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Posts by admiral ponse butt stuffins

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You've never seen me.

    no one has to see you to realize your a dirty retarded wetback
  2. Originally posted by Netflxchillr ^needs to douche his… own "pie hole". me thinks.

    ill douche your pie hole with a nutsack tsunami delivered via my meat flavored crotch nozzle.
  3. all the boobs i posted seem to have disappeared.

    these alien abductions are tragic.
  4. Originally posted by Technologist Sitting in my brand new rocking chair with an ottoman. It’s like a glider, and so is the ottoman. It’s got fluffy gray cushions.

    Hubby got it for me as an early Mother’s Day present. I love it. We bought a matching side table to go with it. I’m all set to watch movies.

    what are you wearing.
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Never had a gerbil

    Come to my house and Oso will fuck your shit up.

    youre done with foreplay and are moving straight into the first date.

    its sexually stimulating when you start talking about money and coming to your house. it shows me youre a worshiper at the almighty altar of the holy shekel. this means for right price youll give me unlimited usage of your orifices in exchange for a paltry quantity of the shekels i happen to have and not have any better use for.
  6. show of hands.

    who wants to see a kitty after it was on the receiving end of a 3000fps 130gr frag projectile.
  7. Originally posted by CASPER Right below the steering wheel. Theyre not allowed to talk to anyone or be seen.

    that would be like trying to drive with a car full of loose bowling balls. plus...theyd always want to suck your dick while youre trying to concentrate on the driving.
  8. Originally posted by CASPER lol. aliterate being someone who just refuses to read shit. Starts approaching a stop sign, yells NOPE NOT TODAY, averts his gays and rolls through the intersection

    i dont know where you keep your gays, but i dont let my gays in the car. especially when i go straight through a stop sign.
  9. Originally posted by CASPER If nothing else, Finneas is just aces at alliteration

    im not alliterate. i know how to spell stuffs.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nah. I have a 8yo german shepard and a mom and a dad.

    But even if I had two dads it would be better than your one shitty mom. In your own words, she's retarded, right? I mean that must be where you got it from.

    they only moved on to a german shepherd because their assholes are so worn out they had to plug in something bigger.

    and the poor gerbil is stuck up in there, never to be found
  11. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Those are two very different things.

    Explicit interest appeals to women and men. As long as it doesn't appear you're being played, even when you are, you feel special.

    As for desperation … yeah that is a huge turn off.

    As for casual meets … guys are more honest about this than women. But guys are also praised for this type of behavior by friends and the general public. Whereas women tend to be ridiculed for the same behavior.

    that has changed within the last five years or so.

    it is now socially acceptable for women to act as explicit as men to. and they do it, too.
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nope. Didn't happen in China. People are doing that everywhere in the world right now

    youre delusional and mentally deficient.

    you should suicide
  13. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah the site with the giant 3D graphic pop-up is surely a trustworthy news source. And this totally happened in china and 100% represents whats going on there. Yessir

    silence, nigger
  14. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Your mom is an alcoholic like you. That's how you got FAS

    youre just jealous i have a mom. you have two daddies and a broken gerbil named 'spelunker'
  15. Originally posted by Octavian Turns out he's not dead, what a load of shit that turned out to be then.

    well no shit. whoda thunkit

    Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins anyone that reads the usual NK propaganda gibberings will realize this is the same wording and syntax as everything else that comes out of that shithole. meaning…there is no firm evidence for anything either way and everything being reported is nothing more than wild-ass guesses by the talking heads.

    the same exact way they talked about several high-ranking political figures from there who were killed by kimmy yet six to eight weeks later showed up in media photos again and the SK 'intelligence' sources had to eat crow.

    Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins they just said they found his choo-choo train at an exclusive resort in NK where only the aristocracy is allowed to hang out.

    this means the fat bastard is practicing extreme social distancing because he doesnt want to catch the wuhan bat-soup flu and everyone else is getting all spooled up over nothing. the chinee medical team is to make sure kimmy boy feels medically safe.

    ya'll retards are freaking out over the pudgy bastard taking a vacation.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is such a false narrative. No black person has been rounded up for breaking quarantine. Go kill yourself.


    watch some of the videos of multiple nigger packs being confronted by police in multiple jurisdictions for failure to comply

    theyre all over the internetzses.
  17. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace My dad drives a car worth more than your entire apartment building

    oh yea, well, my mom can beat up your dad

    neener neener boo boo boo.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace My dad drives a car worth more than your entire apartment building

    no one cares what your daddys sugar daddy lets him drive
  19. Originally posted by -SpectraL The abusing won't stop without the killing, though. That's the way it works.

    sometimes killing is the kindness

    some things are better off dead
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