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Posts by A

  1. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    we have purged the darkness of evil with the purity and truth of light and we haven't even STARTED yet

    just anudda day in space PRAISE THE ZUn
  2. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I don't see Haxxor taking the Greyhound across country for a dude he met online…

    what do you see him do ever actually come to think of it besides cry, whine, bitch m,bleat, lose, and get smacked down by the big black cock of zok and the elders of the ZOTZE empire the Temple finally gets a day of peace.

    Now the only triggered mad idiot running around babbling and bleating like a sheep is me, the lone madman (polish maeans WARIAT) where urrr lil buddy hinki warre cock nose???? ware tige?

    at least of all people to be retarded I bow and give out nutmeg and LSD to my victims of spiritual attacks and chase bradley out banigng pots and pans to scare away his demons RTACJHAHADHADHOJAWJWIODwjdiojdioJIODJwdioWJI PETER PAUL SKITZOPHRENIA COME BASK IN THE TEMPLE OF PURE AND TRUE LIGHT UNLESS YOU PREFER THE DARKNESS THAT IS babahahahahaha
  3. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Kids today think making bombs isn't science they think taking a vaccine and hormones to make your penis fall off is "science"


    what the fuck do these kids do with their liberal arts degrees besides work at starbucks and bitch about unions? Fuck all that

    they all hate crypto too so I don't care, as much as I love the zoomies they are probably gonna keep the world chugging at a profitable pace, they are pretty level headed and less willing to invest in skitzo tech. Maybe they know something we all don't and we are actually stomping on their futures

    class generation warfare at its finest. He who panics first panics best
  4. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by A What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you!

    Originally posted by King of Nonces keep swallowing the society pills

    that's all they offer is more more more more more. I have had a lot and lost a lot, gained a lot, been there done that. I am not young anymore so I know what I want in life and understand what life offers, life in the secular world.

    It requires giving up your humanity

    mortals judging mortals is pointless, we are judged by the SUN RA Gods of Life and Death the Shinigami that carry our souls into the realms of the underworld into the next stage of life in the cosmic rebirth heaven hell grande triangular cycle of ultimate reality

    Originally posted by A lets keep it on topic fungayzis this is about society parasites, not spamming the same shit in every thread

    Originally posted by Haxxor Is it ok to see this or will it make you cry again?

    He cried like a bitch……

    To check who had a video removed you can view Report history.

    I’ve got the original link…📫

    In fact he’s still spamming my inbox crying about this video today. Right, That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm

    It may have been removed from YouTube …… but once it’s posted anywhere it’s forever accessible

    That’s a lot of crying left for you to do Scronaldo 🤣🤣🤣 200 pages worth.

    what is this supposed to be exactly??? a wayback crawl of youtube??? lol stupid nigger

    Originally posted by A
  5. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
  6. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    wait a second this is tropical thread. Fralala has lead me , Dark Sophie, astray
  7. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    black box between the legs? I can't say I was expecting that. Back of the knee maybe but between the legs???
  8. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
  9. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    nah wariat is cool just misguided by an evil society he refuses to let go of, he could save himself if he cared

    ware cock nose ware ur lil buddy wariat???????
  10. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
  11. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    kill yoself like candyrein and the rest of the dh scum or join us and live inGLORY forever dear broth air maattttttttaatttatata
  12. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Bradley So yeah, I'm thinking, I got a way to make Amazon tak–I would keep going but I don't want RIPTotse to read something I wrote, misunderstand or misconstrue it, and tell on me to local law enforcmeent lol this bitch ass nigga called Trayvon/Blaster like he's at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee shakin, askin trayvon "Waht should we do? We haven't heard from him in four days, he's out killing people and going around the country being a serial killer, i talked to the cops, i printed everything out."

    "Totse, are you being for real?"

    "Yeah bro I'll send it to you!"

    Blaster told me after knowing RIPTotse for `12+ years, he changed in a way that kinda, it's like how a man can get his penis cut off and he's a woman through that action, through RipTotse's the man his mother gave birth to, surely will die her other ugly daughter.

    You deserve it for what you've done and tried to do to people here, karma motherfukkker
  13. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    wooden clogs
  14. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    yeah im the retard who can't handle drugs and does shitty retard drugs

    but hey as cruel as I can be, i'm not a total waste case psycho that shits up the forum despite all the FUD from spammers, liars, fakes and cowards that say otherwise i'm asssss real as it fucking gets

    imagine dying before me or roshambo lmrao couldn't be me! we are all cursed though

    we bathe in the blood of our fallen comrades BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS~!!!!!! here rests a cracked gamer lets remember the good times from now on and rewrite out the bad , ONLY GOOD FROM NOW ON, LOSERS WILL BE RECYLED TO MAKE THE GOOD LOOK BETTER!!!

    Originally posted by Sophie Wew, nice bag of tech. Your posts improve by 320% when you're on meth btw.

    Originally posted by Sophie I really enjoyed your story though.

