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  1. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Sorry for bnot being fat enough for you fat boy fffffff fat GOY

  2. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Sarin Sarin Sarin!! ooooooooo

    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, what about the methods & the madness to his alchemy?

    it's easy to make at home kids here's how!!!
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I always thought they made the sarin in large quantities and used a random amount for the Subway attack and destroyed the rest but these guys weren't very good at making sarin or unwilling to make it pure.

    THe sarin used in the attack was made in the most crude manner possible.

    The Sarin solution used in Tokyo subway gas attack was synthesised by the following procedure. Isopropyl alcohol was added to 1.4 kg of methylphosphonyl difluoride, using n-hexane as a solvent, and DEA as an acid neutraliser. The resulting solution, about 7 litres, was divided into 11 bags. Our analytical result, of about a 30% Sarin oncentration, supports the testimony of the suspects who were arrested.

    Also referred to in the manual was a reference to "Uncle Fester" as an American who would relate the know-how to produce sarin. Uncle Fester, the Staff has learned from U.S. experts on chemical weapons, is a popular underground pseudonym for individual(s) who publish information on producing terrorist devices. The Staffs brief search of the Internet discovered innumerable ways to obtain such information.

    In investigating the suspicions as to how the Sarin was manufactured, our laboratory at the NRIPS and the FSL of the Tokyo MPD performed forensic investigations on hundreds of evidence samples taken from the crime scene of the suspected Sarin manufacturing location. When the police investigated the documents seized in the cult office, they discovered the synthetic route to the mass manufacture of Sarin. The process involved 5 steps. In the first step, phosphorus trichloride was reacted with methanol to produce trimethylphosphite. In the second step, trimethylphosphite was converted to imethylmethylphosphonate (DMMP) through a rearrangement caused by the application of heat. In the third step, DMMP was reacted with phosphorus pentachloride by applying heat, to produce methylphosphonyl dichloride. In the fourth step, methylphosphonyl dichloride was reacted with sodium fluoride to produce methylphosphonyl difluoride. In the final step, methylphosphonyl difluoride and methylphosphonyl dichloride were mixed with isopropyl alcohol to produce Sarin. Under the restricted conditions used by the cult members, a forensic investigation was carried out. From the wiped samples taken from the first-step equipment, trimethylphosphate, n-hexane and DEA were detected. From the second-step equipment, trimethylphosphate,DMMP, iodine and DEA were detected. From the third-step equipment, MPA, DEA, phosphorus oxychloride and sodium chloride were detected. From the fourth-step equipment, MPA, DEA, sodium chloride and sodium fluoride were detected. From the final-step equipment, IMPA, MPA, DEA, DMMP and sodium chloride were detected. From the chemical analysis of evidence samples taken from the manufacturing plant, only stable substances corresponding to the synthetic routes have been identified, but these serve to verify the synthesis of Sarin in the Aum plant facility.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man "It came from Nazi Germany, a little dangerous chemical weapon,

    Sarin Sarin –,

    If you inhale the mysterious vapor, you will fall with

    bloody vomit from your mouth,

    Sarin–, Sarin–, Sarin–, the chemical weapon.

    'Song of Sarin, the Brave "In the peaceful night of Matsumoto City

    People can be killed, even with our own hands,

    The place is full of dead bodies all over,

    There! Inhale Sarin, Sarin,

    Prepare Sarin! Prepare Sarin! Immediately poisonous gas weapons will fill the place.

    Spray! Spray! Sarin, the Brave, Sarin."

    Sarin.. Ricin.. Cyanide, monkshood, Anthrax.. Funny you mention Hiroshima.. I love nukes.. Have you ever heard of an experiment with the DEMON CORE used in the Bikini Atoll blast?? It was called "Tickling the Dragons Tail". These radiological incidents are not even close to my personal FAVELAorite… South America… An abandoned hospital with nuclear medical waste.. A scavenger.. OOH WHATS THIS? *cracks open some pollonium dust from a tube* OOH IT GLOWS IN THE DARK and he sells the dust to everyone in the village.. If only the CIA was that smart. DuPont would be working on long lasting cocaine atropine analogs if it weren't for the UN, 100g is cool but I like at least 500grams a "meth cooks pound" like a bakers dozen. Alcohol is a biblical drink that God loves indeed, but get this, Toluene is an alcohol and abused as an inhalent but cooked into chlorotoluene to chlorobenzoylchloride to clonopin 100grams which is drug that affects the GABA receptor like ALCOHOL it all goes around. ALKALOID SCHMALKALOID the only real nitrogen compounds a peroxide and the ring should be fused with glycerin.
  3. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Hello, my name is lannyism. How may I help you today?

    tell me about lanny

    Lanny is a member of the Niggas in Space community. Unfortunately, I don't have specific information about Lanny's background or role within the community. However, if you have any specific questions or need assistance with something related to Lanny or the Niggas in Space community, I'll do my best to help you.

    what is this community?

