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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra yeah I remember someone posting his youtube

    I think it was s0y that sent me some stuff that Star Wars Fan was up to as well

    do you have the contact info of star wars fan?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    why would you take a vaccine for something with a 99.9% survival rate in the first place? deal with the coughs and sniffles for a few days like a man and get lifelong immunity as a reward.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by lannys mom gave me a two hole for one price special nine months before he was born now hes mad that his conception was preceded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy, bitch kikes are not white. kikes are a holotype from the middle east that is zero association with the caucasian species. the only similarities they have with whites is due to centuries of attempting to interbreed with a superior species to repair their own defective genetics.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WolfgangBladt Sorry man, we got off on the wrong hood. what's with your username? may i ask for a quick diatribe as to it's origins?

    fond memory of a man who put it in his anus
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite So now that its convenient there are exceptions? That was my entire point in the first place: you can't say everyone is incels.

    Exceptions are irrelevant, we are facing a demographic crisis, if incels were the exception instead of the norm, this would be another conversation. right now 1/3 of young men admitted to being incels and that is assuming guys dont frequently lie about getting laid which they do so that number can safely be doubled.

    You need to lay of the drugs man because there are no continuity in what you're saying. You're also saying that if we could, everyone would have sex all the time which is also false, its simply not practical.

    that is the natural order of things.

    The natural form of sex before ordered societies was what is commonly called “rape” nowadays. That is, it was physically capturing a woman to use for sexual purposes.

    There are many cartoons about this, involving cavemen hitting women over the head and dragging them by the hair back to their caves for sex.

    You’ve seen that imagery before, I’m sure.

    It is a very old meme.

    Then you had civilization, and the enforcement of marriage. And for all of history until Last Thursday, there were more women than men, because being a man is much more dangerous than being a woman. Men die more often than women. They die in wars, they die at work, they die on hunting trips.

    So not only was there marriage, there was polygamy, because if you didn’t give some men multiple wives, then you would have unmarried women, which would mean that you were wasting breeding potential, which is always, always, always a bad idea for any people.

    With Christianity, you had monogamy – in part logical due to fewer deaths, in part simply a way to create a more stable society – but there were still men who were going to go outside of their wives’ view to make sure wombs didn’t get wasted. This usually would have been wealthier men producing bastards with unmarried lower class women, and then sending them money.

    In the monogamy era, every father wanted to get rid of his daughters by giving them to men, in part because that would mean they didn’t have to pay for them and in part because it meant they wouldn’t end up with a bastard. And in large part because that would give them grandchildren, who would also be loyal to them.

    All of this is to say that all throughout history, men were getting laid. Unless there was something very seriously wrong with them.

    In the pre-historic era, if you weren’t getting laid, it meant you weren’t strong enough or wily enough to capture a woman.

    Since the beginning of civilization, it meant you must be some kind of cripple who is unable to work. Or else someone would be giving you their daughter.

    As such: being a man who wasn’t having sex was, throughout history, a source of extreme shame. It meant that you were more or less completely worthless.

    As such: our brains are hardwired to feel shame about not having a sexual partner.

    As such: in this bizarre modern era of complete and total social dysfunction, men very, very, very often lie about their sex lives.

    As such: men believe that other men are getting laid more than they actually are, so they are then even more prone to lying about this issue.

    As such: we’ve created a situation where men are almost all lying about their sex lives to other men, while they are all feeling like frauds and losers.

    I can agree though, that society is trying to impose itself on individuals but it was never at gunpoint, you always have a choice.

    your sexuality was controlled at gunpoint, for 2 years, remember? you have a choice to practice it, if you are willing to deal with the guns again. what is normal about any of this?

    But currently there are bigger issues, such as infringement of free speech and the failure to openly discuss such topics as islam without having to worry about getting killed, diversity and its demons, equality and why men and women cannot be equal, women's rise to power and subsequently men's fall,

    why do you think we have an incel problem in the first place? it is directly related to all that.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby This i met up with this girl at her place and she was begging me to say I'm a proud male feminist and saying so is a real panty dropper. I just blankly stared at her until she apologized and got up on my cock

    saying that will get you lots of blowjobs.....from guys
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats How do I force my 2 female cats to love each other?

    that violates the law of thermodynamics, you cant.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    all male feminists are retarded cucks who think they will get female validation if they submit enough, they arent half as clever as the average female chameleon given that none of them get laid while female chamelons always get free shit from these simps.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood can i rent your cat next

    what for, so you can googoo on joojoo's vajayjay? gtfo
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Hopefully…
    This is just a sleepover cat which means she is a rental but if I don't get her back Monday by 5:30 Ill be out 40 bucks but get to keep her.

