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Posts by A

  1. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by WellHung Pussies are so pretty

    do you like an innie or an outtie there pops?
  2. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Sploo is of the highest order. Is true. The Zongo. The toast and the holy loli. The niggeramous. The fagferdswedzaa. The EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . the Zee. The Zed. The golden yed. The mound . Da pound . the golden hound. Your mom. Your ROM. the golden palm. You know what I'm talking bout. You know who I'm talking bout. This nigga so immortal he died already but just had to go back. This. Nigga So SPACE j don't think he actually DID come back. Give it up! For SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZAAAAAAAAAAAaaa THEEEEE ROOOOOOOOOOOZZZZAAAAAAAA TTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTU UCI UUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!. DIvyldge to this nigga. Divuldge.

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Let's not forget psychomanthis was a baby raper.

    Originally posted by mmQ PsychoSopho I want to suck the blood clots out of your arteries baby, don't ever forget that. I want your aorta in my asshole whence upon I shit it out into your mouth and you feed it to me like a mother bird to her begging baby. FUCK ME IN MY ORIFICES COLLECTIVE YOU SUCK-RIDGE ANATOMY TREE!!
    ▲ △ ▲ ▲ ༀ☥┏┛⨻┗┓☥ༀ ༀ☥┏┛⨻┗┓☥ༀ ▲ △
  3. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They are so annoying always complaining about imaginary shit. They make rational anti vaxers look like nutters YEAH MAN FUCK DA GOVBERMENT THEY PUT CHIPS IN MY EYES!!!

    Nothing is ever grounded in reality it's always some fake made up bullshit that LITERALLY NO ONE cares about

    nothing they say is ever worthwhile. I don't think any of them are actually mentally ill, just faking it. they weren't beat enough as a child. I truly believe if you tied up a mentally ill person and tortured them with 999 cuts they would "snap out of it" after enough waterboarding and be like "whoa man" and become normal

    Being mentally ill is like a fashion trend it's trendy to act like a fucktard because most people are but when it gets taken to the next level is when I lose patience. Hitler was right, these people need the gas.

    At least people like terry davis are cool and interesting, very rare and he was beloved. Most people like that are insufferable.

  4. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler Killing your self is a great idea ✔️

    Or you could simply stop logging on with this alt.

    Sophie has been body snatched by the DH witches who managed to steal him away from Kafka and fake his death
    the truth is they have access to his account and have for a while, they are real psychos trying to gangstalk kafka, mike meyers, rat race scronaldo, wariat, well hung and others. I am going deep in spiritual combat fighting against these evil forces and also battling government gangstalkers and many other forces of evil and I mostly fight the battle alone

    here in the sacred halls of the Temple with GOD and JEFF HUNTER as my sword and shield. They think they are close to victory, but to me, I don't think it's even begun yet, I have foiled every one of their plots.

    Sophie has been reanimated and his soul brought back from hell into this world by these evil gangstalking DH psychopaths who now control him like evil zombie masters, it's quite horrible and I must defeat them to free his soul and banish him to the shadow realm so he can spend eternity gambling over the outcomes of various user arguments in the temple.

    This is a call to action to anyone that cares about the eternal soul of Sophisticated Sophist, we must put him to rest! REST IN PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT , ETERNAL LIGHT
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler You act like one of those delusional attention whores from junior high school and you’re almost 30…what’s your excuse?

    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler


    this place is no longer the halls of heroes, evil is breaking down the walls and I am not powerful enough to prevent the temple from being destroyed. DO YOU HEAR THEM POUNDING AT THE WALLS. THEY WILL NOT REST UNTIL WE ARE DUST

  5. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I twin twsitered that hoe

    (the second oe was haxxor who couldn't hack her way out of a paper bag)

    dh on bottom
  6. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Everyone is our plural!
  7. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    who's alt are you again?
  8. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Meikai Student loan forgiveness is bullshit, but the debt should be dischargeable through bankruptcy. You should be able to tank your credit HARD and be free.