    Originally posted by Sophie Well yeah, DASS WA DA POH LEECE DO NIGGA

    I am currently hacking into the Dutch embassy archives and we will soon have the death certificate of our dear friend but I am not posting it because he only told his christian name to one person and that one person is the last one left on my LIST

    Richard Burnish aka the MASKETA FAGGOT, I am now taking on Sophies role and becoming DARK SOPHIE I AM GOING TO BECOME TRUE EVIL TO DEFEAT EVIL, YOU CAn"T STOP ME NOW MASKETAAA FAGGOT I GOT THE #2 HEADBAND WHICH MEANS I CAN CHALLENGE LEONARDO NOW INSTEAD OF PLAY GAY FAGGOT FORUM POLICE WEEE WOO BEN DOVER!! legalize lsd thank you for attending the services of sophies funeral, this message has been sponsored by RATCOIN the pirate currency of the future! and AI!
  15. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    blessed and full of test

    Originally posted by Incessant I like you more and more as the days go on for posts like this speccy

    he's about as interesting as cool video game lore sometimes, 6/10 would sex
  16. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    also MMq is a lamb *pats jhead* id bleat for him ;)

    Originally posted by infinityshock it's called addiction

    get fucked where you at hnow???? where are any of you phaggots huh??? come to the temple LETS RUMBLE MOTHERFUCKER
  17. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Lanny I post here too so you can suck a fat dick if you think I'm going to scroll through pages of Bill Krozby's peen and lock my browser up from too many youtube videos for the benefit of spacecat or you or anyone else. The rules are the same now as they've been for like the last year and a half, if some people want to ramp up their cuntiness and take a break then that's up to them.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I'm talking to Scrawny who should should shut his faggot ass up. 99% of his posts are shit and recycled shit.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Ban infinity shock he spammed Bill Krozby cock and you all enabled it you gay cock lovers.

    You are all rat posters, pi fags. I dont talk to rats

    bunch of rats are so ratty they stole my rat jokes and call me ratface now. I'm gonna use my ratatatata teeth to chew your face flesh PHAGGOTSZZ

    Everyone turned on me first because I was the new blood, the odd guy out, nobody on my side. You all putup with infinityshock for YEARS and his gay rape spam

    And now???????? Rememeber the Bill Krozby dick??? it's all he's spammed for years... ahahahahahaha... What what that ??? something about spam not doing something?? doing something?????? Idk man infinityshock nEVER EVEN GOT A SLAP ON THE WRIST

    I got a ban and deleted my account and became what you all made me. I have always been targeted by users here, before infinityshock and lanny and sophie it was the mod team of redfern , iron john, chris hanson, the little nigger.

    I'm sure they still get slapped and stomped by me as they hide and cry behind alts. I only grow stronger, and I have defeated most of you, made peace, eras and endless combat IN SPACE. The only person out of ALL OF YOU that I have any respect for is Lanny who has had a true and honest spirit the entire time, he is a rugged strong willed italian man and I bow to his wisdom. Everyone else can GET FUCKED


    Originally posted by Bill Krozby thank you for proving my point and not attending the meeting me and several other tc member were attended for. Thank you sir, for proving my point.
  18. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Yeah , I fucking killed his ass, I killed all the WEAK and NOT TUFF ENOUGH

    who's next HUH??????? Maybe Kafka will be the one to take me out, I only hope to make you all stronger. THe weak will perish!
  19. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Fun fact ; I don't even spam

    I was once one of the best behaved on topic infortmatyive posters that would only peep up to mention LSD recipes and such.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I never spammed anything, I was having a good night drinking a few brews and you posted Bill Krozbys cock in my thread , sploos thread and many others so I fucking stopped you dead in your tracks. You and Lanny are gay lovers that suck each others cocks and post gay rape 24/7. You didn't stop until after I got banned and I never got a warning or anything, you should have been banned the first 10 times you posted Bill Krozbys dick but nope you kept on doing it. Fuck you.

    real OG right here

    Originally posted by Sophie You got your warning when you got banned the first two times for spamming. Counter spamming is not a strategy to combat spam.

    you haven't seen me spam yet, lets dance kiddo i'm just warming up this entire time *cracks knuckles*
  20. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Lanny So the static pages like "about" are actually rendered with bbcode renderer, same thing we use for every post on the site, so if someone (maybe Sudo?) just writes a post with names and whatever commentary on each poster I can easily drop that into the about page.

    This has come up a couple times, there's nothing that needs to be paid for, not sure where that came in, someone just needs to take the time to write something. I didn't know a lot of the people who've died very well so I really can't say much beyond malice and taking a fat shit on Bill Krozby's e-grave.

    Also oct, chill out little bromo, the reason I've never made a memorial page is that people is that, as mentioned, no one has taken the time to actually write what they'd want to put on there. Go take 10 minutes out of shitposting and pulling candy's pigtails to sit down and be the change instead of griping about my responsiveness and waving $20 around like it's a golden ticket. Honestly not trying to dick measure here but like look up what it costs to hire someone like me to write software. You are never going to incentivize me to work on the forum with money. IDK, I can never tell if you have cash or blow it all on drugs and child support or what but even if you did have the means to put up that kind of money, you'd be fucking retarded if you tried to pay me market rate to work on this forum. It'd be like hiring a surgeon to cut your steak for you.
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