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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    child support, sounds totally natural
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nigger Nintendo Don't mind Sudo, he is gay and writes fanfictions. Typical semen toilet behaviour.

  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra drink all of it

    im not an idiot.

    also I hope princess isn't your dog, there are too many wario threads as is

    nooo, ella.

    only im allowed to see her nakie tho

    but for real, i see 4g as a guarantee to get reasonably fucked up but is this grams or ML?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    if joe's site was still up id have given a link to a real escort service site. i never bookmarked it because i wasnt interested, but for you space niggas i should have.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    i never did this shit before, any niggas got advice?

    im confused what dosage advice refers to weight or volume.

    gonna have a good time with princess nakie for the holiday ^^
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls How can a pear be gay you fucking retard?

    You probably shove them up your ass instead of eating them

    pears fall apart, try a zuccini instead
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls You wish

    Wariat Sr.

    you mentioned gay CP when you were about to show me you and your bro

    not gonna fall for it
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump It's kind of creepy how we have suddenly been given a licence to oppose migrants, same as we were given a licence to oppose Islam after 9/11.

    Don't use the licence, it's a trap.

    liberals always were useful idiots, just like the muslims the deep state used to destroy their opponents.

    what happens to useful idiots when they are no longer needed? they get disposed of

    its incredibly depressing how the sheep are this fucking stupid that a few powerful individuals can basically control the social perception just because millions of fuckwits will believe anything.

    i mean, they actually got the most bitter batshit feminists to use words like "islamophobia" with a serious face

    that is really admirable, i cant help but be impressed
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    not even gonna click that, its probably gay CP
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra aside from contract killings, doxing and the trade of (not just discussion of) weapons, the 'banned items' aren't likely to attract any more heat than unrestricted trade of drugs and stolen financial information.

    they're either moralising (which is a strange thing, historically, for a darkmarket to do) or they're the kind of thing a politician would be worried about being associated with if it comes out that it was a federally-run honeypot

    they take 1% of the crypto profits, its in their interest to attract as many customers as possible and including certain sales will drive away other customers. most druggies will want nothing to do with a marketplace that allows child porn, for instance.

    its the userbase doing the moralizing, not the staff. the demographics who wanna buy weed is different than those who wanna order a hit. they have to keep a rapport with their customers.

    the cops will commit crimes to run a honeypot, so what makes you think they need to virtue signal?

    also the previous server was hosted in russia and i believe hacking is not illegal under russian law unless judged to be a threat to national security so thats the only reason i can think of banning the sale of any russian/kazakhstan insider info.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra tl;dr: they realised people are willing to pay for convenience

    he who surrenders his freedom for convenience deserves neither
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    who you be stalking now?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I'd bet $1,000 that within out lifetimes pedo acceptance will be something the mainstream media starts pushing, and as a result stl1 suddenly starts advocating for allowing adult on child sex.

    i would bet way more than $1000 on that. he will also claim that he always supported pedos, has lots of pedo friends and that he risked his career sticking up for their rights back when they were being "persecuted"

    demagogues make me sick
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump And they never were able to explain exactly how.

    its the most retarded hysteria ever concocted in all of history.

    at least in the dark ages when people blamed invisible demons for everything, they knew what they were bitching about even if they didnt know the culprit.

    today, i keep hearing everyone blaming some unknown, invisible, unnamed russian hackers for all societal problems.

    no one can tell me the exact problem beyond some vague "eroding our values" "eroding our confidence in our own democracy" kind of bullshit

    its like, what the fuck are you retards babbling about? why do you have authority over me and have access to nuclear warheads? why arent you in a psychiatric hospital where you belong?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker About 2004 or so

    wintermute was a fat ugly cunt of a shedevil in 2004, cant imagine the mess she looks like now.

    her nudes were revolting, its the only time i wished i left my moms child f'ilter app running.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    so the greatest economic and military power's election was defeated by a pokemon game?

  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra suspicious

    the word you are looking for is pragmatic
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    i still individually download music, what kind of idiot uses streaming services? i like to listen to my music when i want and sure as fuck not gonna trust a website to stay online. not gonna open my browser with 200 open tabs every time i wanna listen to music either.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    theres nobody more arrogant, irritating and delusional than pseudointellectual pieces of shit like centrists who think that anything not conforming to their narrowminded worldview is "extremism" that should be dismissed.

    the far left and far right are radical patriots who wanna take america back to the people it belongs to, the centrists wanna preserve the dysfunctional status quo at all cost.

    you tell me who the real fucking extremists are.


    -patriots who want the american people to stop being robbed of their labor
    -want the common man to benefit from americas wealth and prosperity
    -want equal rights for everybody


    -patriots who want to keep the government out of peoples lives as much as possible
    -constitutional rights are absolute as are individual rights
    -want social stability and happiness for everybody

    -want to continue the degenerate shitshow we have running now
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    attorney client privilege, means right to unsupervised visits in prison.
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