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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    lol gabbies is what i got when my dealer told me he was giving me lyrica. gabby is very similar and comes on faster but i didnt get any positive effects, just drowsiness.

    did you feel sick cause you had to increase the dose the second time? phenibut is seriously habit-forming, your tolerance builds in no time.

    Actually, wanna hear something funny? the very first time i tried phenibut, i was starting slow, 0.5 g one day, 1 g the next, 1.5 g the next and so on, made it all the way to 5g and i wasnt feeling shit so i stopped taking it, a few months later i tried 5g and it felt great. It turned out that i kept pushing my tolerance back to zero without knowing it. I had no idea wtf the normal dose was, meh.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood But you're a nonce

    How so?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting i find myself cutting contact with more and more people. As ive got older and had more life experiences i see more actions from people that i dont care for and realize most people are pretty shitty.
    I find it to be a positive decision to not be in contact with people ive known for many years but realize over the past couple years that they are really always all about themselves. Anyone else feel the same?

    i feel you, the more i know someone, the more i grow to hate them, they mostly all turn out the same. i have no regrets throwing out the trash, what i do regret is not spending more time on totse back in the day. there were some truly high quality people there and i couldve been a better man today.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Kid I was following Oculus since 2012
    I got the first development kit in 2014 and the Go in 2018.

    is it worth a shit? serious question. been following VR since before i joined totse but all those years being unimpressed by the really slow progress made me think i will be an old fart by the time real VR is out so i quit following.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    "no it got lost"
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Hiki, what was your username on totse? I dont remember you.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    I would never click on a link from someone whose username is Soyboy, its probably CP.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Unsubscribed, faggots.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The toilet is definitely one of those things you take for granted.

    I remember one Christmas blocking mine so bad the water was too the rim and would not go down…no amount of plunging was helping to the point the rubber part of the plunger came off, I then had to go find a store that was open and selling plungers…I ended up at Walgreens. When I got home the shit water was leaking over the rim as there was a slow leak I guess from the cistern.

    At the time I had the beer shits too and needed to go again…ended up dropping it off in the bath while I worked on the toilet…then my power went out and the turkey in the oven got fucked.

    Merry fucking Christmas. Treat your toilet right.

    LMFAO, you sure pissed off god that night.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Octavian Why would anyone want to fuck a virgin? I prefer womenz with experience.

    in other words, you prefer womenz with lots of STDs and youre looking to add another one to your collection? ^^
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Oh, so you still got to go in gas stations and shit. Must have been nice. Once again, I literally had to go out into the woods, dig a hole, and shit in it, so again, YOU have no idea how much you take a toilet for granted.

    We dont take one for granted, but the rest of our compatriots do.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    She wants pickles, or cucumbers, offer her a banana to break the ice. Maybe text her one: 8==========D
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    She's hurlworthy allright.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I'm familiar with the vanillin process. You can also get vanillin pretty easily in large amounts. I think they even sell it on eBay but some of the other things required are a bit tricky like phase transfer catalysts.

    Yeah thats the beauty of it, vanilla extract is super cheap. I think all the steps get you MDE (or MDA)? but a small final step is needed to get MDMA, i already forgot. would this be something someone completely chemistry-retarded like me could do? Joe's guide did say "home mdma production for the masses".
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Here is some more correspondence.


    How much bitcoin do you have? what is your other wallet?

    Yeah, instead of answering my legit questions, they wanna know how big my wallet is to see if scamming me is worth their effort.

    Answer my damn question and I'll answer yours. I use a hardware wallet, you can use your imagination for how many bitcoins I have in there for now.

    Then they actually wrote an eloquent (but still unconvincing) reply, which i courteously acknowledged.


    Your question has several parts so I am going to answer each of it separately:

    You mean why would I trust my bitcoin wallet that I have physical access to 24/7 which no one can take from me?

    Our wallet is SAFE, we EARN MUCH MORE by having small fees from lots of transactions and lots of customers than if we would scam a few customers. If we would take the bitcoin from a few customers, that would be scamming and they would quickly complain about us; resulting in no more future business for us; no one would trust us again.
    We have no complaints, do we? So we did not take any bitcoin from any customers. And we will continue not to take any bitcoins from any customers.

    Apart from that, any other bitcoin wallet site can take your bitcoins if it wants to. Blockchain,,, and any other bitcoin wallet site can just seize your bitcoin; so basically you are not safer with any other site more than with us; we wont take it because we want to have a good reputation and no complaints

    About bitcoin hardware wallets, these are psychical devices that can be stolen, lost, or damaged by various accidents; so your hardware wallets can be stolen by a thief who finds out that you are in bitcoin business, what would you do without it? maybe the thief doesnt have the password and pin to move out the funds, but he has your hardware wallet and you cant use your funds, so what would you do without it?

    Nothing is truly safe in this world; everything has a small risk, so it is better to use that small risk with us than with a hardware wallet that can be stolen

    Say I dump all my bitcoins from my wallet I have actual control over to yours, which I have no control over and which you can grab anytime. What guarantees would I have that you wont do exactly that?

