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  1. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    its all nonsense, that's why you need to distill the message and see through it to get the facts otherwise you are just swallowing some faggot opimnion on either side and I see people do that much more often than deconstruct ANYTHING . It's easier to swallow that pill than the truth and learning facts from every source instead of OH WELL THOSE GUYS ARE ALL EVIL
  2. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by HopPop How many shekels have your handlers paid you?

    So you just admitted you are ferom israel, nice scumslip fed. or should I say JIDF warrior. Ylol dumbasse we use AMERICAN DOLL HAIRS AND BITCOIN HERE IN THE TEMPLE

    or sorry, fedcoin and anal lubricunt

    if you want to converty your currency from oingo to bnoingoh you better have a loucense mate im fucking reporrting you to the SEC right now buddy , you think this is fucking funny????? I M CALLING THE COPS
  3. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Haxx0r (who couldn't hack his way out of a paper bag)
    Brad Lee (a cambodian twink ladybody serial killer cyberstalker that was famous on fetlife for raping some woman)
    Peter Paul Wozniak , a polish pedophile that's obsessed with coming to Canada and raping me for his moloch demons

    not to forget their puppet army consisting of Andrew Dice Copper , former Steelers linebacker now is holding the line of heterosexuality strong and true by being a father figure to all the mens cum out there in the world

    yes officer, that's all of them. All of these people are federal agents employed by CSIS, FBI , NSA and other betabet (betas , you can bet on that) agency goons , thugs, crackers, harassers and agitators to discredit the real organic original research and deprogramming being done in real time on

    wait, this is the wrong forum this is the fake honeypot one. Sorry I was talking about the REAL nis

    you are on the fake site please conasult with the elders on the real forum
  4. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Obbe news and facts.

    Don't consume media, deconstruct it. I am unable to take a side in this issue along with many others because the TRUTH and SCIENCE and FACTS are not given to me accurately, the reporting is bad and everyone is out for their own agenda it seems like.

    I can see logic on both sides, yes shit is not good you can't just operate like this and expect nothing bad to happen THE FUCKING CIRCLES OR CYCLONES OR WHATEVER IN THE ARCTIC I forget the name, the something carbon cycle sinks and if those get shitfucked, it's ogre

    that would suck, someone needs to drop a couple bombs in the middle of China/India if you ask me because those fuck heads are way worse than any western country. Also everyone is too lazy to walk anywhere nowadays unless they have a 15 minute city built around them

    On the other side I can see how climate modeling is not the most sound of sciences. How hot was it 200, 2000 years ago. Who the fuck knows. Either way with the data we do have the AI already says ERROR ERROR ALL LIFE WILL PERISH and then blows itself up... but hey they are just trained parrots trained to aggregate data better and faster tan the human mind. But if every climate study is rigged or the industry is FOR PROFIT i.e YOU SAY WORLD BURN YOU GET DA BIG BUCKS, anyone who doesn't play along with the message doesn't get funding, they get skitzo GREEN WOKE'd for saying "well maybe you're all wrong"

    asking questions is not encouraged so I am not TRUSTING THE SCIENCE when I see hostile reactions to scientific questions/answers
    tell me teh moral fabric of something sometthing something. yeah I can't "watch" or read news anymore im too skitzo.

    I look at EVERYTHING from an angle and then look within myself and go hmmmmmmm but WHY do I believe that
  5. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    ownign a house is against my religion

    I would just wander around temples
  6. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by WellHung Rob a pharmacy.

    Crime is against the law sir

    lets make prohphet and nbuy a pharmacy and give out free LSD
  7. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by WellHung Climb a tree and chirp like a bird. Problem solved.

    or just dont go outside :3
  8. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I like when they banned affirmative action AND ABORTION HAHAHHAAH

    Originally posted by HopPop Never really understood why these folks need a loan forgiveness, they took out a bad loan, spent X years doing nothing, but want others to pay for it?

    shut the fuck up you fbi nigger
  9. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    faggot vaccines for a fake virus, you are all brainwashed
  10. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Another integrity keeper was Job. During the trials brought on him by the Devil, Job reviewed his life and declared himself willing to undergo severe punishment if he had violated, among other things, God’s principle of sexual morality. Job said: “A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. So how could I show myself attentive to a virgin?” (Job 31:1) By this, Job meant that in his determination to keep integrity to God, he had resolved to avoid even gazing lustfully at a woman. Of course, he would see women in daily life and would likely help them if they needed assistance. But as to being attentive in the sense of pursuing romantic objectives, that was off-limits. Before his trials began, he had been a man of great wealth, “the greatest of all the Orientals.” (Job 1:3) He did not, however, use the power of wealth to attract many women. Clearly, he never toyed with the prospect of indulging in illicit sexual relations with younger women.

    searching "age of consent bible verses" gives weird results lul

  11. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny show me where exactly does it says in the bible that sex with children is forbidden.

    where, which verse, whom.



    *rolls eyes*

    which bible??? we read them all

    jimminity fucking christmas there's like a billion results on google for how it all works, i don't fugging know because that's all sickfguck shite and nobody talks about AOC in church unless they are a sickfuck

    it's just wrong okay I don't need a bible verse to tell me why

    but there are many i'm sure

    The First to the Corinthians 13:1-13
    If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy and understand all the sacred secrets and all knowledge,a and if I have all the faith so as to move mountains,b but do not have love, I am nothing.*c 3 And if I give all my belongings to feed others,d and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love,e I do not benefit at all. 4 Lovef is patientg and kind.h Love is not jealous.i It does not brag, does not get puffed up,j 5 does not behave indecently,k does not look for its own interests,l does not become provoked.m It does not keep account of the injury.n 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness,o but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things,p believes all things,q hopes all things,r endures all things.s 8 Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with. 9 For we have partial knowledget and we prophesy partially, 10 but when what is complete comes, what is partial will be done away with. 11 When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to think as a child, to reason as a child; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the traits of a child. 12 For now we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face-to-face. At present I know partially,* but then I will know accurately,* just as I am accurately known. 13 Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.u

    hardcore christians are generally pretty chill on age stuff, if you love God and are a good person I think people can tell if you're genuine. You could very much be welcomed into a congregation knocking up some 16 year old slut instead of demonized and flayed, you know if you actually loved her as your spouse and planned to marry her.

