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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Dissociator Me? Fuck you I'm roshambo from zoklet

    And uhh Max headroom from either intosanc or rdfrn

    all you zokletfags... HUFF RAID AND DIE
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Do you honestly think it is possible for anyone to read this post and not surmise that you are upset about going a literal decade without intimacy? That literally damages your endorphins and receptors. Do your parents think you are a closeted gay? I'm sure they would prefer that to the sad, strange truth

    I didnt get a hint of it either.

    do your parents know you whiteknight for foreign underage girls over the internet?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis 18 years
    It’ll be two decades soon
    Most people can’t even comprehend that, what it’s like to live outside society and indoors for so long
    I laughed pretty hard at the stories of people killing themselves over the corona lockdowns

    I’m sitting here drinking beer and listening to smooth jazz and I started thinking about this

    Someday it’ll be 30 years then 50 years

    I have no regrets

    My only regret is never having any real friends or a social life
    Loneliness sucks but eventually you get used to it, having cats really helpS

    Someday maybe it’ll be the norm to live like this and people will only ever interact with ai

    Do you normies even have any concept of what it’s like to be inside this long
    I’ll tell you
    It’s actually pretty nice
    Everything I need is here in my room
    The flesh net is totally overrated and boring there is nothing to do out there

    The greatest most important thing in the world is your imagination
    This is what people in solitary confinement don’t understand and why they go insane

    I’ll write a book on this someday and on the power of imagination and visualization

    hikki let me explain something, had i not lived in poverty with a useless single mother and not ran away from home, i wouldve ended up like you. i made friends, had lots of girlfriends, got a truck, a career and got to experience the "real world" so to speak. i dont regret it but it is indeed overrated.

    the bitches will milk you for all your resources as soon as you are under their love spell and you wont regret your exploitation up until you cant be exploited anymore and you are disposed of.

    friends? all revolves around smoking or drinking, only two have stuck with me. i have plenty of aquaintances but i couldnt care less if they died tomorrow.

    career? be a wage slave so someone else can make a lot of money? depressing and very nihilist inducing, but you dont exactly have a fucking choice. the whole idea of working your ass off to make someone else rich is so cucked and homosexual.

    did you miss much? a little but not really. if i could go back in time, i wouldve become a drug dealer and then a darknet admin and spend the rest of my time getting high, playing video games and reading. would not have bothered chasing bitches or getting involved in all the bullshit drama that i did.

    bright days are ahead, hikki. there will be hardship during the collapse but afterwards there will be freedom and prosperity.

    Most people can’t even comprehend that, what it’s like to live outside society and indoors for so long

    you would be surprised how many normies live in a bubble, regardless if they are indoors or outdoors. ultimately, its all in your head. sheep are outdoors all day but they are the most imprisoned beings on the planet.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    the rapture is a j'ewish tale and i wont fit into a vagina without getting penis reduction surgery which im too poor to afford so im safe
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny show me bar of soap that have the same dimension as a smartphone,



    ^ wants to see someones chode
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting I managed a resort. It paid well but the stress of all the employees eventually gets to you. I didnt want to have to deal with shit like that the rest of my life so i furthered my education on top of my bachelor's and in a year ill be making 150k+ while working when i want. I could be lazy and make that but if i work more than 40 hours a week i can easily clear 250k a year

    nigga buy me a fuckin house, lmao
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S

    hey now that nugget is someones mother
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis Don't forget g, he literally has a folder full of my pictures alongside gay porn on his hard drive.
    He follows me around constantly trying to tell me I'm manic and envious of him for some reason even though I don't even know anything about him.
    Talk about a lack of self-awareness.

    dont know anything about him? he has an anime avi, that alone screams mentally ill incel.

    What is the word to describe that sort of mental illness?

  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat it seems the belarussian govt is working with the polish ultras to smuggle as many non european migrants to germany and the eu as possible:

    so what? they are just woke folk trying to culturally enrich them, germany and its fag colony EU should be grateful.

    if they try to deport them, we should charge them in nuremberg for war crimes all over again
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo I was autistic before it was cool

    i can tell
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    his description of your creepiness was perfectly consistent with your bizarre infatuation you had with me, the only difference is calling yourself guardian angel instead of mentor.

    answer the question babyfucker, which one of us did you develop a crush on first?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice How

    dont really know, one day i suddenly didnt need 100 pills a day to keep the rebound at bay

    used to be that if i took 99 instead of 100, the chest pounding and shortness of breath returned but one day i forgot to take any for 3 days straight and nothing bad happened, it was a miracle.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Your victim support group with hikki is pretty heartwarming, not gonna lie.

    your hardon for hikki was even more heartwarming, heard you proclaimed yourself his guardian angel

    tell me, was he your first crush or was i?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, shud i go blow off some steam at the steeple?

    the fuck were you on this time fatso? dont be bitin, thats rude dawg
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    havent had to recently, got my anxiety trips more or less under control now.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    well the official retard narrative is that murica won the vietnam war because our gay fatties killed more gooks than the gooks killed gay fatties.

    so by that same logic the axis won world war 2

    cant refute that logic
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah I felt that pain the other day after eating a spicy hawaiian pizza god damn

    is that because the boy you trafficked to fist you was older than his stated age?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis There was a whole lot more going on between his parents besides meth and incest

    oh? the plot thickens. do i want to know what you know?

    what did curiosity do to the cat
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Look how dumb and confused you are

    im not the one using effeminate terminology, simp

    you sure you arent transgender?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis I mean it’s painfully obvious to anyone with eyes that guy is gay, he has an extremely homosexual looking face but regardless

    He is gay for me and not just gay
    Hard gay

    He wants my cock and balls nestled inside his mouth and anus
    He thinks about me 24/7

    But too bad because I am only into 11 year old girls

    well your absence was worrying him but to say hes gay for you is a stretch, that title belongs to cocktavian and ratboy, since i joined this site i noticed those two queers couldnt stop following you around everywhere.

    i dont envy you, fam
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