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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by l a n n ­y s - m o ­m m i e - gave me a two h­ole for one price sp­ecial nine months before he was born now hes mad that his con­ception was p­receded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy....b­itch theyre too complicated to get into, especially on here. the short version is spain had a similar situation to here…side-a ruining the country then cheating at an election that they barely won, then side-b decided to use force to give them what-for. side-b won and their leader controlled the country for the next 40-ish years. the argentina short version is they had the 'cancel culture' where their cancelling involved disappearing.

    you heard wrong. read some real history on the 1930s spanish anarchists. they are in the same boat as modern day anarchists: they are being used as pawns and puppets by the communists. its an ingrained personality flaw that attracts the less mentally capable to the anarchist way of life. they are easily swayed to follow others…as they do now. and, as happened in 1930s spain, once the communists are in control, the communists will purge the anarchists. the 1930s commies literally killed anarchists that didnt toe the line.

    the only positive future for america is de-globalization, destruction of china, and elimination of current politics…meaning democrats and republicans both being eliminated.

    yeah im gonna have to brush up on the history of spain, cheers for the nutshell summary.

    i guess as a native totsean i will always be biased toward the anarchist cause even if i largely abandoned that utopian, edgy teenager crap in recent years.

    deglobalization is fine but its gonna be decades of painful readjustment before shit goes back to normal id think, all benefits of deglobalization will be undone by automation. the cycle of poverty and misery continues. and i dont think a war with china will be positive for anyone, leave the chinks be.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by l a n n ­y s - m o ­m m i e - gave me a two h­ole for one price sp­ecial nine months before he was born now hes mad that his con­ception was p­receded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy...b­itch in the US, 100%.

    i dont have a prediction but the closest im guessing about is something similar to what youd have if the spanish civil war and the argentina civil war had a baby.

    alas i am unfamiliar with the details of those. i heard anarchist spain was awesome tho, sucks it got destroyed.

    so you gonna fight or flight? you see any positive future for america?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member ^completely made up bullshit

    xlite alluded to it earlier. "just lower your standards!"
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by l a n n ­y s - m o ­m m i e - gave me a two h­ole for one price sp­ecial nine months before he was born now hes mad that his con­ception was p­receded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy.. b­itch no. if theres ever a revolution or collapse there will be plenty of guns and ammo piled up for free.

    you think an unrest is on the horizon? i predict a USSR style collapse, what do you think?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat „ Getting laid is easier than ever before”

    not at the dive bar it isnt and not if youre unemployed it isnt i dont even know why being employed or being a „mr sumbudy” to them should even matter. its not like most of those dive bar hos are shit themselves in life.

    you see, men should lower their standards but women shouldnt, they are entitled to the best hookups and all the blessings in life and you and me should pay for it all.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by l a n n ­y s - m o ­m m i e - gave me a two h­ole for one price sp­ecial nine months before he was born now hes mad that his con­ception was p­receded by the exchange of pocket change. who's your daddy b­itch in the last year ive literally spent more on actual firearms than the majority of members of this site make in two years.

    not counting k­roz who makes a dollar a day sucking dick by charging each client a penny in his two for one special.

    you prepping for a revolution or collapse there, finny?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz not-country? what the fuck are you talking about. the US is not a country, that what yer tryin to say mr green nigger kike semen slurper?

    technically its a corporation, not a country. it is many things, half of them contradicting each other. we have 50 states that kind of function like states but are more like provinces yet we call them states while larping as a federation since the civil war and then we have areas for native americans that are outside the US jurisdiction without being outside the sovereignty but the exceptions only apply to native americans and not other citizens, its confusing. no one really knows what the USA is, other than a mess.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite You're suggesting we have sex all the time because that's what human life is all about. That is incorrect. I don't even know what you base that assumption on.

    the fact that we have sexual urges on a regular basis maybe? it is one of the human needs, in the same pyramid as food and shelter.

    If sex was all we needed to do, then we'd be the kinda mouse i just mentioned. Sex for everyone at all times will definitely result in overpopulation

    that already happened and it is the result of industrialization, not because of our natural urge to procreate. in a natural habitat, infant mortality is high which is why nature has us reproduce as much as possible without becoming overpopulated.

    You're speaking for the expression of our natural sexual urges and then claim that withholding them by choice is the result of an oppressive society.

    except you arent withholding them by choice, you are withholding them at the threat of men with guns coming after you and then youre forced to deal with frustration, mental illness and develop sexual perversions as a result of this artificial "choice". its a situation you have no control over.

    Getting laid is easier than ever before

    how did that work out for you? :)

    You're all over the place man. Why don't you lay out your idea of the optimal society and how it would work so i can get a better picture because you generalize a lot, specify even less, and make assumptions which has no ground, and this makes this whole process tiresome not to mention a lot easier to misunderstand.

    i dont care to fantasize about an ideal society that doesnt exist, at best we can look at what the most ideal time in history was which i would say was the 1950s and i still wouldnt call it ideal but certainly better than the shit show today.

