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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston
    Your appreciation for forethought, is hilarious. :D
  2. Sharpie Houston
    I was just stating a reason for Phoenix.

    I couldn't care less.
  3. Sharpie Houston
    Why you may ask? No fucking reason, literally. That's a lie, it's probably that when the world doesn't conform to my expectations i get mad(So entitled, lewl) In any fucking event, usually i can handle it pretty well, but over the past 48 hours i slept maybe 6 because i'm tuff, unfortunately higher brain function seem to diminish somewhat the more tired you get. Oh yeah, low blood sugar and shit, i didn't bother eating much either. Was busy doing slave labor for the government AKA community service for some shit i did(No didn't get vanned for CP yet, also if and when i do i will get more than community service i am pretty sure). Community service should classify as cruel and and unusual punishment, sadly if i don't go, they're gonna' lock me up.

    So that was fun, tomorrow i get to go again, yay. Most of the people that i work with literally have an IQ of 50 points below me so that was interesting, save for this one girl who was also there on account of having beef with the government, so i drove her home and we hung out afterwards.

    What is life?


    I know them feels, bruh.

    How cute was she? …Or were you just "networking"?
  4. Sharpie Houston
    I'm glad no one can read my thoughts!
    Sentence 2
    Sentence 3

    pussyclot bloodclot u lil batti boiiii

    alright person
  5. Sharpie Houston
    How was it offensive?
    Getting decimated by western culture. lolz
  6. Sharpie Houston
    y so mystrs bro?
    I'm not really.
    Unless Lanny can change my name, I don't think it really matters.
  7. Sharpie Houston
    Welp, everything's all wrapped up now. See you guys on the other side.

    No one cares, you fucking trash. Die in a fire.
  8. Sharpie Houston
    What's your stance on the rampant sex change epidemic at nigsinspace? HTS, Sharpie, Michael Myers, Bill Krozby… when will it stop?
    I want EVERYTHING sekshuall to be legal

  9. Sharpie Houston
    You haven't told me shit! You are probably Infrared.
    I did tell you!

    ...That I wasn't HTS.

  10. Sharpie Houston
    I too, was once like you...

  11. Sharpie Houston
    Your epty threads don't impress anyone.
    You've got it all wrong...

    He's writing down all his original thoughts and ideas.
  12. Sharpie Houston
    This thread is objectively homosexual.
    So change it...

  13. Sharpie Houston
    I think Spectral might be a well designed bot that selects predefined responses randomly from an array of strings and posts them in reponse to certain keywords or images.

    Lets see if it responds with "tl;dr"
  14. Sharpie Houston
    I honestly don't know, but you aren't the first person to make that mistake. I think it's someone casting a magical spell to try and get inside my asshole.

  15. Sharpie Houston
    Soooo…. who is Sharpie? LOL. Man, y'all are fucking confusing.

    I told you I wasn't HTS, but y'all wanted to assume, so I was like, Fuck it! lol
  16. Sharpie Houston
    Did the mothership finally bring him home or [SIZE=14px]did he fall off a roof that was too steep even for his excellent physical condition[/SIZE]?

  17. Sharpie Houston
  18. Sharpie Houston
    I made this for you! :o

  19. Sharpie Houston
    I'm actually cool, remember?
    No doubt. Never said you weren't.

    Don't spam my fucking threads, please.

    I didn't know we could own threads on the internet?

  20. Sharpie Houston
    Dating sites suck bumpy dicks!

    They're fucking dumb.

    I've had WAY better luck meeting females, just out and about.
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