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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by street_carp Who would win in a fight folks?

    Not the cuck in buttphuck prison who lost his house and car to his wife who divorced him after his maid #metoo'd him.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    i turned off avi displays due to this, but
    Dark Matter (banned)
    Total Posts 13,337

    DisTORTioN had a l33t amount of posts like that before he got banned for good from totse, except he was a more admirable character, we should hunt him down along with joe. ^.^
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Also to add, why would they think anyone jsut saying hi or walking near them outside a shit bar or clib they go to choosing out of their eill wants to fuck them? what makes them so fucking special?

    Its called narcissism, but that isnt even their fault, it is because simps for the past 50 years have been putting them on a pedestal and worshiping them that they got this way. if society treats them like goddesses, they sure as fuck will act like it and treat all men as their personal serfs.

    the funny thing is the more respect women get, the more bitchy and resentful they become. they literally love being treated like shit and being put in their place. fucked up creatures.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal It's more cool to sort through a huge disc collection

    Most of us have better things to do than sort thru shit when we dont have to.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    USB flash drives muthafucka!
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Anybody here do bundy?

    What's the experience like

    I have avoided it since I've read it is very bad for your brain

    anyway, since i know were talking about D.X.M, let me answer the original question, i just felt spaced out and trippin, music was nicer to listen to but it ended in a bad trip when i noticed blood all over my floor (i cut my foot while dancing and didnt realize it).

    bundy can be bad for your brain yes, dont use it all the time, same rule for anything else.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat isnt this the way things are supposed to be? are meant to be by nature and biology? isnt tosic masculinity just a social construct from our ancestors that all mammals posess? isnt us wanting to fuck multiple frmales and not commit normala cross the animal kingdom? why do they go to clubs if they dont want to be brushe dupon or sexually harassed? I domt go to clubs in arab countries or wouldnt and not expect gays to do it to me so what makes themand their shitty gender so fucking special?

    I suggest you quit trying to figure them out, they are incredibly retarded creatures who have no idea what the fuck they want, estrogen fucks them up that way. when you treat them as mentally ill children, youll feel a lot less frustrated than if you continue assuming they have the same hormone running thru their veins as yours.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    repeat after me :


    you can not trust something / someone you dont know.

    Anonymous, non-anonymous doesnt matter, trust doesnt exist period, to anyone but idiots. No fucking shit. Why do you think i endeavored on this investigation to get the admin to confirm his scam?

    your only question is this : is the promised interests worth the risk of losing X amount of coins,

    where X is the amount of coins your willing to flush down the toilet.

    The risk is always 100% and the worth is 0% until trust is removed from the equation. Notice the admin offered nothing but his assurance and flipped out when his assurance was rejected.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lanny has a word enhancement for it so it comes out as bundy you noob

    is there a purpose for that? he realizes that SWIM shit doesnt work right?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Wtf is bundy? only cough syrup i know is dextromephorphan.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    I remember when wintermute was admin, oooooooh ho what a shitshow that was. Spectral cant be half as bad as that.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    nah its Charlie.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Will you two just have sex already? jeez.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer I'm posting this on New Totse

    No complaints here. I tried signing up on your site before this one but it was stuck on asking me to confirm my age, you fixed that shit yet?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you are asking all the wrong questions.

    what you should have ask is what arebthe benefits anddo the benefits outweight the risks.

    I cant know if the benefits outweigh the risks without knowing the risks or rather if my concern about the one big risk i brought up was justified, they just continually dodged the question which gave the obvious answer.

    Also notice how they were doing a cost/benefit analysis on me from the very start by asking me how much bitcoin i have. If i was a millionaire, they wouldve put the best effort they possibly could to persuade me to hand over all my coins and wouldve been hitting the F5 button every second 24/7 waiting for my next message.

    If i had only $10, do you think they would bother replying at all?

    Hustlers can scam normies, not experienced totseans who know all about this shit.

    If you hand over your wallet to someone and have to trust them at all, the benefits are already zero. you dont fuck with that shit, this is common sense to anyone familiar with the game. the minute trust enters the equation at all is proof whatever youre working with is garbage and doomed to failure.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal And then reality will implode

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Reality doesn't exist normie.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Quantum computers and A.I. Will be able to break any type of encryption civilians will cone up with

    Quantum computers can only break non-quantum encryption. Quantum encryption will fix that, AI encryption will fix AI decryption.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Voice because typing huge posts on a phone is extremely frustrating

    Thanks, you have got me up to date with the state of affairs. i was stuck in 2006 as far as VR progress. i figured i would be wasting away by the time Matrix-like VR arrived. but they have glasses that beam light straight into your retina nowadays so i figure that will be key to realize the immersion to the point that we can until better methods emerge. a treadmill might mitigate the problem of ramming your head into the wall but how exactly it will predict every move you make to adjust the direction is a problem.

    about the political ethics of brain hacking, there will also be brain security to resist against backdoors that try to read your thoughts against your will. look how we stayed ahead of governments and law enforcement with encryption and proxies that is mathematically impossible to break.

    as long as open source exists, the deep state can suck a fat nigger dick.

    as for why they pulled this coronahoax, they did it to advance the police state and remove even more of your civil liberties. its just a stepping stone, there will be more.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You wouldn't be able to play serious sam in vr

    This is real VR, unlike the stuff that came out in the 90s.
    Full-immersion VR via bci tech won't be around for 20 or more years and even then do you want the kikes to have access to your brain?

    As for whether or not you want to get into VR.
    It depends on what you want to do, as far as gaming goes it's not really there yet.
    I guess half life alyx is supposed to be really good but do you really want to play as a half nigger woman.
    VR is best for social and non-gaming uses like watching stuff in a movie theater or stuff like VR chat.

    I would say wait another three to five years, by the middle of this decade vr will be in full swing.
    The PS5 is really going to help drive vr gaming forward.

    Thanks for the straight answer. Kikes can take my brain so long as they cant have my dick with the VR loli on it. :P

    Do you think theyll have haptic suits soon? those would have to do for now until they figure out how to hack the brain for the full immersion shit, but being this jaded at this age im not even sure ill be willing to do anything new 20 years from now. i wonder which of us is more jaded.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Octavian Spice of life.

    ew, you have AIDS.
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