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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe My door is frozen shut.

    force it open you limpwristed soy-boy, mine was frozen too and that didnt stop me despite being under the effects of a powerful muscle relaxant

    your just a bitch
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley is he muscle stud 69

    i miss that dumb fucker if u see him on steam can u ask him to get a hold of me

    don't tell him i told the community his name is juan orozco he hates that

    doxxer and tranny stealer, tut tut
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    wario, ratboy is jealous of you getting female attention at all. forget the advice i gave you before about avoiding the skanks, just keep triggering him pleez ^^
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler I knew two guys from the neighborhood that were accused of rape by this skank. Their names and pictures were splashed everywhere, their lives were ruined.

    Later the skank admitted it was all a lie, of course that got virtually no publicity, barely a blurb on page 10 of the local paper at the time (80’s). Personally I think the skank should have done time for making a story like that up.

    These “me too” assholes wait 10 years to say anything, if the guy was giving them compliments it’s suddenly “sexual harassment” so you’re right. Feminism is law and all men are presumed guilty.

    These cows then wonder why no one will even look at their skank asses.

    so even 40 years ago things were just as cucked, isnt that good to know.

    skanks shouldnt get prison time for rape hoaxing, they should be forced to register as sex offenders. less taxpayer dollars wasted and more entertainment for society when she has to spend teh rest of her life knocking on doors telling everyone shes an unhinged whore.

    good luck getting any cock or career after that
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley u 2 are so mean 2 me

    im not the one that buggered you, nigger. i think im a pretty nice guy.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe It is too cold.

    man the fuck up and build a snowman, pussy

    i had a nice walk thru the drifting snowflakes in -40 outside this morning after my little christmas experiment.

    what the fuck is your excuse?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Cigreting fears this thread almost as much as he fears vaginas

    i dont think he cares tbh

    anyway, unsubscribing from this thread, not interested in hearing two queers gossip about their anal escapades
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready LOL K. I worked 4 hours today and made 115 averaging $27 an hour for half a day's work

    so why do you get $15000 of welfare a year?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready His problem is he never had a father to direct him in the right way I guess. Neither did I. my Father was a drunken piece of shit. But you know what, I had a natural drive to want to work for many years. until Black Listed. and I now know the A''lpha Tracking Ap that Hunter's Dreamforce convention speech of 2007 was sold to a company named American Systems which is used by the Government to do background checks.

    He just kept the cinder smoldering instead of tried working and keeping away from finding excuses to live an easy life off the State and or Federal social services. draining them like a hoodrat he is.

    his problem is he was buggered as a kid, aint no present daddy gonna fix that, tho having a father around might have prevented it from happening in the first place.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat yea sort of like Poland or eastern europe I imagine comapred to the west?

    never been outside the US so couldnt tell you. poland is one of uncle sam's most enthusiastic cocksuckers so i imagine the system being similar, just shittier roads and buildings.

    japan and russia have the most reasonable laws wrt this IMO, but japan being uncle sam's bitch naturally was pressured recently into banning all their lolicon and child modeling.

    but when an australian and US task force jointly tracked down this young russian model (by then already grown up and married with kids) she told them she wasnt a victim. frustrated at being unable to destroy her or her family, they resorted to arresting 200 of their own simps for looking at her pictures instead of paying attention to a bunch of disgusting karens.

    Thats what fucking with a big country looks like compared to a tiny island like japan.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    when im done trafficking the crack thats hidden in them. fuck you FBI you got nuthin on me.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    well, you chose a shitty vacation spot.

    you should aim higher with the hangouts you wanna stay at.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo I don't care if you heard someone call GHB Lady Gaga quiffs, you don't have to repeat stupid things teenagers say on the internet.

    This is literally the exact same situation as dome (head) from totse

    it seems to matter to you more than it does to me
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat so why do they arrest in America so many young men who didnt check ids or who thought the girl was older then?

    because this was in 1980 right when child porn became outlawed so the enforcement wasnt that tough, people were only starting to get their panties in a twist over this stuff, it wasnt until the satanic panic that it was treated with the same severity as terrorist drug trafficking.

    it was a different world.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    HAH traci lords. when the studio that made the porn video with her in it got busted, the court ruled that because traci deceived them with a fake ID, they were not liable and traci as a minor is not culpable, so the case was dismissed and everyone acquitted.

    true story
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo The fact that "urban dictionary" article was published at all shows what a low bar they have for things.

    So did whoever yoy got it off advertise it as "liquid ecstasy" or did you take it upon yourself to call it that? Did you write that article?

    dont know where youre from but its a common slang.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo What it isnt is in anything way similar to MDMA.

    no. fucking. shit.

    took a really long time for you to finally get it.

    any other confusion i need to clear up for you?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo dude 1: dude, a guy sold me this new stuff…liquid Ecstasy!!! He says its the new ecstasy!!!
    dude 2: u'r a fuckin dick, that scumbag sold u GHB, it's a total different stuff from X.
    dude 1: fuck me! is it some bad shit??
    dude 2: just be careful with the dosage (never take too much!!!) and do not ever mix it with alcohol, or its gonna fuck u up BAD

    This is literally verbatim from the teenybopper tik tokker link you posted. You are "dude 1" in the scenario and that should make you cry

    yes, i know what GHB is, im the one who had to explain to your dumb ass what it is and isnt, remember?
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    yeah yeah back out you pansy.

    as i said, wrong era for online raids, nobody does that shit anymore, but it was fun while it lasted.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't normally compare myself in attractiveness to the opposite gender but okay

    didnt know you were a tranny too
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