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Reviving this community
2021-11-16 at 2 AM UTC
2021-11-16 at 2:01 AM UTCI skipped most of the thread because I didn’t want it to bias my opinion and it mostly looked like shitposting anyway.
OP, who are you to say why people come here? On the same token, who am I to do the same? People come here for different reasons. Many of the reasons overlap, but they are different nonetheless.
I’ve learned that I enjoy things in life more when I stop trying to change things into what I want them to be and instead enjoy them for what they are.
I won’t yuck your yum though. If you came here to change this place into something other than what it is that drew you here in the first place, then enjoy your quest. -
2021-11-16 at 2:01 AM UTC
2021-11-16 at 2:15 AM UTCThe only natural growth this community has had for 10 years is from searching how to do petty crime. Somehow zoklet's mods were such pathetic circlejerkers they thought they were above this fact. Then several totse2 fagships later and Lanny got a sweet software package and gave us a place to holler into the vast nothingness of space.
The only way someone is going to naturally find this site is by furiously searching the first 100 pages of "totse" in a search engine and once a week this site might show up or by some sick fuck Googling some sick fuck shit and 100 pages later finds this website and clicks the URL based on the domain name alone.
I think the movie "gay niggers from space" or whatever 1992 space movie actually fucks with the indexing of this website HARD. Google made an algorithm to purposely make it hard tovfind NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THIS but it definitely fucks with people being able to find this shit site -
2021-11-16 at 2:18 AM UTCThat last part about the SEO fucking us so hard is fucking funny on so many levels.
2021-11-16 at 2:22 AM UTCi'm gonna import a million kilograms of experimental nootropics and revive the good name of this forumThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2021-11-16 at 2:30 AM UTCOP has difficulty procuring Marijuana locallyThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2021-11-16 at 2:36 AM UTCLink that thread. Lol.
2021-11-16 at 2:53 AM UTC
2021-11-16 at 2:56 AM UTC
2021-11-16 at 4:04 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2021-12-23 at 1:29 PM UTC
2021-12-23 at 2:04 PM UTC
2021-12-23 at 4:15 PM UTC
Originally posted by Sudo You bumped this long dead thread to be passive aggressive and feminine, uniting with another passive aggressive feminine ladyboy. Pretty strange stuff that speaks volumes about your victim complex
i have been away, nancy boy. the thread was still fresh on my subscription list, had you done a simple lookup of my posting activity you wouldve known.
how you been? -
2021-12-23 at 4:31 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kev i have been away, nancy boy. the thread was still fresh on my subscription list, had you done a simple lookup of my posting activity you wouldve known.
how you been?
I don't use subscriptions or typically look through living users posting history so please forgive me.
I'm ok all things considered, how is kev? -
2021-12-23 at 4:49 PM UTCkev is meh, but his frown is about to be turned upside down, because im about to celebrate this christmas with some liquid ecstasy and princess nakie gon be by my side ^^
2021-12-23 at 7:58 PM UTCbring bck the trading pit nd ill get this bitch poppin
2021-12-28 at 10:43 AM UTC
2021-12-28 at 7:08 PM UTCno tell me
2021-12-30 at 5:06 AM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley no tell me
I thought not. It's not a story the fuzz would tell you.
DNM Dream was a Darknet Market of such inventory and renown, it was said it was immune to feds.
Long story short, dream got big and a big problem for the 5-0 so the FBI a research university and some foreign police force all teamed up to have a big think on how to crack this particular nut. The research university got the task of figuring out how to de-anonymize the buyers and sellers while the feds went to work slowly infiltrating Dream's leadership, when critical mass was achieved they smoothly took over the day to day operations of the site. Now in full control, the research university could play their part as sure enough they did. And everyone got sent to prison. The FBI literally stole a couple of million in bitcoin and that was the end of that. They timed it to coincide with the takedown of another site, and made it look like it was no big deal and they could do this trick all day.
Well that was a lie, it took a lot of money and manpower, but it got the message across.
All that to say, marketplaces are probably going to attract the wrong attention, and Lanny shouldn't allow it.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!