    At 1 Corinthians 7:36 we read: “But if anyone thinks he is behaving improperly toward his virginity, if that is past the bloom of youth,a and this is the way it should take place, let him do what he wants; he does not sin. Let them marry.” This counsel can be best appreciated in the light of the context.

    Paul had just pointed out that an unmarried Christian is free of the anxieties that go with being married. Thus he or she can give attention to “the Lord without distraction.” (1 Cor. 7:32-35) However, with some single persons their passionate desire might put them under dangerous strains and temptations. For those it would be “better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.” (1 Cor. 7:9) But Paul pointed out that there was a factor to consider before deciding that this was one’s situation and that one should marry.

    Anything else and everyone INCLUDING GOD will hate you for being a sexxxxx sickfuck. Desire is the root of all suffering. I will develop more comprehensive spiritual danger materials on noncery . fuck sikos

    EXPRESSIONS EXPLAINED: Child sexual abuse occurs when an adult uses a child to satisfy his or her own sexual desires. It could include sexual intercourse; oral or anal sex; fondling of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks; or other perverted acts. While most victims are girls, many boys are abused as well. Although most abusers are men, some women also abuse children.

    ^ EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: In this article and in the one that follows, the word “victim” refers to someone who was sexually abused as a child. We use this term to make clear that the child has been hurt and taken advantage of and that he or she is innocent.

    ^ Spiritual sickness is no excuse for gross sin. The sinner is fully responsible for his wrong choices and actions and is accountable to God.​—Rom. 14:12.
  12. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Kafka I've thrown up so many times from motion sickness that it doesn't even gross me out anymore, I'll eat food after.

    eat more benadryl, EAT A LOT OF IT AND TALK TO DEAD PEOPLE
  13. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Instigator Those feet.

    What the…

    But she is enjoying that too much, abit…too much.

  14. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    ?!?Faggot month is officially over, thank God
    Now we can talk about God, faggots. Bend over and gape your ears for some CHURCH


    Mankind can “sometimes” look to the Biblical example of Israel and glean a positive example … but … most often, people are drawn to simply ignore what God instructs, to instead re-live a poor example…Such is the case with the shame of PRIDE month as shown here:

    Isaiah 3:9 The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.

    Scripture identifies acting upon LGBQ desires is sin (breaking God’s laws) and the ultimate result is that those who do these things (& do not repent) will NOT be part of God’s Kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

    Just because people can “desire” something
    … does NOT make it “their right” to do it
    … does NOT make it “an equally good choice” &
    … does NOT make it moral.
    This is clear because … in 2023, society demands that adults who are sexually attracted to children, (or animals), NEVER act on that desire.
    It is not unreasonable that scripture for thousands of years has required the same of those with LGBQ desires – to NEVER act on that desire

    Society can change, to declare LGBT sexual conduct to be legal … and allow parades to “promote” that the LGBQ lifestyle should not just be tolerated… but accepted as an “equally good choice”.

    It is a proper role of the church to promote scriptural values, & scriptural morality … given to us by our Creator — Sometimes this knowledge must be revealed from God because mankind might not be able to figure-it-out on our own!

    Those who differ with God’s values … employ techniques to shame Christians as … “Haters”, or “not inclusive”, and they seek to intimidate or silence the view from scripture. Real Christians should not promote PRIDE events because they promote immorality. Yet Real Christians are not violent & not haters … we instead seek to be a light to the world to show there is a BETTER way of life you can live now — and to announce Jesus will return and setup His Kingdom upon the Earth and it will be a time of peace & prosperity & knowledge of God’s Truth for all!

  15. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    do it for putin gas them all

  16. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat i dont get why these pollacks these hos just find some dude even if hes some wife beater or some white trsh just to have some boyfriend and have a fucking baby with him. why dont they act like chec or hungarian porn stars or girls and do porn or sex work instead?

    why do you care

    what are you gonna do have a wiffe and molest your kids that run the pizzaria with mama *chefs kiss* now thats a pziza peter paul peter paul pete za pie!

  17. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat lol

  18. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    bunch of cypher bullies leave him her alone!!!! always a two on one against scron these lilil bitch faggots won't take me on 1 on 1 without some backup from another fruit cup

    fucking please , I get shit on my shoe more annoying than you simpletons
  19. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I wasn't so lucky. You might still have a chance but your time is running out.

    Wheres you lil buddy hinki?? ware cock nose?????/ you know where he is? A shallow fucking grave waiting for you, kid. The state of that fucking cock nose of the shadow underworld of evil is calling and only METH DEMONS are strong enough to fight away that evil. Evil vs Evil, you are fucked now and going to die either slowly or very slow. Pick your method of suicide, choose a pill. It's binary, 1 0 OEOEOEOEOEOEOE

    you reap what you soww, harvest what you plant etc
    2 fucking hours A LADY DESERVES MORE THAN THAT
  20. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat i was toos tupid to buy drugs before going to the club lat night.

    Originally posted by Wariat im gonna get my dick sucked. if i played it right she cucked me and amde out like they always do with some faggot in front of me.

    what did I tell you about playing those fucking away games nigger, eye on the ball , stop being a dumb nigger or you will end up dead fast, if you're lucky that is. The lucky ones are the ones that die first.
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