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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I didn't get welfare. its called PUA.

  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting you made a fred about me? the truth makes you kinda salty there fag

    just a warning, i unsubscribed from that thread due to faggots yapping about their anal adventures together. if youre into that stuff, go nuts.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    no shit, why wear tight clothing in the first place if you dont have to?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker you explicitly implied it kid

    you invited people to your house, i simply stated i have no interest in doing so, i dont know what craziness you be talking about, mister ^^
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker When you constantly bring up homos it says something about you

    i didnt say anything about homos, what does your interpretation say about you?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    so does this work for anxiety and bipolar depression as well? my shit is rather treatment resistant.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jeff Was he jizzing on your stuff?

    You can tell us

    he probably reclaimed his playboy mags that steros unjustly stole from him
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jeff Wrap your knees, wear a proper lifting belt, and clothes that allow proper range of motion.

    Tight clothing made of inflexible material will put additional stress on joints when performing basic lifts.

    I fucked my back up doing receiving for a warehouse.

    Eventually had to give up the work entirely due to chronic back pain

    wait, you fucked up your back doing warehouse work because of tight clothing????
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker My dox are out there including where I live and my phone number. I sure hope one of you dumb asses shows up at my house.

    i dont swing that way holms.

    maybe sophie thats starved for love and affection might
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat which is what I dont get. why do all these metoo females and newage feminists not realize their kind or gender does the exact same shit like sexual harassment but a little different to the gender they hate what they do?

    why do chauvinists of any kind not realize those they dehumanize are human too? it kind of answers itself. look up the x stages of genocide or whatever its called that lists stages and tactics. us vs them, us always victims, them always aggressors.

    except feminazis dont exactly know what the fuck they want, at least actual nazis knew what they wanted, abhorrent as it mightve been. theres no concrete direction or even end to todays clown world shitshow.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    thats good, i thought for a minute you really thought i wanted to rape ur shitter

    i might still go for your lil sister's tho if you call me a maroon again
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    yeah its pretty bad here too, but then again this has been a ghetto shithole long before the coronahoax outbreak, i onoly live here because its cheap and gentrification-proof because the rents are locked at 500 a month, kind of like what they got going on in that harlem neighborhood.

    only difference the scamdemic brought is more tweekers and people sleeping in the corridors.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    chill its all good nigga, we be having fun
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie And you believed me

    no, i did not. the way your opinion of my intelligence changed based on whether or not i accepted your cringey attempts to win my frienship was as hilarious as it was transparent. you clearly never get the fuck out of the basement, no wonder you need to seek friendship on a shitposting incel forum.

    and no wonder you diddle children.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    you gotta break habits, nobody can help you but you, unless a roommate cares enough to nag you about it every time.

    ironically, i developed a habit of bending my knees to my chest like that L nigger from death note because of my hyperawareness of how bad bending my back is, so instead of a bad back i got fucked up knees, so these days i use my back when lifting shit at work to not have to bend my delicate knees.

    breaking habits takes effort, which no one wants to put any in and it takes self awareness which again nobody has because everybody thinks they fuckin know everything these days.

    maybe i shouldve worn the man bra, maybe you should too, i dont know man
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    would you rather have spectral as a mod or fucking HANDOFZEK

    that retard admin of totsesanctuary or whatever actually made HOZ a mod... LOLLOCKS

    one of many reasons i never bothered signing up there and eventually quit lurking too
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Tyrant ?

    maroon5, you compare me to him again and ill rape ur shitter
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    most long songs i got are chillout pieces that are meant to be relaxing so are long for a reason, because its basically on loop.

    as for a long song with a good beat to it, Miikka Leinonen feat. Kim Kiona - Breath Of The Wild is 8 minutes long and the love of my life

    The luke chable remix of Sasha - Cloud cuckoo is 10 minutes and my motherfucking jam
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    youre right, i should molest a 12yo and hold a knife to a womans throat, i'll feel like such a man
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie You can be friendly, just make sure you've covered at least the basics like, don't show your face as a rule, be mindful of the stories you tell, change small but crucial details, crucial to checking against a piece of data for your real identity not crucial for how the story goes. Ya dig?

    you forgot the part your mother shouldve taught you about not getting friendly with people you know fuck all about.

    come on, compliment my non existent intelligence and personality some more, it was really heartwarming.

    did you meet cocktavian in person yet like you mentioned? you know, that closet pedophile that would have a lot to gain by butchering an open pedo like you?
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