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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 You whiney Republicans are still bitching about Hillary Clinton even though her husband was elected President LAST CENTURY.

    you mean the impeached rapist married to a child rapist? what a happy family.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Yeah, that's pretty much the responds i expected from an incel.
    Good job reaffirming my views on the matter, its always nice when someone proves my point.

    a lack of validation from women is enough to drive you to suicide, nuff fucking said.

    we are all incels, none of us consented to being born in a matriarchal system, but some of us dont have an itch to end our lives over some unhinged bitch, SIMP.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America True.

    took you long enough to admit your original thesis was bullshit
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung But most people can't afford to do that with any regularity…that's a turn-off, also, to many guys, high std risk, etc…The point being, banging a hooker is not always a viable option.

    they dont want to bang a hooker, they arent looking to get laid per se, they want to be desired, much like the pat on the head they never got from their cock carousel-riding single mamas that never gave a fuck about them. if only they could get female validation, their life will be complete. manginas to the max.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Xlite Maybe i would be considered one for the last 2 years because i was incarcerated for proposedly establishing my dominance upon a member of the female sex.

    thats what happens to dumbass simps who believe they still have a stake in a game they have been long expelled from.

    But fuck no. If i was ever to fall to the level of these incels whom i addressed in my wall of text, i would have to commit seppuku while roller skating in a forest attempting to grab a baby falling from the sky while a balrog is chasing me, in order to finally restore to my

    holy fuck what a simpering simp, it hurt to read this. do me a favor and commit seppuku right now.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member The difference is that what I believe in has been proved by science.

    this retard probably believes astrology is a science, no wonder everybody just learned to ignore him.

    i shall do the same.

    for the record, i support the far right and the far left equally, this is where you will find all the patriots. the centrists are the true extremists and parasites, including "democratic socialists", nothing of which is socialist about them, but our poor brainwashed faggot likely doesnt know that.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    welcome back veteran, we have been decimated, divided, conquered and even added to a list of terrorist groups. our bases 4chan, ytmnd and all others sold out to the jedis.

    come shitpost and do drugs with the rest of your disillusioned brethren. misery loves company.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo and want to ensure they are not mistaken for supporting the opposing ideology. Folks it is not so much a school of thought as a criticism of another. Left wingers are less like this because their inherent weakness demands a nanny state that they feel in their bones.

    folks It is just that articulating what their actual beliefs are just isn't their thing. They would much rather say what they are not

    divide and conquer, profit off the madness. its all about exploiting tribality. the sheep flock to a group that vaguely resembles their identity and then sell their individuality in exchange for the herd protection. over half the things i believed during my liberal days was not because it was my personal conviction but because other liberals believed it or because conservatives opposed it.

    sad existence.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra easy way to visualise it: your ip address is your target is

    You send a message to an NTP server saying "HI I'm please send me the time"

    the NTP server connects back to and sends the time.

    you send this to like 500 NTP servers and that's a significant amount of data hitting - the request for the time information is much shorter than the actual time data.

    With TCP you cannot effectively spoof your IP address; when you connect to something and ask for data it WILL send it back to you.
    With UDP there's no way for them to verify that you're not if you say you are.

    This will work with most UDP-based services, NTP and DNS are the most popular ones for reflection

    i get it, yeah. but if the target is bigger than all the NTP servers then its them that will be dossed instead of the target. imagine trying to bring amazon or google down. we aborted that during operation payback in 2011 because it wasnt doing shit.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    man spectral is the only one i remember seeing on totse from the very beginning, tho his name is the only thing i remembered.

    gotta respect OGs tho, i hope he didnt ragequit on account of the orange spaz even if a kiddy diddler is now president, he should be too old for that partisan shit.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra no, with UDP there's no way to know whether the return IP address you give is legitimate

    what he's talking about is a reflection attack, basically you pretend to be your target and send requests for data to thousands of different NTP or DNS servers, so they all send the requested data back to that target at once

    oh, thats interesting. so fool the target into dosing himself basically? neat. i dont think that would work to bring a big target down but suitable for a small site or an individual.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    sophie i would talk to a professional but they did a bunch of humanitarian cuts, my social worker is out of a job too so no more free mental health services. the professionals have always been almost useless anyway, its why im self medicating in the first place.

    i didnt do molly for the record, i did her little sister called eve, reagent tests confirm it as MDEA but of course we can never know for 100%, the pills are pink heart shapes with "LOVE" imprinted on them. imported, not local. anyone familiar?

    im aware doing MDxx drugs on a regular basis is neurotoxic but i dont do that, the last time i rolled was over a year ago. is this not more than responsible? i really dont get why i must suffer grave consequences for doing the only drug that gives me feelings that are so beautiful and right. why is it that shooting up heroin or meth (which i got no positive effect from) only fucks me up for a day or two but this drug that induces the most gorgeous feelings of happiness and cuddliness has lasting consequences that go on for months? this is fucking bullshit.

    i seriously dont deserve this.