    Weather or not it should be is irrelevant as the dotted hebrew line states otherwise, which you agree to because it's a different loan , legally structured different from something like a payday loan or a business bank loan. I mean, you would assume All debt gets cleared during a bankruptcy, idk i've never done it (I probably should im like $15k in perpetual debt hell) consumer debt though... I figure education debt is probably maybe something different... somehow.. idk . society is strange and gay and jedi

    Originally posted by Haxxor The high school drop outs have spoken. 👨🏼‍⚖️

    bppphh bphhh bpphhhh bphhhhhh bphhh bphh FAAT GOYSS bphhh bphh bphhh bphhhhhh pbbppbk WECHACHCIHICHICHIKA STICK EM
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler

    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler Why so salty fat boi? You post here 24/7 is this the life you envisioned fo yoself 50 years ago in high school?

    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler You act like one of those delusional attention whores from junior high school and you’re almost 30…what’s your excuse?

    why do you always ask people why they need an excuse for things, whats your excuse for that huh???? I don't need any fucking excuse for how I live BITCH i'm my own hooker and I will hold you down , shave you from head to toe after phucking your puckering quivering phagggggot azzzz bitch kike nigger now bend over and bleat for me you nigger lover
    go make some more alt accounts and talk to yourself, get back to the candyrein nigger thread I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD????

    dh on bottom
  9. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    I respect that, I still think he's a faggit though and it's funny that he gets pressed by everyone constantly , I'm sure your arguments for things are more well thought out.
  10. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
  11. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Oh Great Spirits! Us Humble degenizens of the Third Temple pray to thee Spirits of life, death, luck, gambling and others to please grant us another soul in the sacred Temple for we have fought one another in space for generations and require new blood to appease you oh Great Spirits leet 1337 us spill the blood of virgins and the corrupt alike and mix it in an elixir and xtep on it with tussi pink feminine red blood pink champagne MDMA love potion magic wiccan polish qt3.14 female energy HTS hydromorphone kreepy kay kinkou kafka KKK female N RG!!!!!! CHARGE US WITH YOUR PURITY AND LIGHT!!! AHKMAH!!!!

    We shall draw Henna triangles all over her bodyoieoieoieoieoieoieoieoeioeioeeoeoeoeoeooeoeoeoeoe in the name of Jeff Hunter and our Dear Leasder Lanny and blessed Fralala AMEN AND TRIANGLES BLESS THWE ZUNDAY

    May you bear her many fruit and may she remain trapped on prison eartyh with the SPICE NIGGAS awakened to true light for all eternity

  12. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Hello and welcome to the landing page of Rocknose Financial tm where we ROCK like a long nose with YOUR money and make it grow like growing meth crystals in a fish tank

    $5 for any of this

    Analyzing Research Data, Polls & Surveys: Offer data analysis services to businesses and researchers to help them interpret and draw insights from their research data.

    Auditing Services: Provide independent auditing services to ensure financial compliance and accuracy for businesses and organizations.

    Babysitting Referral Service: Create a platform or agency that connects parents with reliable and trustworthy babysitters in their local area.

    Beta Testing Software: Collaborate with software developers to test and provide feedback on pre-release versions of their software, helping to identify and fix bugs and improve user experience.

    Billing & Invoicing Service: Offer a service that handles billing and invoicing processes for businesses, helping them streamline their financial operations.

    Bookkeeping & Accounting Services: Provide bookkeeping and accounting services to small businesses, assisting with financial record-keeping, reconciliations, and financial reporting.

    Business Broker: Act as an intermediary to facilitate the buying and selling of businesses, assisting with valuations, negotiations, and the overall transaction process.

    Catalog Publisher: Create and distribute catalogs showcasing products or services from various businesses, either in print or digital formats.

    Checking Employment Applications: Offer a service to employers where you verify and validate information provided by job applicants, ensuring accuracy and authenticity.

    Collection/Skip Tracing Agency: Assist businesses and individuals in locating and collecting outstanding debts by utilizing skip tracing techniques and strategies.

    Computer Bulletin Board Services: Set up and manage computer-based bulletin boards where users can share information, ask questions, and engage in discussions on various topics.

    Computer Consulting: Provide expert advice and assistance on computer hardware, software, network setup, and technology-related challenges to businesses and individuals.

    Computer Graphics/Presentations: Create visually appealing graphics and presentations for businesses, helping them effectively communicate their ideas and messages.

    Computer Programming: Develop custom software solutions for clients, addressing their specific needs and requirements.

    Computer Tutoring: Offer one-on-one or group tutoring sessions to teach computer skills, software usage, and programming languages to individuals.