    The Niggas in Space community is an online forum where members can engage in discussions on various topics. It is a place for people to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences in a relatively open and uncensored environment. The community originated from the closure of a previous online community called TOTSE, and it has since evolved into its own unique space for conversation and interaction.
    The community is known for its diverse range of topics, including general discussions, news updates, help and suggestions, and discussions related to chemistry, entertainment, relationships, and more. It aims to provide a platform for individuals to express themselves and engage in meaningful conversations.
    It's important to note that the community may contain content and language that some individuals may find offensive or inappropriate. If you decide to explore the community, it's recommended to approach it with an open mind and be aware of the nature of the discussions taking place.
    Please keep in mind that the information provided is based on the available knowledge base and may not encompass all aspects of the community.

    but chemistry is ilegal?!?!

    While some aspects of chemistry may involve substances or processes that are regulated or illegal, the discussion of chemistry itself is not inherently illegal. In the Niggas in Space community, the discussions related to chemistry may cover a wide range of topics, including theoretical discussions, sharing knowledge, and exploring different chemical compounds.
    It's important to note that the community encourages discussions that are within legal and ethical boundaries. While there may be discussions about various substances, it does not necessarily mean that the community supports or promotes illegal activities. The focus is often on the exchange of information and ideas rather than engaging in illegal or harmful behavior.
    If you have any concerns about the legality or safety of certain chemical substances or processes, it's always best to consult with professionals or trusted sources for accurate and reliable information.
    Please remember that the information provided is based on the available knowledge base and may not encompass all aspects of the community.

    but totse wasn't like that at all, it was definitely about harmful and illegal behavior and prided itself on that, and this site seems to just be one skitzo on 100 alts ranting about legal meth chemistry

    I apologize if my previous response did not accurately reflect the nature of the TOTSE community. TOTSE was indeed known for its controversial and often illicit discussions, including topics related to illegal activities and substances. It was a space where individuals could freely discuss and share information on a wide range of subjects, including those that were considered taboo or illegal.
    The Niggas in Space community, as an offshoot of TOTSE, may have inherited some of the spirit and culture of its predecessor. However, it's important to note that communities evolve over time, and the focus and dynamics of a community can change as new members join and contribute.
    While I cannot provide specific details about the current state of the Niggas in Space community, it's possible that the discussions on the site have shifted towards legal and more mainstream topics, such as chemistry. However, without further information, I cannot make definitive statements about the content or nature of the community.
    If you have any specific questions or concerns about the Niggas in Space community or any other topic, please let me know, and I'll do my best to assist you.

    just give me more details on this secret society of weirdos
    The Niggas in Space community, as described in the available knowledge base, is a forum that focuses on unexplained phenomena, hidden agendas, secret societies, clandestine operations, alien life, political assassinations, CIA trickery, Masonic sub-plots, and other topics related to the realm of conspiracy theories and the unknown.
    While the specific details about the members and their activities are not provided in the available information, it can be inferred that the community attracts individuals who have an interest in exploring alternative perspectives and discussing unconventional ideas. It is likely that the community members engage in discussions, share information, and exchange theories related to various conspiracy theories and unexplained phenomena. It's important to note that the term "weirdos" is subjective and can carry different connotations for different people. The Niggas in Space community may be seen as unconventional or eccentric by some due to the nature of the topics discussed. However, it's important to approach any community with an open mind and respect for diverse perspectives.
    If you have any specific questions or need further information about the Niggas in Space community or any related topic, please let me know, and I'll do my best to assist you.

    their name is racist, im getting that nazi site shut down!!!

    I understand your concern regarding the name of the Niggas in Space community. It's important to approach such situations with sensitivity and respect for different perspectives. However, it's worth noting that the available information states that the community's name is not intended to be racist. The founder of the community has clarified that the name was chosen based on a play on words and not with the intention of promoting racism.If you believe that a website or online community is promoting hate speech or engaging in illegal activities, it's recommended to report it to the appropriate authorities or platforms that govern online content. They will be able to assess the situation and take appropriate action if necessary.If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further.

    tell me more about lanny
    Lanny, also known as "Lannyism," is a member of the Niggas in Space community. Unfortunately, the available knowledge base does not provide specific details about Lanny's background or role within the community. However, based on the context, it can be inferred that Lanny is an active participant in the community and may have some level of authority or influenc
  4. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Okay Tiktok news slurper, That company did nothing wrong. Stop banning things you don't like because they whoooooopp your ASSS in the market, fuck twitter/facebook. Tiktok is it, I am gonna sell illegal access to Americans.
  5. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Obbe Magic.