    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe On a serious note if this is molly related that is fucked. I use to abuse MDMA fucking hard, especially in my early 20's and have always recovered mentally.

    Just need to eat some healthy brain foods. Blueberries, Omega 3's and get some feel good endorphins flowing - chocolate.

    thought you unsubscribed...

    how do you britfags abuse molly with no consequences? what the fuck do you do? eat blueberries and chocolate all day? is that the secret?

    i had some peanut butter and marshmallows earlier which helped for about a minute. :(
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie UDP Reflection is a DDoS technique. If you rent a number of VPS' with good bandwidth and you have an UDP reflection script on each of them all you need is a couple of lists of NTP, DNS, SSDP, or memcache servers. I specifically mentioned NTP, and SSDP servers because DNS and Memcache are a little more involved to set up for UDP reflection. But anyway, say i send you an UDP Reflection script that uses NTP servers, and you deploy this script including lists of NTP servers to 10 VPS and you run the script on all of them with a single remote host configured as the target the following will happen.

    Your VPS' will start sending queries to every NTP server in your lists, however in simple terms, the script sends the queries and tells the NTP servers to send the response to the target host that you defined. So what will happen is you get thousands upon thousands of NTP servers sending packets using UDP as protocol all at once to that single target. Causing a denial of service.

    This way you don't need zombies to send packets to your target, you just use the VPS' to send queries to NTP servers which will then inundate your target for you instead.

    The reason you need more than a couple VPS, is because an NTP response has less data in it than say a DNS response, i mentioned SSDP because SSDP responses have a little more data in them than NTP but less than DNS, but you need a malicious domain for DNS Amplification to work. And memcache responses have the most, but as far as i recall memcache servers need to be misconfigured, or have a certain vulnerability in order to be used for UDP reflection.

    If you were using the term 'zombie' to indicate a compromised box that does other things than serve as part of a DDoS botnet. I think the word 'client' would be more appropriate. But maybe that's just me, i just associate 'zombie' with DDoS.

    i wasnt intending to bot anyone, i was pondering on harvesting slaves to be my own personal VPN. different hackers used different terms, some say zombie, slave, client, bot, whichever. on one site, 'bot' gets wordenhancemented to zombie which is how it caught on with me. i just wondered if you had any for sale.

    about the ddos method you mention, do i understand right that zombies arent required at all, just a list of NTP servers and a few dozen VPS? wouldnt i have to own the NTP servers?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I'm pretty sure every culture buttfucks boys.

    Humans are the buttfucking ape.

    ive never heard of buddhist monks doing it
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Women's suffrage? If you ask me those BITCHES and WHORES should be suffering more.

    something like 70% of polled women on college campuses signed a petition to end wymynz suffrage because the dumb broads thought suffrage meant 'suffering'.

    the irony is just hilarious. give women the right to vote and theyll vote to end that right.

    democracy in a nutshell.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I think this whole 'celibacy' rule for the clergy was a recipe for disaster right from the start.

    you would think but then the protestant church buttfucked their fair share of little boys too.

    catholics are demented faggots because their ancestors were, they were the most enthusiastic cucks to the invaders culture and religion, the equivalent of todays liberal pussies who cant get enough sandnigger dick. the roman nancy boys capitulated to the barbarians and became the original catholics.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    India didnt do a lockdown? had no idea. i know sweden didnt and that south korea and vietnam didnt do a lockdown but did encourage masks. russia only locked down for 2 months while china never did a lockdown at all, just blockaded wuhan until they realized it was just another bad seasonal flu.

    lockdowns just encourage the spread anyway, especially in big cities with lots of skyscrapers like new york where everyones germs spread thru the ventilation system.

    it doesnt matter in teh end, the virus is airborne, there is no way to stop the spread. every human on the planet save for a few hermits will get it. luckily covid19 isnt dangerous to begin with so it doesnt really matter. a few geezers and grannies will die, 99.9% will survive.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    the coronahoax and everything done in the name of stopping it has redistributed wealth from the poor and middle class to the billionaires.

    im all for the billionaire class paying for all the damage they have inflicted on the economy and people but the question shouldnt be about fixing symptoms but fixing the problem. somethings fucked with the system if one guy can work hard all his life and still be several figures in debt while some useless jedi piece of shit doubles his billions of wealth in just a few months because a recession hit.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Money and sexbots…wise words my man.

    even without these things, the main reason why we have an incel problem today is because simps kept putting women on a pedestal. incels are part of the problem because they are doing the exact same fucking thing and something tells me they lack this self awareness or theyd realize they are perpetuating their own misery.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member 2 This doesn't even make sense. "Submit to islam?" Nobody is submitting to Islam lmao. Don't worry, sharia law isn't coming to America any time soon just because there's a muslim woman in congress.

    And lol @ capability to opposte islamic jihadists. They can't even oppose a Waffle House.

    i never mentioned muslim women in congress or sharia law, just explained why rivals arent buddies.
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