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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    I have a 17 inch penis i am not lying NOT LYING, will this be enough to satisfy my potential partner?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat lol who is the pedo who rejected bradley?


    i actually tried to hook them up when i noticed brad orbiting him like a lapdog, he complained brad wasnt loli enough so i told brad to larp as a loli but he still wasnt interested.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready the rest of the shit I never eluded to being apart of. I don't collect welfare and never have. Shut your stupid face, Kev

    so whats this $15000 of covid money? thats more than the average net worth of a milenial.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    benzos are the easiest fuckin drugs to get off the street or off the clearnet, i can literally google klonapins right now, click any random site that pops up, pay with paypal and receive it next week, its easier than getting fucking weed.

    when my doc tried to be cute by abruptly stopping my prescription out of nowhere, i procured 100 of them overnight and told him to go fuck himself.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S my fucking cat wont get off my bed and stares @ me liek 'wtf do u want'

    what do

    use a cuddle attack, newb. then finish it off with a kiss on the nose, cats hate that, especially if you thoroughly brushed your teeth.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Literally the only video game system I desire to play. Some games for higher level systems are decent but don't tug my heart strings like the 64 does. I have conkers, DK, majoras mask, ocarina, 007 and some other sick trax. Scron also seems to share a nostalgic affinity for the ALFA and OMEGA system that every other release has been tryin to catch up to ever since.

    Does anyone here have starcraft or worms Armageddon they want to sell me? Name a better medium for games ILL WAPE!

    007 was the shit, played that game to death with all my buddies. lets not forget super smash bros, but who the fuck would play starcraft on an N64?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Incessant I think I might want one.

    practice with a stepbrat first
    i had 2 and they werent so bad but the experience was enough to make me realize im not good enough for the job.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Also get into the warioland series on gba and gameboy color and wii.

    wario land 2 and 3 was the shit
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    i dont recognize any of your zokletfag brethren, none of them are totse OGs and neither are you.

    study totse, nigger
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    kev is meh, but his frown is about to be turned upside down, because im about to celebrate this christmas with some liquid ecstasy and princess nakie gon be by my side ^^
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    its not for her, fool.

    3g are you talking weight or volume?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley The hell is that suppose to mean what it like to be me motherfucker

    It's okay, i get by. I'm not sure if you want like life story but in a nutshell, i'm a polydrug user and an alcoholic who enjoys learning my personality is below average and I am very loving person that has a mean streak. I'm getting older and not more successful and I have a parasitic lifestyle that revolves around my short term goals and happiness. I have rheumatoid arhtritis that is well managed by government paid for biologics, and bipolar. I'm balding and in good shape, 180-6'1 and I consider myself to be above average intelligence but no longer a genius like I was about 15 years ago, this may be because I haven't really been completely sober & probably could come back.

    I like myself but I love myself more.

    In a nutshell it's alright

    shit, even i am too cryptic for this retard.

    what i was asking is, whats it like to be such a colossal fuckup of a loser that you get rejected by a ratfaced faggot, a pedophile and a nigger in the same month on a site full of degenerates?

    your post did answer WHAT kind of unfortunate fuck ends up so deep down on the totem pole, but i already pieced together that you got buggered as a boy a long time ago so that wasnt really necessary
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley o i thought an incel meant u don't want to hve sex with women but aren't gay

    what part of "involuntary celibate" did you interpret as them avoiding sex by choice?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo You bumped this long dead thread to be passive aggressive and feminine, uniting with another passive aggressive feminine ladyboy. Pretty strange stuff that speaks volumes about your victim complex

    i have been away, nancy boy. the thread was still fresh on my subscription list, had you done a simple lookup of my posting activity you wouldve known.

    how you been?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    as for the race hoaxer jussie, it beats me why he keeps clinging to his original fake story. in HIS mind he is a victim of white supremacy after paying his nigerian buttbuddies to race-hoax him, in HIS mind it all really happened for real.

    why doesnt he just say "i was on drugs, i was an emotional wreck, i made a big mistake that cost me my career and reputation, im sorry" than keep digging himself a bigger hole. why isnt his attorney advising him on more rational PR tact that might make his prosecution less vigorous or get him acquitted outright?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Related on the tension issues of the world.

    WWIII may not happen (or a European war) because a lot of pressure is being put on Putin.

    so an invasion may not happen. Still China is playing games.

    but we're getting closer each time. China should reconsider not attacking Taiwan. however if they do, I have no doubt that Putin would then push into the Ukraine. just as soon as American warships and soldiers moved into China seas. thinning out our ability to help what goes on over there.

    I think this whole thing was staged by someone who ensured Smollett that this would be good PR and he could lead some Anti-White campaign to disrupt the race relationships already happening.

    soft hit pushing the DNC interest in with White Leaders like Clinton or Biden (first) follow up with the radical leftist from there. "The Revolution" is a lie. it's not the Revolution the 60s counter culture originally preached. which was race relations. not the radical splinter cells of "Kill Whitey"

    The Whites they spoke of was racist groups however the KKK had backed the Black Panthers over Gun Ownership and second ammendment issues. They backed Huey P Newton and Bobby Seal and so on. as weird as that was there was a bigger fish and shared interest of not losing the right to bear arms.

    of course the KKK continued on to be haters of Blacks and J'ews.

    the counter culture just hated Fascism it saw from the wealthy 1-2% running the show and owning half the worlds monies. they control the shit back then and centuries before.

    this is trying to be swept away by the radical left which is not counter culture but flip the card of power to another small group with self interest. they use the common people to turn on one another over skin color. it happens over and over again.

    taiwan is part of china and internationally recognized as so including by the united states you dumb twat.

    oh and cry me a fucking river about your $15 grand of welfare you receive a year, the average milenial's net worth is 11 grand and you bitch about not being paid enough to be a useless aging shitstain on society.

    my god you whiney snowflake boomers are annoying.

    huff raid and die already
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    what a title, the queen of an incel hangout...

    not something i would take credit for
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    lots to do in general population, easy to pass the time. try doing that in the retard inmate unit where almost everything is banned. how long was your stretch anyhow?
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley I tried to make a lot of friends, but I wasn't all that successful.

    thats a shocker there, considering how many faggots, niggers and pedos didnt wanna be your friend on this site.

    whats it like to be you anyway?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    couldnt do much but use my imagination and relive better days over and over until it was actually over because i got moved to the fucking retard unit right after my induction, apparently because i told the induction officer i was suicidal which i never fucking did, he asked if i had a history of depression or self harming which i said yes to. big difference you dick knobs.

    BOOM im on suicide watch and get to be supervised 24/7 with every move getting recorded in precise detail
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