    Her name is jedijedi and she is 6 years young.

    she has fear in her eyes, you sure you didnt force her to sit on your chest?


    why is renting a cat a thing in the first place? i never heard of that. the shelter i worked at you either a guest at a petting zoo or you adopt it.

    and you named her joojoo, youre a horrible parent. how can you disregard her self esteem like that?
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Technologist

    doesnt look like she is squirming away, unlike all of biden's victims.

    to answer the opie question, the left has a huge closet pedo problem. look no further than the 2 top biden supporters on this site. one (technologist) licks random people, the other (MMR) flashed people with unsolicited nudes and admitted to molesting people while they were sleeping. the only two staunch lefties on this site both happen to be sick fucks with an affinity for unwanted touching, coincidence?

    the left are mentally ill, plain and simple. just ask them how many dozens of genders they have and then tell me you are shocked they support a lecherous pedophile for president.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Anyone else enjoy listening to this?

    you are an incel simp, i bet you fantasize about granny landwhales shitting in your mouth too.

    kill yourself.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Yeah, you mentioned that. But you're wrong.

    You may find it hard to believe but some people actually are, and there is also certain psychological benefits to it. Not only does it teach you to postpone gratification but it also empowers you with energy and drive, and this matters even more in the society we currently live in.

    I've even done it myself some years ago, and i also made a post about it here somewhere.

    You can't say that man, not only because its incorrect but also because of the implications. Where does it end then? If you resist any of your "natural urges" it is because society forces you to it? Dude, nobody holds you on gunpoint telling you not to pass gass, nobody is holding you on gunpoint saying you can't have sex either. You can choose. Don't blame society on your lack of confidence, although society is partly at blame for alot of the shit thats going on but thats for another talk.

    But basically you're saying there's no free will, and that society controls your every move and that you have no say in it because its already determined.

    That is fine argument for a determinist, but we won't reach consensus if you're going that route.

    And you base these assumptions on what?

    Firstly, a lot of you people claiming to be “volcel” are simply coping, pretending you could get laid if you tried when in fact, you probably couldn’t. At least not with a woman who isn’t a fat cow.

    Secondly, if you actually are refusing sex when you have the option to have sex, why are you doing it?

    Well, you are doing it because the quality of the women is so low, and the risks and potential consequences of sexual activity so high, that it simply isn’t worth it.

    So then the question becomes: did you volunteer to be a part of a feminist society, where women are all fat, aggressive, nasty, dirty, lying whores who might accuse you of rape in the short term, get you done up on domestic violence in the medium term or divorce-rape you in the long term?

    Unless you did volunteer for this situation – and you didn’t – then you aren’t “voluntarily celibate” because of a situation you have no control over. A situation that was forced on you. A situation you are involuntarily living in.

    Thus: you are an incel.

    Unless you are:

    A priest or a monk, abstaining for spiritual reasons
    A married man with children
    A “boyfriend” (or a husband in a childless marriage), i.e., some bitch’s puppy dog
    A reckless retard who spends extreme amounts of vital essence and masculine energy attempting to have sex with rando sluts, and willing to take all the risks that go along with that practice, and are actually successful at it (which is rare and getting rarer)
    You have extremely low standards and are willing to have sex with women who are fat, nonwhite or past the age of 25

    Then you are an incel.

