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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jeff **Grinds up fresh nutmegs**

    Happy Solstice everybody

    nutmegs... i wouldnt touch that shit again if i was paid a fortune to.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    a lot of drivebys here, a hit is pathetically cheap because so many people are dirt poor. average nigger here will pop you for less than $2000 in cash.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready The thing is this. He wasn't talking about ridding "J'ews" but the specific Russian
    Balsheviks and Menliviks

    Bolsheviks J'ewish Communist. but not all Bolsheviks were J'ews. and he proved it by turning on Stalin who trusted him. (Dumb fucking slavic) Hitler was fucking crazy as shit and probably because his doctor loaded him up on meth and vitamin B shots.

    however it got heated up later on and he attacked all J'ews. it was just simpler for him to lump them all together. it had to do with not being loaned money for people of germany who were apparently getting hit with higher (goy) tax over their own people. was this true? is there evidence of this or just propaganda?

    who knows.

    you realize stalin wasnt slavic right?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat and why all of a sudden they feel such victims after the fact in these days? It seems society is pussified now.

  5. Kev Space Nigga
    welcome back, but quit trying to be arnold schwarzenigger.

    i ran vinny over with my pussy wagon after he commandeered it for the 20th time to go loli hunting. best that, faggot.

    all you can fight is emaciated antifa trannies, you aint shit.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood That's a lot of words for someone that says they aren't obsessed

    how many words was there in all your snitch letters, little spiteful mutant? come on, try to get this picture of you with your 2 dads taken down if you can
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood posting in a MAP thread

    (map stands for minor attracted pedophile)

    youre a MAP, ratface
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    i havent been to poland but everything you told me about polish women reminds me exactly of western women. self entitled, delusional, overprivileged, cock carousel riding skanks.

    why arent your faggot countrymen putting the cunts in their place? where do you think they learn this cuckold behavior from? from american propaganda via hollywood being broadcast to your country because your politicians are some of the most servile western asslickers in europe, so theres no need for an anal revolution even like they did in ukraine and trying in belarus.

    once all your wamens are fully converted into tinder sluts, expect the rest of the baggage (mostly garbage) to catch up and fill every other nook and cranny of your polish culture.

    Originally posted by Wariat in the good ones like how in america people are friendly in general or help one another or customer service is in general satisfactory or people say hi to one another on the streets, it is opposite.

    its all fake, you think a stranger who says hi to you here gives a fuck?

    the cultural differences are monumental still kev. Even the behavior of americans on social media would not be tolerated in poland and there would be civil or possible criminal prosecutions. on twitter americans or english speaking twitter teenagers have commited suacide like i brought it to your wttention with thwt girl and not only were no chwrges filed or no fwll out but twitter itself didnt do nothing and ban those users or even let their poste remianed harassing thst girl and others (as long as it fits its woke or liberal agends of not targeting lgtbs which again is opposite to what poland and its society stwnds for ). none of thie would be tolerwted in poland unless it was against lgtbs kev.

    what are you saying, that theres less drama queens in poland? probably true for now but that will change as your culture continues to be transformed by american social media and hollywood.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood says the person obsessed with me

    you wish, ratface

    edit- love how you got that image i posted removed here tell me how many hours and emails do you spend bitching to every hosting provider i used every single time i upload an image in some lame attempt to spite me?

    sounds pretty obsessive and butthurt, try to not be so obvious with your projection
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready No Faggot. its not. Its where Covid came and killed business like it did people and so people WHO DID WORK got money to stimulate the economy and yo momma.

    collecting welfare because of a common cold, youre the faggot

  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Nile Pretty sure you guys were dead when you decided to over stretch and invade fucking Afghanistan lol

    well afghanistan was invaded (supposedly) bcuz MURICA UNER ATTACK on september 2001, but january of this year when iran fired missiles at american bases, the army of notorious faggots did not retaliate. thats why i say uncle sam is dead.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    i have seen ice cream made of beans so why the fuck wouldnt a bean pizza exist?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The US will stick their long nose in, though. That changes everything.

    like it changed crimea? uncle sam has been dead since january of this year, he wont do jack shit.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wariat stories never involve any action it's all drama from an autist trying to be normal in civil society

    im gonna collect all his stories and edit them into a book called Diary of a Wariat (because Wariat is polish for MAdman LMAO)

    your obsession with him is unhealthy, why not be a normal rodent and just ask him out?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    taiwan will be retaken without a conflict. as soon as chinese soldiers show up, the puppet government will crumble like the one in afghanistan and the people will welcome the chinese troops with open arms. no shots will be fired and no shits will be given, like the crimean reunification.

    taiwan is fake and gay.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Tyrant Pros: proliferate your genes, earn $20 and never have to raise kids

    Cons: You are a loser and nobody wants your sperm.

    cons: the bitch can sue you for child support, even if you were just a sperm donor.

    this already happened. be careful.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by POLECAT they say women who swallow live longer cus sperms are healing property's

    antidepressants made sperm obsolete, no wonder they pop it like candy these days.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Personal responsibility…no one is responsible for another adults actions/mistakes other than the individual themselves.

    so my generation must deal with getting paid 1/3 the wage of yours, and yet its we who need to take personal responsibility for our lower standard of living?

    am i hearing you right, you self entitled sac of shit?

    do we need to take personal responsibility for your promotion of single mothers that millions of us had to be raised by completely against our will too?

    now an army of mentally ill fuckups will inherit america, im sure we should take personal responsibility for that too.

    then we should take personal responsibility for your continued maintenance as you deteriorate and literally become a useless shitstain on society and pay unprecedented tax for your geriatric care, debt ceiling be damned and "no to socialism!" be damned.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo Mefadone

    They are not the answer to anything, not even opiate additiction

    an opiate to cure opiate additction...

    wasnt heroin invented as a treatment for morphine addiction?

    you gotta admire how cunning the pharma mafia is.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats like saying cow farmers have to work harder than cow hunters.

    its like, no.

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