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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny faggot and faggotry arent exclusive to the US. and neither is this shoe.

    ill ask again.

    what if an englishman, in england wears this kind of shoes.

    what then.

    ooh is that like the "if u wear a kilt in scotland then u are exempt from teh gay" maneuver?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    men actually started that trend a few centuries ago before women stole it and now cant live without it.

    nobody with any self dignity should wear fakeup.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    if you see this, then im already residing in your head.

    is that a bad thing?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m sorry, who are you ?

    an OG totsean, what are you other than a cumdumpster?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member That's not what pegging is…

    then demonstrate and peg him for us
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member low level discussion

    youre a low level subhuman, faggot. another great thing about the USSR is that your kind never had rights there.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Lol @ two self admitted pedos having this conversation

    i actually didnt, you said i was so i played along to trigger your feminine sensibilities some more.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein Who could hate someone on a forum…

    Someone who needs to log out that’s who lol

    first intelligible thing you wrote. that sure took a while.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America I never said you did, I said you associated the properties of a specific subset of around 5 million people, to the superset of around 1.5 billion people who have literally no connection to that attribute, by appealing to some poorly defined third property that you're trying to validate in the first place by appealing to the property "average running speed". This is circular logic.

    Where is the contradiction? Race is a social construct and Kalenjins on average run faster than Non-Kalenjins. Non-Kalenjins can be any skin colour, including black. Kalenjin Kenyans run faster than non-Kalenjin Kenyans. Does that mean Kalenjin are a different race than other human? Answer the question.


    I don't know if your brain broke and you just started rapid fire babbling retarded bullshit or what, I'm not going to explain how genes work again to you.

    This whole discussion is about semantics. Again, at least learn to google the words you plan to use.

    It has nothing to do with "sub races", I asked you that if the criteria that proves a racial differencs is average running speed or not. If so, would an Italian guy from New Jersey with a really fast foot speed be characterized as the same race or "sub race" as Kalenjin?

    Would you just categorize different populations by footspeed, or for some weird reason appeal to a poorly defined third racial concept?

    If you were trying to understand anything, you would just read what I already wrote all the way through without flying into an assburgers rage part of the way through, because I'm literally just having to repeat myself to you.

    I said I acknowledge biological differences between genetic populations. These do not map onto the concept of "race" in any way that validates categorizations like "White", "jedi", "Asian" or "Black" as meaningful biological concepts. Those are socially constructed categories that don't map well to any biological concept.

    Nah it's a whole different race.

    then what exactly do you mean by saying race is a social construct?

    i already answered your question, yes, the kalenjin are another race, perhaps a subrace. now what? i never said all black people are the same.

    If so, would an Italian guy from New Jersey with a really fast foot speed be characterized as the same race or "sub race" as Kalenjin?

    this is the problem, you use vague terminology so you can later play with words and claim you meant something else. is the new jersey guy from your example an italian-speaking kalenjin born in new jersey? if not, then no he wouldnt be a kalenjin just because he runs fast but i doubt he would be running AS FAST as one anyway. i would imagine thats not the only trait that makes kalenjin different than other races anyway.

    each region has humans of a certain kind of DNA which makes them have different traits. do you dispute any part of this?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Never eaten a bum. Had my ass eaten before while very high and I didn't really like it. Had a girl violate me by sticking fingers up there in the shower before and it triggered me and I jumped and almost punched her. Ever since then I've been vehemently opposed to bum stuff. Not into it at all.

    sudos been pegged...
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Obviously i take issue with US expansionism as well. But it's an objective fact that more people died under communist regimes than any other ideologically driven system of governance in history.

    that is not true, the inflated numbers the cold war propagandists use never add up. during the so called holdomor, the population never dropped in the census. youll find stalins most staunch defenders during that era and most recall it as a time of plenty.
    lets remember the west was going thru a devastating great depression during that time where millions starved to death. the USSR was economically thriving at that time.

    now do the difficult task of adding up all the deaths from all those puppet regimes the banking cabal installed worldwide, mostly in latin america. then add up all the deaths caused by sanctions, then add up all the people who died from unemployment, lack of health care, insufficient wages and you will get a number that dwarves nazi and soviet crimes, in the hundreds of millions. uncle sam invaded over 250 countries, vast majority of them unprovoked, USSR invaded none.

    Stalin era and the Afghanistan Conflict era are so far apart in terms of how the USSR operated, i don't think you could compare the two times in any meaningful sort of way.

    the reason i brought that up was to highlight just how ridiculous the cold war propaganda really was. during the soviet unions worst period, the propaganda was rather tame, it wasnt until decades later that this red scare bullshit went full throttle. why is that?

    And you know, if the USSR under Stalin really wasn't an Authoritarian Imperial Expansionist state dressed up as something 'for and by the people' you would think that they wouldn't have fought the Winter War against the Fins, or that after the second World War he would have given up the territories he conquered back to their leaders before the war when marching his armies to Berlin. Instead what he did was install communist puppet regimes and satellite states where their allegiance was to The Kremlin and The Russian Socialist FSR in large part as the presidium of the supreme soviet.