    But basically you're saying there's no free will

    not for you, remind us again what happened to you for 2 years the last time you were in a relationship. without this threat, which was the norm until only a few decades ago, would you be exercising your natural will freely?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America Hey if the other guy can grab women by the pussy

    They let him, sounds consensual to me.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat because theyr lying. i got deported for fighting this guy namd raphal luciano just look him up on youtub or skylar/skyler luciano who literwlly ticked me i to fighting him just so he can call th foos wnd have some on fwke witness he sold drugs to lie to him in q statement wnd run out of town never sho up to a court wnd have ana r,wnian lawyer nwmed george gigarjian twlk about pla bargains right away and prison maybe sll me for some other flient wnd two cases in a row he did the same for a abr fight i had to pla bargwin to a strike under cslifornia three strike law but thwt was a separate case and issues sinde we are diwcussing luciano here.

    try again on a real keyboard, i cant decipher this crap
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite That sentience doesn't even make sense.

    I don't recall ever consenting to the human experience but look what happened. Whether or not the "game" is rigged is a philosophical debate that we can surely take once you've learned the definition of incel which i suggest you look up, as it seems you're view on it is pretty misinformed. Even more so when you write something like "we are all incels". Are you fucking serious?

    its a simple question, did you consent to have a misandrist political system meddle with your personal life? if not, you are an incel.

    when you revolve your identity around involuntary celibacy enough to have a special portmanteu for it (incel), that implies there are voluntary celibates, except that is bullshit because nobody is voluntarily celibate. if you choose to suppress your natural urge to procreate, that is pressure imposed upon you externally by a sick sociopolitical system.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat “ when your stupid ass got hauled to buttfuck prison for 2 years for exercising the very natural, male instinct of dominance over your female, did you consent to have such a ridiculous, unprecedented system imposed upon you?”

    thats nothing imagine if somethinf like what happened to me happened to him instead where he literally was attacked by a white trash and gypsy mix trash with over 10 kids named luciano and on and they not onlyput him imprisoned for four yrs but deported him. thats way worse than some scum woman beater getting two yrs imo or is it just me guys?

    im not familiar with your story. i do recall you confirming you did time in san quentin but multiple people on here say you were that maciej guy who got deported to poland for calling an underage girl beautiful, which you deny. so remind me again, what happened?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    meh, fuck fox news, they shouldve been sued for continually cutting off that georgian woman and her young daughter because they didnt spread russophobic lies about the russia-georgia war they were caught in the middle of.

    fox news is a propaganda apparatus of the deep state, just like CNN is.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite You're saying that as if being an incel only entails the lack of validation, which is incorrect. I'm not surprised this surpasses you though. Its complex shit that's most likely well above your cognitive abilities which may or may not be impaired due to living the incel life.

    I agree that if the validation issue was the only consequence of being an incel then yeah, suicide might be over the top.
    But you're clearly only looking at the tip of the iceberg here.

    And your lame and rather unstimulating attempts to maintain some sort of internet persona that you've made for yourself because you can't manifest it in real life, is getting tiresome. Its like those spics who pretends to be badass, but once you get 1v1 they turn into bitches, just like you.

    At least educate yourself on these matters before you start making false claims and assumptions.

    i have no idea what the fuck youre talking about so let me dumb it down for you:

    when your stupid ass got hauled to buttfuck prison for 2 years for exercising the very natural, male instinct of dominance over your female, did you consent to have such a ridiculous, unprecedented system imposed upon you? if the answer is no, you are an incel. none of us agreed to be born in a system of enforced matriarchal dominance. we are all incels.

    the implication that there is a "volcel" is ridiculous. if you opt out of this rigged game, youre doing it because the system you did not consent to meddling your personal life is forcing you to change your priorities.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Im a left leaning libertarian. The government should make roads schools, hospitals, social programs, environmental protections and almost nothing else and to expect not to be taxed is a fantasy. Every libertarian I meet or see online is a complete neckbeard who posts/thinks "TXATSHUN=THFEFT" and "CABIN TXXES INCREASE DA PRICE OF MAC N CHEESE" without really knowing what these things mean. Or they will think it's super clever to use basic economic theorem that shows 1 thing, to make vast implications that are nothing more than unproven inferences. Plus they care about other people and what they do. I wish it seemed like people like me were the majority, as everyone with a political opinion thinks and its nice to see some trends going at least in the right direction

    i agree with this completely. the only thing right wing libertarians are useful for is their emphasis on the deep state that exposed it to public discourse. but from what i understand, left wing libertarians stress the importance of combating the deep state too, without the dumb ideologue bullshit of TAXAYSHUN IS THEFT, DEBT SLAVERY IS FREEDOM
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