in porn like certain porn shit maybe fuked my brain up.

    they say getting hooked on nasty shit desensitizes you and you run out of nastier shit to get you off.

    i never related to this because i was never into freaky shit so never had an escalation so to speak but i think it may apply to you.

    get into erotic fiction maybe? endless possibilities there and reading is good for your brain or some shit like that.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    all the time when im not high
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood actually I had plenty of girls over but I would get way too drunk and wake up with blood all over the walls because I did some dumb shit taking so much drug and alcohol blacking out all the time being angry

    there were plenty of women and people nice to me but I pushed them all away in my self destructive haze

    i've burned more bridges than you will ever cross you punk ass incel nobody

    nigger i had about 400 hotties write my name on themselves before i even graduated middle school.

    you were waking up bloody because you were an emo incel with a drinking problem that kept slitting his wrist every time a bitch ran away. you had plenty girls over but you were so angry with incel rage, right
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny everyword with the word black should just be replaced with nigger.

    nigger friday. nigger out. nigger market. nigger mail. nigger list. nigger ops. nigger site.

    im down with that, a degree in african studies should be renamed niggerology

    also you should be niggerlisted instead of finny
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls i asked if she ever masturbated with a fried bratwurst and she blocked me

    what a wierdo

    maybe she was a muslim

    fuckin muslims man, cant take no compliment, i swear
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    they are dime a dozen
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood loooks like shit your art skills are slipping becuse all you do now is drink and chase teens on chat sites.

    I wasted an entire year of my life on chat sites taking benzos every day and drinking. I don't look back on those times fondly

    because your rat face scared all the chicks away and the few malformed fatties that initially stayed ran away after seeing your micro rat cock.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    im surprised no ones bitching about the song white christmas., but they did bitch about some old christmas songs on the radio being misogynistic or something, while niggaz rapping about dicking down hoes and killing their baby mamas on the same radio station is totally respectful of wymynz.

    they should just call black friday blackout friday, its the same circus niggerfest as when a real blackout happens.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Muslim walks into a gay bar, what's the first thing he says?


    maybe he walked in by mistake, i have accidentally walked into a gay bar before and wanted to shoot up the place and then myself, but i wasnt even armed.

  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai ACKSHUALLY

    shut up
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nigger Nintendo It's just a fact that you suck.

    whose pole tho?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready OMG you own an Iphone? lol over priced shit.

    i stole it
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai is this how people end up with like 10TB collections of child porn? like you don't even masturbate to it really, there's so much you probably couldn't even if you wanted to, but you just download and amass a massive collection as a result of some compulsion you can barely explain? having ocd, but your main ocd ritual is… downloading child pornography? what the fuck

    because the fact that it is so overzealously censored by the state department at taliban levels of insanity, it incentivizes hoarding.

    when i first discovered it on IRC, the server got shut down months later. kazaa? shut down. limewire? shut down. any new place you find that hosts CP, it is never guaranteed to still be there tomorrow so what kind of idiot wouldnt grab as much as possible as fast as he can before it too inevitably gets raided by the feds?

    the outcome? terabytes of porn you will never have enough time to completely go thru and most of it turns out to be boring shit you never wouldve downloaded if you knew ahead of time what it was, but you dont, theres never enough time. you have to grab what you can while you still can and hope to find a diamond in the rough.

    if child porn is ever legalized, there would be no incentive to hoard it because you know it will still be there tomorrow.

    hope that clears things up
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by negrophagist I don't even know precisely how it started. I used to watch a lot of regular porn and eventually it stopped being enough and I got into BDSM, weird fetishes, tranny porn and then child porn. I download about 50-100 videos and picture sets a week and don't even end up watching most of them. Recently I started getting paranoid about someone finding them or the cops somehow figuring out what I'm downloading and arresting me. I want to stop but each time I try I end up relapsing within a few days. What can I do besides kill myself?

    get red pilled, go mgtow, that personally cut my porn consumption by 90%

    nothing is more empowering than getting out of the matrix and realize you are being played like a puppet.

    when you learn about female nature, you will stop twatworshipping and find direction, self respect and purpose in your life.

    that being said, nothing wrong with rubbing one out but when you watch with an informed mindset, you control your porn viewing rather than let it control you.

    same idea with still being able to enjoy watching hollywood movies while rejecting the obvious propaganda it tries to push or watching mainstream fake news propaganda outlets and learning a lot of useful info while not falling for the bullshit narrative it wants you to buy.

    watch porn, rub one out, get a serotonin rush and chase a check but never chase a bitch.

    good luck
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    so stop using iphones, simple. i dont use mine for anything other than emergencies.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    lyrica > gabby

    gabapentin just makes me feel drunk without any positive effects
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