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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood gt my reeeeeee7 vaccine passport fuck u faggot stock in a hostpial there is trees to be cut dfown and your faggot aass is stuk in bed btew lookin 4 big $#$$$$$ u piece of shit kike lover

    lol how much did it cost for that old wench with her penny barrels? get a real assassin you fugly ghetto rat, like this one

  2. Kev Space Nigga
    you can say it all you want but you cant source it, but nambla or whoever the fuck does use a triangle as a logo for their boytouching, angryiver proved that, dont even bother asking for the link, dig up your piece of shit tetris thread and look it up if you want it.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood only youn officer only you. Fat ass cop

    whatever you ratfaced karen, you would make the greatest pig ever if your low IQ didnt hold you back from passing the donut exam.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Google is your friend, your only friend I see


    joogle blabbed too much so i dumped her and married a duck instead.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood its just regular tetris actually with triangles

    i am reluctant to disagree, you might report me for triggering you like last time like the bitch of a snitch you are.

    oh wait, its my thread.

    the purple triangle is the logo of boytouchers united and your tetris has purple triangles, nuff said.
    you already admitted to being a boytoucher in the text i quoted so why even defend yourself at this point?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you literally just posteed a picture of a kid and esaid you awnted to rape them and molet them

    quote the words you claim i said or stop making bullshit up. or just keep playing your gay pedo tetris for all i care.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Doesn't matter what you actually have on your hard drive. Everything you viewed and downloaded/uploaded is already in the ISP log attached to your IP. They don't need the actual content/data to prove you were in control/possession of it. All they need is the ISP log file.

    encryption fixes that
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood posts a picture of a child okay yeah sure you literally rape children please seek help and go back to 4chan u otkaunigger

    posting a picture of a child equals raping children?

    what the fuck is wrong with you?

    Originally posted by Sophie Scron. I hate to bring this up, but you've admitted in the past to having had sex with boys and girls under the age of consent. And it bothers me that you're now trying to act all holier than thou, while you know full well what you are. And so do i and so does HTS. So come on. Get real, dude.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah but I was also underage at the time and now that i'm almost 30 I find the idea of sexual contact between anyone under 18 and over 18 to be messed up and pretty weird champ. MAP's should just accept that they should never make their fantasies a reality and the world would be a better place for everyone

    Originally posted by Sophie Don't fucking lie, you think i would bring this up if you'd had said at the time that you were underage too? You didn't. This was in the period where you sold meth and shit. You may regret your decisions now, but don't lie to try and garner favor with the anti crowd you coward.

    oh that, you actually raped children.

    kill yourself
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Of course you, my diet is almost a vegetarian one now but fuck I’m not going that far I love the odd kfc

    I even took the bus yesterday because it was free for the day to make people go green

    But ended up calling a cab to get home how the fuck has that worked out?

    a little bit of meat is fine, i eat more green than meat but i never eat fast food, fuck that gross shit.

    i dont like taking the bus, i hate being pressed up against unwashed niggers who cant be bothered to even take a febreze shower. why dont they make automated mini trains as a form of public yet private transportation, it would solve the inefficiencies of the stupid bus system.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Did you know that in ancient Hebrew times, it was a sin to withhold your seed from your wives?

    probably, which makes it all that retarded.

    every time i rub one out, i have murdered a potential life?
    im pro life and all but that is just batshit territory
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls This might sound stupid and it seems hard at first but just fix your diet and get more exercise, start from there in 2022

    And drugs really are bad mmmmmmkay

    who me? my diet is fine and im pretty fit, i only pigout on candy on halloween.

    you are right about the drugs tho mmmkay, i gotta stop. i was about to get loaded up but dont wanna be a bad example to my trick or treat partner
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm depressed af at an unsustainable level. Very angry too.

    i got a confession, its not my candy its hers, she gifted what she had left after the feast, you want some? i know you does. nothing like a lil candy to uplift your mood.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker *hands pedo a shovel and starts the popcorn*

    holy shit i actually found it, a post from march fucking 2009.

    "Ars Technica has been covering the RIAA cases in the USA in great detail. There is a wealth of information there that is great reading for the security conscious. Here are five lessons that I gleaned from their data.

    (1) LEA can get your physical address in less than a day. All the major LEA have pre-written agreements with ISPs and with the court system that allows them to get a supeona and get the results from that supoena in less than 24 hours after an IP has been detected.

    (2) Your IP adress is not the only thing that identifies you. Every network adapater card in the world has a unique ID. By decting that ID via your MAC address, LEAs can locate the actual physical computer that downloaded the file, making any arguement that your connection was hijacked by wireless moot. The only way to defeat this is to use MAC address spoofing with a program such as SMAC 2.0.

    (3) Despite the noise about plasuable denability, American courts are accepting the theory that once the LEA has tracked the IP to your house the burden of proof shifts to you regarding whether you actually downloaded the file. Never leave *any* trace that connects you to the public internet (such as passwords, user names, IDs). All file sharing must be done anonymously and unique identifers must not be shared between accounts.

    (4) The American company Comcast recently revealed that it charges LEAs $1000 for every internet wiretap...unless the case involves a child in which case it's free. Yes, they consider pedos worse than terrorists. That is the environment you live in.

    (5) As always, encrypt everything. Compare the cost of encryption with the cost of a lawyer."

    There you go, comcast wiretaps pedos but not terrorists without charging a pretty penny for it, Ars technica contains the original article, you can look for it.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Narc Depends if the proxies comply with the pigs. Most do.


    which is why you use volunteer user proxies, not official ones. i volunteer a tor node myself, i wouldnt comply with the pigs but even if i do, lets see them get the next node in the chain to comply which happens to be in russia, the next one in saudi arabia, the next one in china and so on.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's no longer potential, when the decision has already been made.

    you would have a point if the conception happened, but before it does, the life is potential, not real.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Was Mel Gibson's mail order from Russia or Ukraine or? she recorded his ass and shared it with the media and the world. the thing is this. That's illegal. yet the court no doubt went in her favor during the divorce and gave her more than Half he earned while they were together. which was probably when he made that film about Jesus that pulled in tons.

    lol OWNED

    niggas think they can import real women in a globalist world where the joonited states exported their gay culture worldwide. he deserved worse.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S nigga u just bought that at wal-mart

    no i had a date with a lil slut fairy and this is whats left of our dinner

    apparently they sell this costume at walmart too, who knew.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But it would be alive, had you not interfered. These people who would have existed would have been real, and they mattered. It's like money you could have made, had someone not interfered in the deal. That's real money you could have had in hand. It was the bird in the hand worth two in the bush. Just because something doesn't exist doesn't render it without substance and real effects.

    potential life is abstract which means without substance
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Anyone who offers advice is literally aiding and abetting pedophilia. It makes me feel like there is justice in this world because a pedophile is too stupid and autistic to procure young girls.

    is there a particular reason you are whiteknighting for a foreign teen across the ocean you will never meet?

    who are you trying to impress with your virtue signaling?

    the average nationalistic pole would beat the shit out of you for going anywhere near their women, so spare us your twat-worshipping, fool.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mashlehash watch out for it, depression

    not today, i amassed a fine ass stash after trick or treating with a loli dressed up as a playboy fairy, check it

    umad brah?
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