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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat are there rewlly millions of us kev? scron?

    a recent poll showed that 25% of young men cant get laid, and that is assuming none of them lied. considering they have a pressing motive to lie about getting laid, as its a great source of shame for men, we can reasonably double this number.

    for comparison, in 1990 that number was 7%

    yeah, we have a huge incel problem in the western world.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice I would offer to smoke weed with them then inquire about alien drugs.

    catnip from our feline companions cant even get us high and you think extraterrestrial drugs would work on us?

    but all creatures need to take in and take out so they are guaranteed to have a butthole. my investment is more rational than yours
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy This lady I work with who is probably in her mid to late 50's has been yapping on and on about getting to finally see her long distance boyfriend for the holidays.

    The story is they met online somehow and he is stationed overseas in Turkey working for the US military and is some high up fancy pants.
    They have never met in person but apparently have been talking for several months.

    On Monday she took off work to go pick him up at the airport and she had taken the rest of the week off to spend with him.

    On Tuesday she came back to work and I had to ask how her boyfriend was and her reply was that he got stopped at the airport in Turkey because he had morphine (prescribed) in his bag so they beat him up and threw him in jail.

    I almost tried to act shocked but instead just went "right…"

    So I asked her what she did and she said "I sent him a bunch of money to get out of jail."

    And I said "right…"

    Then I asked her if I could see a picture of him and she showed me a picture of what looks like a young Justin Beeber.

    Then she went on about how he works at the embassy there and they won't even help him.

    I said "right…"

    And for the rest of the night I heard her repeat this load of shit story to all the people she worked around and the women were all like "OMG that cray cray."

    and all the men were like "right…"

    I wouldn't be surprised one fucking bit to find out she has been sending some guy she has never met nor will ever meet money for months.
    And of course everything seems picture perfect in her head.

    Im sorry but no young kid in the military (not that he is even real) is going to be trying to long distance hook up with this old hag of a woman.

    I wanted to hit her with a big red flag and could have because I know she wouldn't see it.

    wamens vanity and narcissism is so easy to use against them. just kiss a bitch's ass and they cough up money like as long as their ego is kept fed. doing it remotely was a wise move of this guy, lets see her go after a fictional character in turkey. oh wait, muslim country with bleak womens rights.

    the real trouble is that we have a bigger epidemic on hand which is predatory women exploiting millions of incel men for god knows how many billions of onlyfans donation money in this new era of celebrated whoredom, except where the whores are the pimps and the customer literally gets nothing.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat would u doe scron?

    yeah scron, does the prospect of warming your gut with your own nut butter excite you?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    lets see photographic evidence of this ugly fucklord, some of us arent native to cuckanada.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    aldra already laid it out but yeah theres a difference, it gets confusing. when i got my 2tb hdd i couldve sworn theres no way 200000000000 whatever bytes equals 1.8 terabytes but i did the math and it was accurate. i couldnt fuckin believe that just a tiny difference could multiply like that.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Tyrant What if you were driving along and were the first person to see an alean space saucer parked in the woods and some ayylmaos walking around.

    i wood buttsecks them?
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley idk i thought it costed money

    oh mb i missed the joke
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Tyrant Would you do it if you could?

  11. Kev Space Nigga



    THERE, i counted all the brain cells in this persons head.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood All of the pedophiles have come out of the woodwork this fine Monday morning I sure hope you degenerate piece of shit child molestors at least are getting ready for work and contributing to society or do you just sit around fantasizing about your perversions all day?


    you tell us, you were the one who confessed to another child rapist on here that you have diddled underage boys and girls
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I only support anal violation of legal age. Keep me out of yours and rat face's faggotry.

    oh you arent a MAP supporter? too bad for the lonely ratfaced gay pedo...

    he really couldve used a friend
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Ooo it looks like Kevin the pedophile is upsettertons

    im just trying to hook you guys up, you rejected brad's love so you may as well have a MAP supporter what could go wrong?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Da Rat Face

    hey mr "pedo supporter" im glad you found ratboy and hope you will be a good friend in need to him.

    Originally posted by Sophie Scron. I hate to bring this up, but you've admitted in the past to having had sex with boys and girls under the age of consent. And it bothers me that you're now trying to act all holier than thou, while you know full well what you are. And so do i and so does HTS. So come on. Get real, dude.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah but I was also underage at the time and now that i'm almost 30 I find the idea of sexual contact between anyone under 18 and over 18 to be messed up and pretty weird champ. MAP's should just accept that they should never make their fantasies a reality and the world would be a better place for everyone

    Originally posted by Sophie Don't fucking lie, you think i would bring this up if you'd had said at the time that you were underage too? You didn't. This was in the period where you sold meth and shit. You may regret your decisions now, but don't lie to try and garner favor with the anti crowd you coward.

    he will appreciate your support very much. i mean with his history of fiddling sprees and a face that only a mother can love.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Count the niggers in each and you tell me

    that will take too long
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley Call it a Fauci Ouchie

    people think they're better than me cuz they can afford teh boaster

    im still tryna cum up on the NO SHOT

    who the fuck would pay to get injected by the governments mystery poison that destroys your immune system?

    can someone spell CUCK?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    thats what you get for being a basement dweller
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Lol if I was an actual predator I would have fucked many teens by no instead of just having experience making out with a couple in my 20s and messing around a bit. I am talking hardcore fucking by now like so many other men you see in news articles or teachers.

    wario, you know that i talk straight and dont hesitate to tell teh truth, especially if its guaranteed to trigger snowflakes that dont want to hear it, so let me break it down for you in plain english:

    nobody thinks you are a predator and certainly nobody hates you for being a predator.

    people hate you because you arent one, because you are weak. they know you couldnt force yourself on a 12yo if you tried, this is what disgusts them.

    if you really were a a'lpha predator male, fathers would be lining up offering their daughters to you for marriage because they would know their daughter would be in good hands, protected and looked after. likewise, women would be flocking to you for the same reason.

    they tell you they want some dickless soy-boy who "respects women" yet their thighs are dryer than a desert and they #metoo the dipshit the next morning because he didnt make her cum or couldnt get it up.

    this shit testing is natural selection at work. now that soyciety has been hyperfeminized, even the men use passive aggressive female shittesting tactics to keep weak men out of the sexual marketplace and thus out of the gene pool.

    by shaming you for being predatory, and you capitulate by proving you are too weak to be predatory, you fail the test. both your bros and the hos.

    does that make sense?

    note i am not encouraging you to go on a raping spree, you may recall i have been consistent from the very beginning in my advice to avoid the stupid fucking whores and their games.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    while getting pounded by a gorilla?
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