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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Very sexy

  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the little girl Is how surface level and normie the taste in music of nis is.

    Youre a bunch of dumbass plebes who never graduated past the walled garden of western mainstream culture.

    It's painful posting something here only to see an uneducated dumbass like mmq say "this is so simple" or a fuccboi like kortz spamming numetal constantly or prove himself to be a clueless newfag when it comes to experimental music (he unironically thought merzbow only had 50 albums)

    The only person here who even comes,close to a shred of dignity is aldra and he's a douchebag

    Wariat gets away with the e-wave stuff but the rest of you should just choke on vomit and die

    Also tmwpiiha is a dumbass who literally thinks psychic tv is industrial

    dude you gave me some unmelodic experimental ASMR noise crap when i was high and asked for shit i can move to. quit talking like youre a DJ, your tastes suck.

    so stfu and post some lolicore like you promised a month ago and didnt deliver.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite You can't reduce the complexity of the entirety of the human experience to sex, although i'm sure that mother nature would agree with you if you were an antechinus. Because they actually fuck till they die of exhaustion.

    you exist because your parents fucked, you are experiencing all this complexity known as life because of this. if people stop breeding, civilization is in trouble. i never suggested human relationships are simple but societal stability and prosperity always hinged on communism in the bedroom. one woman for every man. both parties are happiest and most productive when they are raising a family.

    I "apparently" stepped out of line and in a system where the female's argument matters more, i go to prison.
    Now i'm saying that this is not bullshit, because it is. But we need law because without it people turn into savages especially when shits about to go down. Sure you can argue that law represses us, and i might even agree with you to some point but i'd rather live in a world with law, then in one without.

    nobody is arguing for a world without law... since when was law non-existent before the feminists showed up and declared that a womans word is law?

    If everyone was allowed to rape without repercussions we'd have serious issues now, including some i think you'd rather avoid such as the rape of the people you care about.

    you are inventing a straw man argument that no one made. in more stable times, marriages were arranged and she would be protected and looked after for the rest of her life, so her getting violated was unlikely, unheard of and certainly not tolerated.
    rapes have skyrocketed since wymynz liberation happened, according to feminists themselves. so if anything it is the current postmodernist dysfunctional shitfest that most resembles "everyone allowing to rape without repercussions".

    However, that being said. You don't deal with incel problem without dealing with the causes of it first.

    it doesnt matter, it is way too late. right now most incels are the cause of their own misery without realizing it because they continue to put the bitch on the pedestal and revolve their whole lives around begging for her attention like some demented lapdogs. there is nothing you can do for these morons other than provide them an outlet. i hope technology will save our asses and bury the cunt class for good, it is our best hope for the incel redemption.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    vinny needs to make this thread about little girls now, bring some positive goodness to this mess.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Tyrone gon fuck somebody wife, long dick style
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby maybe you should quit doing drugs opie. personally for me I like mdma but don't do it that often like I did years ago. Last time I had a blast, this chicken brought two different kinds and I ate both kinds and ent up facing fuck her ahhaahaha, I after she left I ent up just getting some booze and passed out.

    I felt a lil wacky the next day but I just smoked a bowl and ate a burger, toughin up buttercup

    i dont roll often, i abstained for quite a while, i shouldnt be getting kicked in the nuts like this.

    and how do you face fuck with a limp dick? molly is chemical castration. whatever you ate wasnt mdma.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Shut up nigger

    u gon get lynched by your comrades for that one u rayciss sexiss anti ghey, antifa go away
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting Its because niggers know theyll get assistance from da gubbermint.
    Plenty of gibs me dats out there telling black men they are on some sort of birth control so just blewded it in me daddy.
    There are literally 12 forms of birth control so women have no reason to accidentally get pregnant. This includes so called "rapes" too. Take some responsibility for your actions fuckin coons. An excuse of "well i drank too much and it was a yes at the time but this morning its a no i didnt consensent" doesnt count either. This happens more than you could imagine just so these whores can get sympathy attention

    nig nogs got played by the gubmint, they incentivized their women to cuck them and raise a generation of fuckups that all got used as cheap prison labor for globalist companies. blacks are the biggest useful idiots for the deep state.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat

    imagine our resident libtards trying to refute any of this LOL

    nice summary, now what we need is an open debate between this guy and the professors who push this sjw crap. sadly it wont happen, the soy-boy liberal professors might get accused of being racis themselves for giving a horrible racist "a platform to spread his hatred" and they cant have that!

    for real tho all this suppressed crimethink will just lead to a major fallout, possibly genocide. the reason minorities can be discriminated against is because they are a minority of the population and have no power to do shit about it. but discriminating against the majority of the citizens will eventually turn into an unrest when you push them too far.

    look how well it worked out for all those communist countries that did exactly that. soviet union, enrichment of all republics at the expense of the largest (russia) and anyone who complained punished harshly. yugoslavia, enrichment of all nationalities at the expense of the largest (serbs).

    one day both of these people said enough is fucking enough. look today how the soviet unions whiniest most self entitled minorities (poland and ukraine) turned out. instead of bitching about russian oppression they are bitching about not getting free shit from russia anymore, as if they didnt enthusiastically secede from the union. their population is dropping like flies and they are becoming failed states.

    america needs a soviet-style dissolution and throw out all our trash.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member They had to stop using Gorilla Glue at the Brooklyn Zoo after two gorillas stole a bottle and used it as sexual lubricant. The male gorilla lost 35% of his penis

    at least that gorilla still has a dick, soy-boy
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member I would say its about 50% of them have problems. They've all got like 3-6 parents due to divorce, and a million step siblings since their mom sleeps around.

    Just sad. White/European 'culture' really needs to be abolished. Humans weren't meant to live like that.

    I really do feel genuine sadness thinking about how bad white people have it

    "The percentage of White children under 18 who live with both parents almost doubles that of Black children, according to the data. While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents, only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same."

    looks to me it isnt the white kids with the mommy issues, which might also explain why they dont commit the majority of the crimes.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Pulminary Fribrosis.

    you survived the last 100 seasonal flus at your age, i think youll be fine.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Shut the fuck up Spectral Parker

    he has a point, you are quite obsessed.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I wouldn't know, but obviously you do.

    i thought you knew since you did it, tell us how it worked out for you. the whole mansion of broads slept with you because your wokeness made them so wet amirite?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Lol you admitted numerous times to being a scumbag pedophile

  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Piece of shit pedophile ^

  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America Yes you did. Literally read the quote you posted 3 times.

    If you don't want to go over such a "trivial" topic, then accept the trivially true fact that Jews are white.

    i will look up this thread a month from now, you probably will still be going on and on about this for 10 more pages, quarrelsome fucking faggot.

    grow a nut
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America You literally exclusively offered a semantic argument.

    i did no such thing. do you really want to go on and on and on and on for pages over a trivial fucking topic? were you raised by a single mother by chance? everything about you screams that you have soy running thru your veins.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bugz Real men own dogs. not cats.

    I can understand Chell telling Fona to get a cat but he should get a dog that gets along with the cat. get a puppy so the cat will teach the dog the cat rules. the cat will smack the dog if the puppy gets out of line. knowing it's place.

    but someone like Kr0z.. having a cat? thats so ghey af

    real men do what they want, cats are less expensive to maintain and can take themselves out for walks. you can argue that cats project mainly feminine energy all you want but for me its the same thing when a dog begs for my attention 24/7.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America White isn't the same thing as Caucasian, otherwise you are saying you are the same race as Indians, and those Indians are white.

    i dont care to argue semantics.
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