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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe When &totse was active and had hundreds of users contributing interesting content, mainstream culture wasn't online. The internet was a place for nerds and weirdos and other social outcasts. &totse wasn't planned, people didn't scheme together how to make the site more popular; it emerged naturally out of an environment that allowed for it to happen, we found each other because we were seeking out that forbidden knowledge that was so enticing.

    Now the internet has gone mainstream, and every sheep has their own kind of a shepard keeping them fenced in. Everyone is in a club or circle jerk or echo chamber and is not so very different. You want to chase that dragon you won't find it here.

    You'll find it in whatever the new medium is, where the young and outcast go to get away from the old and the mainstream. It cannot be forced or planned, but given the right conditions, it will blossom up on its own.

    Any predictions on where?

    the dark web, virtual reality communities will likely be the next frontier for the cool outcasts to hang out in.

    a forum im a member on populated mostly with teens has a focus on crypto/hacking/gaming/social engineering with the last one topping the list. totse was popular with teens because it showed us disenfranchised youth how to get nice things, gave us the cheat codes to be able to compete with our oppressors and finally to oppress our oppressors. the forum i mentioned enables teens to get expensive items for free from amazon.

    i keep saying that for this spinoff of totse to thrive, we need yung blood. to get yung blood, we need forbidden fruit like text files.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice That's because you're a pedophile and the girl was probably 10.

    21 actually, i would never steal from a kid, thats messed up.

    quit projecting
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Fucking lol, another early bloomer. Best time of my life was 25 and 40.

    because you had the testosterone level of a 100yo man
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley Also Vinny convinced me not to live in Cambodia. I would never take advice from Kevin.

  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Looks like suicide due to divorce.

    this is what thinking with your dick looks like

    its too bad lowtax didnt get red pilled earlier, mightve prevented him becoming a casualty of todays soysociety.

    chase a check niggas, never chase a bitch
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis Would you like to start a homesteading community with me?
    You have to be an honest, noble white or Eurasian man of good character in order to join.
    No hard drugs or degeneracy allowed.
    This will be in Alaska so we’ll be a fishing community.
    On the weekends we’ll gather around a fire and play folk music while doing Roman salutes.

    afraid not, im a city rat who cant live without his gigabit internet and easy access to hard drugs.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood are attracted to children.

    that would be you

    I Am pretty chill

    your random outbursts of retardation say otherwise

    I am one with myself in harmony with the universe

    if you were, you wouldnt be a mutated freak of nature
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Toxoplasmosis And it got me thinking back to the early 00s

    TOTSE played a huge fucking role in my life
    That site basically made me who I am, in fact it’s because of that site and the erotica section that I have an incest fetish which remains my favorite to this day
    I really really wanted to fuck my loli cousins

    Anyways something awful was trash so good riddance

    I wish I could time travel back in to 2002 - 2005
    That really was the greatest era for humanity

    you shouldve browsed more than just the erotica, there was a lot of fun stuff on &^T
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What a sad little life, "peaked" at 14.

    thats the age your horniness peaks, its the best time of anyones life, that is unless the adults fuck it up.

    fun fact, 14 year old males have the highest per capita sex offender registration.

    and RIP Lowtax, somethingawful along with totse and 4chan are places i imprinted on, they empowered me as a youth and showed me that we can successfully fuck with the state department. being early connoisseurs of the digital revolution, it turned out we had a very powerful hobby.

    the most powerful tyranny in the world, we learned we can hurt them. to learn this as a child was extremely empowering.

    &totse showed us how to oppress our oppressors, and i have high hopes gen Z and beta will continue what we started.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nigger Nintendo This is not s suggestion for Lanny, it's for the userbase.

    Rather than being retarded and always discussing each other, try discussing other shit. Let's talk about your hobbies and your interests.

    The only reason anyone will ever come to this site, ever, is to discuss fringe content. &TOTSE is a royal lineage of internet fringe culture and all I see in you now are normies with a 9-5 who don't shoplift shit.

    nigga i made a thread about 2 phones i capped and promised to upload any treasures if the attractive bitch had any nudes on it, but all i got was a few SJW homosexuals replying in the thread.

    but i duly note your advice, i shall try to post some interesting threads in the future.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    I cant load youtube videos on this setup, can you give a summary?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood if you smoked one bowl of meth you would be in the psych ward for a month

    probably why i leave that shit for nutjobs to begin with
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump When high verbal IQ jedis get caught doing sick shit they just redefine words and invent new ones to weasel out of trouble.

    It wasn't "military operations", it was a highly kinetic police action against with expected collateral damage. Disagreeing is hate speech and racism too.

    Its true, look how taliban went from being called freedom fighters to terrorists depending on whose side they were on, or how head chopping child rapist ISIS scum was once called "moderate opposition" by the media.

    makes me fucking sick.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat so youre not allowed to criticise poland on a polish forum?

    you are not allowed to step out of line in any sectarian community, of which polaks are the least tolerant example of.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I was just joking. don't hurt yourself, Kev.

    nigga i could do a bucket of drugs and not get hurt cause im hardcore like that
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Lol that was pretty funny. There was more than one sex doll. One of them was a child sex doll, he gave it to his ventriloquist puppet to be it's girlfriend LMAO

  17. Kev Space Nigga
    simple is good, better than being a ratfaced gay pedo with a tranny boyfriend
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat its funny how he didnt mention poland being also a shit country or them not wanting to stay here but why is everyone so focused on russia and putin and belarus on that forum? Kev?

    because its a polish forum, duh
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat lol they think hes cute. this guy.i tell ya this guy. his ego is the size of king cobra jfs the man with the longest dry spell.

    he sucks his shemale boyfriends dick every night and thinks hes straight

    dat nig be noggin
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    murican geezers buying thai ladyboys ? what else is new

    i feel nothing
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