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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Komo would say that. Fuck psychosis though, i despise that state of mind.

    i was pointing a loaded gun at my door not too long ago, luckily no one knocked.
    psychosis is not fun
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    lets hear it
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Just fuck around with mobile ones first and get the hang of placement before buying a physical one. I bought one for Chinese and didn't even end up using it because it was easier to just use auto prediction software for pinyin.

    ga ni ma
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Just goes to prove how people should mind their own fucking business and keep their long nose out of other people's affairs.

    thats too much to ask for
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    do some GHB faggot, hell fuck you till you love him
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Kind of felt the same about Ethylphenidate, but i think i just OD'd every dose i took. I mean i get the jitters when i take 20mg of methylphenidate without a benzo and i was eyeballing the Ethyl variety, lol.

    tut tut
  7. Kev Space Nigga

    it wasnt phenibut on steroids as advertised but phenibut's negative effects on steroids without any of the positive ones. flushing the rest of this shit down the toilet, i regret ever buying it, felt so damn sick, UGH
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Why is your Communist Utopia no longer a reality then you retard midget child fucker?

    Holy shit I'm talking to someone that didn't know Germany and the USSR carved up Poland together.

    yeah, the USSR shouldve allowed germany to expand right to her border, i mean its not like adolf wouldve actually invaded the USSR next and murdered 27 million of their citizens


    good god youre a fucking idiot, and a closet pedophile on top of that
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yes, which is why incidences of infidelity shot to the moon when sexual promiscuity were normalized in the west.

    the traditional solution to it has always been for the husband to :

    0 - get a house maid
    1 - get prostitutes
    2 - get mistresses
    3 - polygamy
    4 - incest, the bad kind, that is to say fucking their daughters.
    5 - incest, the worst kind, by fucking their sons.
    6 - rape strangers.

    why do you think bill had to fuck an intern even while hillary was still pretty fuckable ?


    infidelity has nothing to do with sexual desensitization and everything to do with hypergamy. the sexual revolution basically told women that they are free to run wild on the cock carousel without consequences, that it is their human right and whoever disagrees hates freedom.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    He deserved it for his hair looking like a turban.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    The reverse of that is that there is now a desire among heterosexual pornography addicts to normalize pedophilia, because pornography, like drugs, requires stronger and stronger doses to get the same high.

    i disagree with this. by that logic, if you keep fucking your wife you will need to do more and more kinky shit to her to get as turned on.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls No fuck that

    this is MY LEGO she has her shitty helicopter I made with her

    I think this says 18+ on the box too it’s rocket science

    that aint nice
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Folks we could be rollin in about a week or so

    But still almost almost another 200 pages to go

    Shit that rhymed

    I hope there’s a lil lego nigga to put in the car

    that looks like an office printer lmao
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy Does anyone here have experience with the program?

    It looks like a normal rehab but with added Christian indoctrination.

    Can't bring a phone, secular books, magazines, movies, shows, or music.

    Obligatory church services and Bible study.

    No girlfriends or marriage allowed. No sitting next to a girl in church.

    Required 6:30 wake up time and 10:30 bedtime.

    It seems pretty lame. But my grandmother is going to cut me off from borrowing money unless I pledge to do this for a year. What would you do?

    if you go , bribe a priest with boyporn to get confession booth access and have yourself a fun gloryhole session with all the vulnerable/raunchy females, purify their decadent orifices with your holy seed while they confess their sins with devilish moans.

    great way to pass the time and make it less lame.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America Among different nonrandomly selected populations you will find some differences, because that is what happens statistically and is tautologically true. Africa has more genetic diversity than all non African groups. Not all Africans are just super fast Usain Bolts. They have the highest level for their outliers and their medians are *slightly* higher when controlling for age, height and fitness. What that means is that there's not an unreasonable chance any African back selected at random will be slower than any white European selected at random. There's just a somewhat higher chance of the opposite. There are literally hundreds of millions of Africans slower than hundreds of millions of whites. So why would you stributento the entire race that has been socially designated as black?

    I didnt say all blacks are better track runners, i just forgot the exact region the award winning sprinters came from. is it fair to say that kenyans on average would outrun non-kenyans? if so, they have a biological advantage.

    i only listed differences i could think off the top of my head, i avoided subjective things like IQ but all these differences are fairly consistent and not statistical noise like you claim. how is it that ALL native americans never lose their hair? with chinese people you at least have a few exceptions. this is a pattern, not some tautological coincidence. if you split up white people into hexagons, some will have 40% experiencing baldness some will have 70% but if you split up native americans, it will remain 0%

    See above, you are retarded. Certain subsets of the population can develop it and they only HAPPEN to affect a subset of people who belong to another set. It has nothing to do with the fact that they belong to the other set.

    Imagine if a virus broke out that caused acne to appear on anyone infected by it. Imagine of this virus breaks out in a small village in China, is quickly contained and a vaccine is found. However the acne doesn't go away if you were already infected.

    In this thought experiment, all victims of the virus happen to be Chinese. All folk with permanent viral acne scars are Chinese. No people who are not Chinese are affected by it. It doesn't mean it has anything to do with them being Chinese. Millions of other Chinese Pele were never and will never be affected by it, because the set of Chinese only coincidentally has an exclusive overlap with the set of acne victims.

    so basically youre saying biology is inherently incidental? this doesnt support the social construct theory. we shared a common ancestor with all animals at one point and things just happened that split us up into different evolutionary directions. your pet dog looking different than you and not being able to speak english is just as incidental as kenyans being able to run faster than you or native americans keeping their hair.

    It has nothing to do with the fact that you chose to call Chief Spotted Crow a native American. Chief's 1/64th great great great whatever great granddaughter might still have his amazing hair genes despite havimg 63/64th bald white Irish genes.

    it doesnt matter what you call his race, his genes make his follicles superior to yours.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀rabbitwe­ed you have the wrong perspective.

    if you look at it from the perspective of a sane person with a reasonably extensive repertoire of lifes experiences you will see that the sole purpose of these animated meat sacks is to provide for the entertainment of the sane humans.

    also, i offer up my anal orifice for your cock warming pleasure.

    i enjoy cock in my ass

    thats what i thought too up until i realized that this will affect me too whether i want it to or not. i have friends that are true believers in this mass psychosis, my workplace started making us wear masks after a whole year of successful resistance. none of this is gonna be funny when they start forcibly vaccinating everybody including you and me. getting the fuck out of the country wont be an option when it will require a vaccination passport.

    as for your offer, i must decline, but i might accept your little sister
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump There's no point talking to §m£ÂgØL. You can spend your whole day trying to educate him, and he'll be repeating the same retarded shit tomorrow.

    youre right, ill make that my last post ITT.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe Doesn't your entire argument boil down to semantics?

    my argument is that there is clear biological differences between races and i provided quick examples. all im hearing from proponents of the opposite is that race is ethnicity is diversity is heredity so therefore social construct. changing the word race to something else adds nothing to the point and doesnt refute the counter argument to this retarded woke jizzfest.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    you would be surprised what parasites cunts are. not that you would know, queer.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    Kelenjin are not an ethnicity.

    Ethnicity is not a race.

    What don't you get here lmao. Are you really this slow or just pretending?

    i thought i was clear when i said the first time im not interested in fucking around with semantics.
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