    Magic is just science we haven't unlocked and understood yet. Show flight to a middle ages peasant or show them one of the MARVELS OF TOMORROW and they would think you are SATAN

    this is why aliens avoid us, we would instantly rob them just like district 9 GIMME THAT PLASMA RIFLE !!!
  6. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    tashsssssss damn obbe is out here asking the tough questions folks this what learning is about. The free university of OPEN SOURCE KNOWLEDGE will begin in Canada, for we know all yet are sure of none of it for learning is not a state or an activity but a mental martial art like meditation or perversion and you can either learn forever or teach

    and do it free or charge $10,000 per session like Dan Lok. The idea that any of this is a fundamental protected GOD GIVEN right though? I'm not sure. I do believe in free information but it's something that needs belief to exist and isn't inherently free as anyone can take a book, lock it away and charge people $5 to look at it, basically how churches operated for hundreds of years.
  7. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    i only drink water and coffee
  8. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Thats cuz ur a homo. A real man has a nice lawn + amazing garden.

    KEy kids. KEntucky 31 TALL FESCUE infected with endophyte yields ergovine compounds in the ug/kg range.

    This means a 55gal drum of solvent or two and of lawn clippings of FAST GROWING WAIST HIGH GRASS (moisture and temperature sensitive) means enough LSD for you and your friends HHAHAHAHAHAHA a few pesky Mg of measly LSA after hydrolysis… thats the most YOU will ever get (I can't see a person trashing something as MURICAN as a LAWNcare, growing wheat or rye or something). Like I said… all of these have clandestine diversion purposes… Ever wonder why corn fields and meth go hand in hand??…

    (N)Nitrogen (Ammonia NH3)
    (P)Phosphorus (Red Phosphorus)
    (K)Potassium (Alkaline Metal)

    And your lesser used elements (Mercury, Palladium, Carbon, etc, etc)
  9. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Obbe Do LSD.

    this right here

    Originally posted by Kafka I've never done that but would love to see what my imagination comes up with. Only taken truffles in the Netherlands.

    your imaginataion will be ripped out of your head and nailed to the wall along with your ego and everything you ever thought you understood about reality and you will be forced to watch it bubble and boil into multicolored fog and drift into your eyeballs and sucked back into your soul like moist air or something

    shrooms are cool I like high dose psychedelics like 7g dose indoor shrooms all at once, or more. But compared to other psychedelics it's like a drop in a bucket versus getting beaten to near death with the bucket and waterboarded as you gasp to breathe. I don't mean to make it sound frightening but you should really go into it with an air of respect of the Gods of interdimensional something

    The drug has a reputation for a reason. The guy who discovered it lives with a lot of guilt over it, but it's not his fault, he clearly needed to trip more lol. It fucking DESTROYS your idea of "self" and the universe I think, at least that's how it was for me. It's hard to compare even after years of skitzo spiritus and everything I will always remember high dose psychedelic trips (i can never remember my SECERETS OF THE UNIVERSE UNLOCKED when it wears off) I just remember feeling blessed / cursed by some spirit light holy holy holy afterwards

    fucking magic drugs talk to God shit. THE FLESH OF GOD

    take as much as you can get at once maybe small medium dose first trip but everyone should do a BIG TRIP at least once I think to get RIGHT with the LORD

    micro dossing how about MACRO dosing anyone??? anyone??

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood the shit from the darknet is legit.

    The Canadian vendors ship worldwide but the European ones are just as high quality. I have got some good stuff from the street before like hunab ku and thousand hands of shiva was big in Canada in 2013 but i think these days a lot of the real good shit goes to the darknet and they switch up the blotter paper to avoid detection. Ever since DNM's blew up I haven't heard of much big "brand name" acid but I haven't done much of the drug since then either so idk

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man EAT. THE. SHEET. seriously that's the only way to do acid man. Especially if you have a tolerance trying to keep it around for years makes no sense At all, all drugs expire and LSD is the most sensitive drug I know of.

    The longer its sitting around light, oxygen, heat and moisture the weaker it gets every minute. I knew a guy with an LSD stamp collection but it was more like a blotter collection of wasted drugs, why can't you take pictures and enjoy that instead of trying to make a social status thing about it

    LSD is meant to be consumed in massive doses and turning people on who never tried it, good acid never lasts very long, give it to friends and family. Get a sack of herb and some meff and see if you can't break 1mg.

