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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston

    I meant HIM...You gotta keep HIM wet.
  2. Sharpie Houston
    im asking for a fucking have you ever thread you ninnies and twits
    Have you ever caught yourself accidently playing with your butthole, and you were all like OMG EEW! THATS GAY!
  3. Sharpie Houston
    >implying the degeneracy of destroying the innocent has nothing to do with me

    Like gays and trannies your degenerate shit is a tear in the fabric of society and only acts to injure the traditional family unit.
  4. Sharpie Houston
    Also this is now a -Spectral thread because, in spite of his flaws, he's actually cooler than Are-cox.

    [SIZE=16px]This is what -Spectral does in his free time.

    You piss on it, to keep it wet.[/SIZE]

  5. Sharpie Houston
    'Cause I cant work Teh Webzite :(

    I mean….

    I changed my mind. It's on purpose now.

  6. Sharpie Houston
    this. This thread had potential but since you pedoed it up no on wants to post in it except for the pedo fags.

    Why do you let,
    THELITTLESTTHINGS bother you so much? ...If it has nothing to do with you, why care?

  7. Sharpie Houston
    U no fix profile pic yet?
  8. Sharpie Houston
    most evil
  9. Sharpie Houston
    What the fuck is this pedophile shit.
    The thanks button is below my post.

    What pedo shit???
  10. Sharpie Houston
    Have you ever had a 10yo get jealous because you were being "nice" to another girl two years younger?

    ...mfw... :D lol
  11. Sharpie Houston
    I like to be outside doing fun things, when its warm out.

    I like girls.

    I absolutely hate religion & politics. ...Why put up walls for yourself?

    I have no idea, who the fuck the person above me is... lol ...Except he likes to create strange fantasies.
  12. Sharpie Houston
    ill [h=5]fuk[/h] [h=5]u[/h] [h=5]up[/h]
  13. Sharpie Houston
    Older than I'd like.
  14. Sharpie Houston
    Probs cause I'm excited about whatever it is I'm talking about at that moment.

    Or so everything's not all in CAPS!, I dont know

  15. Sharpie Houston
    But if you include other guys, I think you'd get all the "confidence" you'd need.
  16. Sharpie Houston
    I'm not going to praise him for not being a degenerate for once. The negatives greatly outweigh the one positive in this situation.

    Also, sophie, I hope you are atleast mindful of any girl/person you choose to.. associate with.
    If you're not going to stop atleast don't ruin someones life worse than you already have/will

    Dude... your music.

    You are clearly the winner, in terms of ruining lives. lol

  17. Sharpie Houston
    OP, so you became better after drinking sperm?
  18. Sharpie Houston
    Why so angry? :)

    Wow, you actually drove a girl of legal age home? [SIZE=14px]I thought you couldn't get any worse,[/SIZE] but instead of just preying on little girls you're broadening your outlook to any human with sexual organs.

    ???? I thought you'd be singing praise that, this female was actually of LAWFUL age.

    Because that's what it is, a law.
    And a bullshit one at that.
  19. Sharpie Houston
    ^Degenerate post

  20. Sharpie Houston
    Where? lol

    I only used one up above?
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