    You have full control of your bitcoin here; you can always come login and send your bitcoin to other addresses. Just try us.
    We use standard bitcoind software on the server, just like coinbase or localbitcoins and we have enhanced the security on our server.

    You try to lure people by promising them interest, much like these guys promise to double my bitcoins in 24h if I send them my bitcoins. http://yb24hizytii5oudw.onion/

    No, we are not like them. They promise something that cant be done; doubling bitcoins in 24 hours CANT BE DONE, where do the extra bitcoin come from?!?!??

    Bitcoin doublers in 24 hours are scams; because no one can double your bitcoin in such a short period

    However, a small interest like 6% CAN BE DONE because we have an expert team of traders that are investing bitcoin and trading it so they make a profit. Selling when high, buying when low, doing cash investments in profitable deals, and get high returns, allows us to pay 6% interest

    So basically, you put your bitcoins here, along with tens of thousands of other users. We invest a portion of these bitcoins wisely, into various high ROI deals; that make guaranteed profits for us, and we return a percentage of that profit to you; we enter a deal to give you a small percent of interest that we are sure we can give you

    We dont promise the moon and the sun, we promise something that we know for sure we can do

    A quick review of the blockchain exposes that scam. Whats my guarantee about yours? The word of a faceless stranger I will never meet?

    We are sincere. We give a small percent, something we know for sure we can give. We know if we scam someone, we get no future business from anyone else; because of a bad reputation

    Plus, words of very popular people, like CEO or big bitcoin gurus are worthless, because they surely have a large amount of bitcoin themselves, and they want to influence markets and prices in their favor; they could say bitcoin price will drop, when they want people to sell so they can buy because they know bitcoin will gain value, or they can say bitcoin price will go up when they know the bitcoin will go down and want people to buy to delay the fall

    Dont trust public bitcoin figures because they always have their interest, and their predictions are depending on their interest

    We have no reason to scam; is better to get a small part from a huge pizza, than to get a large part of a small pizza

    We never promise what we cant deliver

    So try us and you wont be sorry

    Thanks for your reply.

    Hardware wallets can be stolen? No, the physical device can be stolen but not my pin or key. If I lose the device, I get another one. It sets me back $80 but that is nothing compared to losing $1000 or $10000 worth of bitcoins.

    You say it makes more financial sense to you to make bits and pieces off investing our bitcoins than grabbing our coins outright. I'm not convinced. You can run this operation for a year or two, gain everybody's trust and once you reach mass popularity you commit an exit scam like a few TOR marketplaces have done already and are now filthy rich.

    When I do the math and assume that in 2 years you'll have 100,000 users with an average of $1000 worth of bitcoin each, you'll control $100 million worth of assets, make a 5% investment profit per year, so that would be $5 million annual income for you, which would take 20 years for you to make 100 million dollars.

    If you do an exit scam, you'll make $100 million in one year, the equivalent of running this site for the next 20 years. Why wait that long? You only live once, right?
    From a financial perspective, you have every incentive to be corrupt, not ethical.

    This isn't a small risk a user would take, it would be a huge one. Except when I bought pills on betabay, I never risked more than $100 at a time so it's a far less relevant risk than one I'd take on here.

    Also, I can't find any public forum that discusses your reputation or gives you good reviews anyway. Who would I even complain to in the first place? We're all scattered and anonymous on here after all, I only found you via advertisement on secmail, the same place I found that bitcoin doubler scam site. They too only gave me their word and nothing else. They claim they found a technical flaw in bitcoin that allows them to hack it. They were so callous and bold, in fact, that they instructed their victims to review the blockchain of their bitcoin address to see proof of their honesty and sincerity. I did just that and saw that every single user that sent bitcoins to their address got nothing back. They think their users are that fucking dumb and sadly they are correct.

    But at least I had a way of verifying if they were full of shit or not. What do I have from you other than your assurance?


    why dont you fuck off?

    fuck off you piece of shit, instead of waisting our time

    i think we have our answer. i will let you guys give these mafia wannabe fucktards the final reply if you want, since im about to close my account on their honeypot.

    i was gonna link them to this thread but i forget if google indexes NIS at all. if not, anyone searching google for that site wont find this.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost dextromethorphan

    ok we're at D so far? My turn?

    E! Da love drug. If I saved the damn page JoePedo wrote on synthesizing it from vanillin extract, this post (and thread) would be gold.

  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Never :(

    benzos r gay drop acid instead.

    I cant, a bad trip is almost guaranteed if i do that.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist Whining about whining😂😂

    no, i'm retaliating. :P
    You cant fight the insanely retarded with logic, you have to out-crazy them.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Scratch what i said abut xanax not increasing tactile sensation, im on some right now and i definitely do feel that, but not as much as on other benzos. im gonna have a nice good nights sleep very soon
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer I did a 3 week hike about 13 years ago and had to dig/bury my waste for most of it, so fuck off, YOU have no idea how much you take a toilet for granted.

    And i have been homeless for months, i know exactly what i said. to be able to walk around like you never do something as animalistic and obscene as take a shit is an immense privilege, especially for the womenfolk.
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