    The most I have ever taken at once is 3 10 strips of high quality hunab Ku and if it was 200ug each that means I ate around 3-4 mg and it was amazing. I was crying and frying, laughing and teleporting through realms consciousness IOUs. Dry heaving and sweating feeling like my limbs are gonna fall off from ergot poisoning. I realized then it was my purpose to manufacture a large amount of this stuff I took and give it away to every man woman child on the planet and flood the world with LSD. Low dose should only be for new users and non experienced trippers. High dose makes tolerance irrelevant

  10. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I tried to help one idk what my plan was but they usually just say fuck it and jump off the building if I try to help so I just let them dangle there in fear hoping they can inch their way down the vines. LIke damn you guys REALLY need to look where you're going, I can't help you. THis is all YOU little buddy

  11. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Can't you put up signs or something??

    i have never washed the window and have a whole cirus orchestra worth of shit dangling and them + even the squirrels sometimes seem to always bounce off all the windows not just my window but the entire building. I hear them at least once a week some small animal goes mach 10 , the squirrels idk where the fuck they are even coming from, theres no trees.

    It's like they land here when they biff a jump and I even had one land right on the screen and get stuck there and it started pissnig all over the window and then did a suicide leap and vanished into the void.
  12. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Jiggaboo is a retard that will believe anything as long as it comes from the TV

    Most people are like that. But not THAT side it's clearly the Tucker CArlson right that has their heads on straight... Oh wait didn't they cancel his ass.

    I tend to be exposed to more right leaning anti climate mania thought which usually aren't as hostile they just say hey this green stuff is kinda a scam, here is why, and you can either agree or not.

    I think their argument is just as fair as anyone else and they got all the charts and numbers to back it up. It pisses me off too because it's not even a science debate, or politics, it's morphed into a brainwash type control thing designed to keep people stuck to one side or another of an issue that is more complex than that.

    The economy is outgrowing the centralized system keeping things stuck the way they are, climate green folx want RAPID changes and to make big moves and disrupt the economy, which is all fine and dandy but the systems for everything do not work that way and are designed to only do what they do now. Despite all the carbon capture and years of REDUCE EMISSION, there just isn't an alternative to ENERGY HUNGRY consumer demand that grows every year, people aren't learning to live off less, the opposite seems to be happening
    the dirty DAO industry economy of the future (my future dream home)

    PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK AND PLUG IN YOUR IPHONE YOU DONATED TO GREEN PEACE now keep the fridge and lights on all night hmmm hmmmh mmmmmmm can I make my own electricity ????? NO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THIS IS???? YOU BUY ELECTRICITY!!!! OR ELSE!!!!
  13. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    what would they do without us tbjh

    probably all decide to randomly chill on a active volcano and choke to death on the carbon monoxide and extinct themselves by accident. It's a symbiotic relationship folx we give them loud noise

    they eat our chinese grain bugs

  14. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Birds regularly slam into my window, I don't know why because it's got fucking reflective shit all over it but I think it's where my building is, also im high up. It will be totally quiet and then I just hear BANG and think a homeless person is about to kick through my window like a FBI agent scaling down a building and carry me away in a helicopter to a CIA black site

    sometimes I hear them slam really hard and slowly go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE down the glass becuase they get like stuck to it from the bird juices dislodged from the impact

  15. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I would shove my cock in a tree and never pull it out like one of those ancient torture boats that force fed you milk so you would shit yourself to death while being eaten alive by swamp flies

    Thats how uncle ted would have wanted to go

    ah the great outdoors


  16. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    ay ay ayniggas if you ever need a hookup for dat methy chemicals

    ask yo local tooth man if he can spare a niggasome amalgam mercury salts. He will know what you mean, and if he's really cool also that big ass tank of nitrous too let me just come back with my regulator valve and a few propane tanks and I think we have a deal

    WellHung aka "King of the Deep Dish Tooth Clean and Dash Special" 🏩🛎️🛏️🥴
    𝙰𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚜 𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚞𝚎 Dentistry 🛏
    "𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚝 Valued Client 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛"
    |⣤🏆⣤⣤⣤🏆⣤| 𝟹 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎
    |⣤⣤⣤⣤🏆⣤⣤⣤| 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚗er
    ✴.·´¯`·.·★🇺🇸🌃🥇🛎️🇺🇸✴.·´¯`·.·★ "he spits with such PRIDE!" - Doctor Ice Pick Ronaldo

    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞"𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝖾 clean 𝖾𝗆 and fill in the cavities'🍽️'𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗐𝖾 leave'😋
    (۶ૈ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)۶ૈ🧾ₛᵢᵣ!📜ₛᵢᵣ!📝💼( ´・ω・)っ🧳🚖

    wow wellhung, stiffing the buffet and the toothman????? Have you no honor in trade????????????>? SIR SIRRR!@!!!
  17. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    This is why God gave us amphetamines

    remember to smoke lots of weed to neuroprotec ya dopamine neck
  18. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I want to FUCK a redwood
  19. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    just copy the pics why would they even break you mean like get corrupted
  20. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Obbe so he has resorted to make-believe.

    it's just a society tactic, everything is. You are doing nothing but asking questioning basically and I don't see why people are so upset at you, I think everyone should DESCONTRUCT MORE and SWALLOW LESS
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