    The winter war happened because the fins were collaborating with hitler, letting him use their country as a base to arm themselves to the teeth just miles away from leningrad, a big city. the soviets offered to buy finnish land to push the border further away from the city, the brazen cocksuckers refused. if amsterdam was 30 miles away from the russian border and they started pointing hundreds of artillery and rockets at it, what would the netherlands do?

    and why should they have given back conquered territories after those same states just finished murdering 26 million soviet citizens? they deserved to get occupied. invade someone, get punished by losing territory. this is routine. it isnt like they were oppressed, poland and all the baltics had way higher living standards than the rest of the USSR for fucks sake.

    what did syria do to uncle sam to get invaded and destroyed? what did iraq? what did yugoslavia? what did vietnam? why didnt your country have the fucking balls to say no to the iraq war like germany and france did?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solomon Thunder I would prefer to live my life well while tormenting those who dare to oppose me.

    torment them with your success. why are they worth a solitary thought? if you allow them to consume your time beyond that, they win. we can cut them, we can torture them but in the end they win, because its proof they fucked us up beyond repair.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're a cuckhold

    how am i a cuck?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I've read some studies that it's actually correlated to the quality of our food stuffs, beef especially. Sure the welfare state makes sure the people who can't work, or need supplemental income have access to the same quality food. But it's not like in the states where you pay exorbitant amounts for non-GMO foods, or organic stuff. Things are fairly priced, mostly because we have a very big farming sector, and produce more food than we eat. Without using GMO's, or weird pesticides, those things are outlawed here.

    All these factors contribute to us being the 2nd largest exporter of food stuffs in the world right after the US of A.

    i stand corrected, the dutch welfare state bans the selling of GMO trash as "food". we should impose sanctions on you for that undemocratic act.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie In short, there's a couple of ways. One of the ways is indeed genetics related. Second one is childhood sexual trauma during the time the child in question would normally be going through sexual development, or the abuse happens from pre-pubeescent to the beginning of puberty. Trauma btw can induce puberty earlier as well. Third one is more an issue of sexual sadism, if it occurs together with ASPD that might cause that person to target minors as well. Finally there seems to be a cultural/social mechanism by which people in a certain culture don't see acts of child love as taboo. These social and cultural mechanisms can also be weaponized, say a sex cult might engage in such cultural/social conditioning.

    when its a case of genetics, you think its solely genetic or the genes just make an individual more prone to become pedophilic under the right conditions? if the latter, what sort of nurturing makes it happen? and when you speak of trauma, do you only mean sexual trauma?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I think we agree for the most part, in the sense that it's very nuanced. However like i mentioned i have spoken to a number of people who have given me their own accounts of their theory of mind as it concerns pedophilia. People who have been in contact with the concept as a manifestation of human behavior in one way or another. Speaking to these people has given me some insight into some of the important contributing factors. Although anecdotal i am not of the belief that just because of the anecdotal nature of the information it is to be discarded.

    Rather the information i came to learn served to augment my understanding of the phenomenology as a whole.

    if you could describe it in one sentence? whats the general phenomenon that creates one? or would you say it is genetic?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Yeah right. Communism is expansionist by nature. And the USSR sure managed to kill a lot of their own citizens for such a non-aggressive country.

    cold war propaganda. the internal affairs of a country are its own business. only expansionist warmongering fucks virtue-signal about the freedom of a foreign state on the other side of the planet and how american lives need to be sacrificed for their freedom.

    USSR was an isolationist state during the stalin era, its only when its system became more lax and democratic that the cold war propaganda machine increased its bitching about what horrible expansionists they are for sending military aid to countries who EXPLICITLY REQUESTED soviet assistance like the afghan government against taliban thugs.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    reason i asked is i have tried going down this rabbit hole before but always hit a dead end. all the correlations i found were contradicted by the exceptions. plenty of pedos were not abused as kids, plenty werent raised by single mothers and so on. the experts are all confused so if you have this figured out, i would like to hear it.
    maybe these drama-loving degenerates would too.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Why do you think molestation was part of his childhood OP? Because you think he likes little girls?

    In my exploration of my own psyche, and speaking to both abuse victims and people who would be regarded as perpetrators of abuse i have come to learn that there are many ways in which a person may get to the state of mind where they would like to or prefer romantic relationships and more intimate kinds of relationship with minors.

    do tell
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    they arent gonna be happy campers but fuck it, i dont want any more trouble. i shouldve realized i had nothing to realistically offer as a nobody with a regular account at a bank i have no connections at. wtf was i thinking with this wannabe darknet mafia bullshit. a free ticket to be on a terrorist watchlist, what fun.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Candy mentioned her Down's Syndrome bf tonguing her ass hole and it got me thinking, is this something you niggas enjoy?

    i bet youd enjoy eating her shit as much as you do watching her take one, bitch boy
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