    You want a society more like.. islam?

    hell no, islam legally requires you to take care of the stupid bitch for life and holds you responsible for all her behavior, its worse than feminism.

    for the future, i welcome sexbots and the artificial womb which should make females completely obsolete and liberate men for the first time in history.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung ur such a fucking douchebag. Nary a moment in the physical world…would i want to spend with you.

    likewise, stumpy
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo By lost a fight do you mean lost a flip flop? The video of a bunch of kids in a parking lot by a car? Nice history rewrite, I'll see if I can find the video again

    I guess when you’re a little bitch fag too chicken to face a girl like a man in July, you ain’t gonna be no different in August. Your creepy crocs and tranny shorts won’t make your pussy actions appear tough. And neither will purple gloves.

    After missing just about every punch on the girl who was facing away from him, the beta soy-boy got his ass whooped by a pair of white knights who watched the Captain Save-a-ho act it up from a car.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat what aboutnepstein tho? didnt those girls know whwt they were getting themselves into and act essentially like hookers? How apwete theys urprised what he wwnted and acted like victims way later?

    i dont know details about epstein but it is safely assumed pressure and force was used since he was well connected and powerful. even if that wasnt the case, its still in the hookers favor to ride the sympathy train than fight it.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Alas, those days are gone. I really wish I hadn't been a (very stupid) teenager at the time. I missed out on a lot of the good stuff totse had to offer. I'm a (still very stupid) adult now and I'd definitely put the resources of totse to (marginally) better use than I did back in the day. One of my biggest regrets is not getting as much as I could have out of totse when I had the chance.

    brother, i couldve wrote this post word for word. you stole my exact thoughts.

    all i did was lurk back in the day and spend most time on faggotastic 4chan, i regret it big time.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    I still dont get it, why is being kind to dogs racis? also it makes me cringe seeing a dogs tongue hang out sideways like that where they can easily bite it off. is my concern racis?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai The root of the cyberpunk revolution this is not. Cyberpunk revolutionaries are left anarchists fighting corporate power (and government power, but government in cyberpunk exists perfunctorily at best). NIS is almost universally centrist status quo cucks who get all their opinions from the MSM, third position proto-fascists, and right wing conservatives. If NIS was going to lead society to anything cyberpunk, we'd probably be the ones most responsible for entrenching corporate power. Our userbase is either outright enthralled by and supportive of corporate power centers or provides a convenient enemy for them to use in securing their powerbase using wokeness. A bunch of retards gleefully saying "nigger" is exactly the reason companies like Amazon can tweet #BLM and have it actually mean something to people.

    tl;dr - we aren't the cyberpunk revolution, we're the scapegoats and corporate bootlickers that lead to the dystopia which creates the revolution

    the original temple had a much more diverse political userbase, a lot of extreme leftists and rightists with a sizable (but not a high percentage) of moderates and centrists, that was the best. regardless, virtually everybody was opposed to cancer culture and all this woke bullshit, no matter their politics. i miss tose days.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby *RAMS A FAKE GAY DILDO UP KEVS ASSHOLE AND RUNS AWAY!*

    ever the cowardly rapist, Bill Krozby
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i got prescribed again for gabapentin last week and its helped me a lot quit drinking and actually sleeping, Id been of off it for two years and I should of gone to a doctor sooner but finnaly did again, its a pretty benign drug you can get high off of it but you can't overdose on it, but I'm just taking it because it actually helps me out at the prescribed dose

    im not an alcoholic but i tried gabbies before and it made me feel unsteady and drunk without the nausea or hangovers, pretty neat. it makes sense if this is used for alcohol detox.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Moderately intelligent people are the worst. Dumb people are way better off.

    i actually agree with this. the most pleasant people i have known were people who were completely educated or completely uneducated, both very wise and had a positive influence on me.

    normies otoh never added any value to my life. dangerously average nobodies trying to be a somebody. they should all kill themselves or better yet keep paying taxes and dying in wars like the useless sheep they are.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat how many girls today kno that would do that would just enjoy the sex even like three yrs older than her and not sntifh alter orc ry to their moms or dad or the authorities and act like they were takena dvantage of?

    hard to say, the prudery of present time is so bad it makes devout catholics look like wild party animals. there is a lot of pressure on kids to suppress their sexuality.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    exchanged all my bitcoin for monero recently. like 80% of the bitcoin nodes are operated by one company, they could easily spoof transactions if they wanted to. at least monero sabotages the ability to mine it in silicon. equality kicks ass.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ORACLE You're all striders in a weird realm, who come together I na digital tavern after your daily adventures.

    You are the root of the cyberpunk revolution.

    Fuck you.

    we shall be victorious, the gubmint will fall, the normies will become our slaves and their daughters our concubines.

    we are legion.
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