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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member "The year before covid19"

    61,000 deaths.

    34,000 deaths.

    Meanwhile in a similar amount of time, COVID-19 has killed 510,000 people.

    Ah but of course THOSE numbers are "pumped up" but the flu numbers aren't, amirite?

    you are looking at the outdated estimate, the september 2018 estimate was at 80000.
    they had to set up tents in parking lots to treat people. compare that with this hoax where so many hospitals turned out to be empty.

    yes, the numbers for the coronahoax are falsified, given that they record everything as a covid death including motorcycle crashes.

    also notice that the numbers they give for covid tend to be precise while the flu deaths tend to be estimates. that is because they arent reporting them the same way. for the flu, they estimate the total infected, for covid they only count those who test positive while ignoring the vast majority who display no symptoms and then of course the death rate is 50 times larger than it should be.

    statistics manipulation 101.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    It's literally a gene coming from a specific part of Kenya, and more so, a specific village. There are more black people than the Kelenjin.

    I'm not asking you to remember gene names. Just be able to source your argument from an accredited scientific journal. Which you can't, because people like you use their emotional bias to fill in the blanks on things they don't understand. Like genetics. You don't trust the experts either. You don't trust anybody but yourself. So any lies which you make up are clearly the truth.

    If you took psychedelics you'd be able to see past your own bullshit but you can't so :shrug:

    ok, so the kelenjin are biologically superior in certain aspects than any other ethnicity. that proves the opposite of race being a social construct. how did that advance your argument?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member :Picard:

    Half a million daily, right…

    annually, 80000 americans died from the flu the year before covid19, except back then they called it the flu, not "covid18"
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT becoming a misogynists' was my best move ever,, granted I was almost 50 when I learned women were just life suckers and not a single one was worth making happy, I am the only one I need to make happy and its easy once the make ur woman happy is out of the picture.

    lol, slow learning boomer fuck. i went my own way at half your age, my standard of living has been skyrocketing since then.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    this lunacy is just fucking sick, to think this is actually real life...
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    Yeah, defining an ethnicity is splitting hairs in a discussion about defining ethnicity. Lmao.

    im not a biologist, i dont remember the name of the exact gene that gives those top sprinters the advantage or the exact region from africa they come from. the point is that this proves races are inherently different. if not, where are the white people and asians in the sprint olympics? are they being discriminated against?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America >
    There is more genetic diversity in the continent of Africa than in all other continents combined.

    i dispute that, but what is your point? is genetic diversity or the lack thereof a social construct too?

    There are no such diseases. Conditions such as sickle cell anemia are only found in a particular population that happens to be part of a larger population that is categorised as black. Not all black people have or get it and under the same conditions a white population could easily react the same way to the presence of malaria.

    "happens to be". so blacks just happen to be better at certain sports than other races, certain races just happen to react differently to different diseases. does race "just happen to be" actual biology, maybe?

    Nobody said heredity doesn't exist, race is just a bad abstraction for it.

    so now you are changing the word race to heredity, whats the difference? is it just a social construct that Chief Spottedcrow has a full head of hair at 90 and my grandpa doesnt? "i dont identify as a baldy" my gramps says, yet he still gets sunburns on his head. oh well.

    if all these things were social constructs, then they would happen equally to all races. we wouldnt be all so different if we were all the same, know?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat come and see, it's a soviet made ww2 film with a far better portrayal of war than any hollywood trash

    whats the title? "come and see"?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Says who?

    I suck my dad.

    your gramps feels neglected, holms
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Yep. Oh wait, the numbers are faked. Didn't you hear about the dude who choked on a hot dog and got listed as a covid death?>!?!

    the hospitals were doing it for money!

    I don't know what money but some money!

    My sister in law is a nurse she knows her shit. She says her boss told her to take the covid deaths for the day (very low number) and multiply it by 10!!!

    hospitals arent doing anything for money, they are empty, lmao. so much for this fake pandemic.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Tell that to the grieving families of the HALF A MILLION DEAD from this plague.

    The sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces, nephews and friends having lost someone dear to them.

    what will you tell to the half a million who die every from the common flu? did the idea that 0.1% of the population dies every year from something that gives most of us a headache and coughs for a few days register in your conscious at all before the TV suddenly told you to in march of last year?

    dumbass muthafucka.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Because your thoughts are ill formed

    if you need to sidestep the issue to split hairs, its your thoughts that are ill formed
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    Okay define black then.

    Lets see you try lol

    im not interested in nitpicking, go fuck yourself.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat The better question is why do so many journalists feel so self entitled and why does anyone care about this chick?

    "Everywhere that journalists function, they are de facto Western intelligence agents, whether or not they have direct contact with spy agencies (and most of them do have direct contact with these agencies).

    Furthermore, journalism is a cult. They openly view themselves as an elite priest class, sitting on a digital throne and judging the inhabitants of earth – always finding them wanting. Journalists believe that by shaping the present, they are creating a new future.

    Many people in the world want to kill journalists, because of the transformative role they have played in society, undermining traditional social norms and replacing them with strange experiments.

    Every revolution has journalists at its core. As journalists believe that they are the ones who arbitrate reality, they believe that they are the ones who declare revolutions"

    "People working in the jedi media are self obsessed prostitutes who believe they are the most important people in existence.

    You will hear these kikes and shills endlessly claim to be great arbiters of all that is right and good – all else are pure evil.

    In reality, they’re a bunch of idiots pulled from wherever and paid to read a teleprompter which has been pre-written and dispersed to every news outlet in the mainstream.

    They’re much worse than literal whores – whores admit that they’re whores and don’t run around claiming to be faithful wives. Whores also offer a useful service, and don’t attempt to force out competition.

    In actual fact, comparing “journalists” to whores is an insult to whores."
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Shagging kids isn't normal you blue pill Nonce.

    is keeping boys hostage in your closet normal you slimey shitstabber limey?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    who the fuck would get a vaccine for something with a 99.9% survival rate? deal with the sniffles for a few days, get lifelong immunity as a reward.

    fucking pussies.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by netstat 'haha those conservative rednecks don't understand science shows vaccines are safe, they're so stupid and i'm very smart and scientifically literate'

    okay so can you explain the mechanisms through which vaccines work, how they're made and tested and verified to be safe?

    'absolutely not, i'm just a retard who parrots what the talking heads on the TV tell me to believe and say, i barely even remember what a cell is from high school biology, i really just want to feel smug and smart and signal to my ingroup while feeling superior to my outgroup'

    yeah that's what i figured

    pretty much......

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Funny how some people actually think if they just say "conspiracy theory", that's all they have to do. Like some kind of magical incantation they think changes the facts.

    its just shaming language designed to shut down anyone who disbelieves government propaganda. if you dont accept their lies, you have paranoid delusions!

    Originally posted by Nile This covid shit is weird as fuck. I have thoughts on this stuff but don't want to share them. Just hope that things go back to "normal" after. whatever.

    wont happen, this is the new normal, you are not getting your civil rights back.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    black people outrun any other race in track olympics and have been consistently, not a single white winner the past 40 years, because the olympics are black supremacists?

    some races dont get certain diseases or conditions that others do, because biology is racist?

    native americans never get male pattern baldness, because folicles are native supremacists?

    i could go on and on. social construct my fucking ass. we are all different, deal with it. embrace it or cry a river about it, no one gives a shit.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Watch chirin no suzu, the animated film that disney never showed us as kids but should have.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Why are we so inclined to shag ugly hoes

    speak for yourself you desperate blue pill simp that would fuck anything

    some of us have standards
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