    Computer Novelties & Gifts: Create and sell unique computer-themed novelty items and gifts, such as computer-shaped keychains, mouse pads, or geeky merchandise.

    Contest Organizer: Organize and manage various contests and competitions, handling tasks such as entry collection, judging, and prize distribution.

    Copywriter: Provide professional writing services for businesses, creating persuasive and engaging copy for marketing materials, websites, and advertisements.

    Customizing Commercial Software: Tailor existing commercial software solutions to meet the specific needs of businesses or individuals.

    Custom Programming: Develop custom software applications from scratch to address specific business requirements or user needs.

    Data Converting Service: Convert data from one format to another, such as migrating data from legacy systems to modern databases or file formats.

    Data Entry Overload for Companies: Assist businesses with high-volume data entry tasks, ensuring accurate and efficient data input.

    Data Processing Service: Offer data processing services, including data validation, cleaning, transformation, and analysis for businesses.

    Debugging Software: Help software developers identify and resolve bugs, errors, and issues in their software applications.

    Deposition Digesting: Provide summarization and analysis services for legal depositions, extracting key information and creating concise summaries.

    Desktop Publishing Services: Design and layout printed materials such as brochures, newsletters, and magazines, ensuring professional and visually appealing results.

    Desktop Video: Provide video editing, production, and post-production services for businesses, helping them create high-quality video content.

    Directory Publishing: Create and publish directories for specific industries or locations, listing relevant businesses, contact information, and other details.

    Disk Copying and Formatting Services: Offer services to copy, format, and duplicate disks, such as CDs, DVDs, or USB drives, for businesses or individuals.

    Drafting Service: Provide drafting services for architectural, engineering, or construction projects, creating accurate technical drawings and plans.

    Editor: Offer proofreading, editing, and content review services for written materials such as books, articles, and documents.

    Electronic Clipping Service: Monitor and compile news articles, online content, or specific topics of interest for clients, providing them with relevant information.

    Employment Agency: Connect job seekers with potential employers, matching skills, qualifications, and experience to suitable job opportunities.

    Event Clearinghouse: Serve as a central hub for event planning, providing resources, information, and services related to event organization.

    Executive Director Services: Offer temporary or part-time executive director services to non-profit organizations, providing strategic guidance and operational support.

    Executive Recruiting: Help businesses find and hire top-level executives by conducting comprehensive executive searches and talent acquisition.

    Expert Location Service: Connect individuals and businesses with experts in various fields for consultation, advice, or professional services.

    Financial Planning: Provide personalized financial planning services to individuals or businesses, helping them make informed decisions about their financial future.

    Form Creation and Designing: Create custom forms and templates for businesses or individuals, optimizing data collection and documentation processes.

    Free Classified Advertising Newspaper: Publish a free newspaper that features classified ads from individuals and businesses, serving as a local marketplace.

    Generating Sales Leads: Help businesses generate sales leads and prospects through targeted marketing campaigns and lead generation strategies.

    Genealogy Service: Assist individuals in researching and tracing their family history, providing genealogical research and documentation services.

    Golf Handicapping Service: Offer golf handicap calculation services to golfers, providing accurate handicap indexes for fair competition.

    Government Form-Filling Service: Help individuals and businesses navigate complex government forms and paperwork, ensuring accurate and timely submissions.

    Government Bid Notification Service: Notify businesses about government contracting opportunities and bid requests, helping them access potential contracts.

    Government Procurement Consultant: Provide consulting services to businesses interested in selling products or services to government agencies, guiding them through the procurement process.

    Guide Publishing - Shopping, City: Create and publish guides for shopping or city exploration, featuring recommended stores, attractions, and local information.

    Hospital Utilization Authorization Service: Assist medical providers in obtaining authorization for patient hospitalizations and medical procedures from insurance companies.

    Import/Export: Facilitate the import and export of goods and products between different countries, handling logistics, customs, and documentation.

    Indexing Service: Create indexes for books, manuscripts, or other written materials, enhancing their accessibility and usability.

    Information Brokerage Service: Gather and compile information from various sources to provide clients with comprehensive reports or data on specific topics.

    Instructional Design: Develop instructional materials, courses, and training programs for businesses, educational institutions, or e-learning platforms.

    Inventory Control Services: Offer inventory management and control solutions to businesses, optimizing stock levels, tracking products, and reducing wastage.

    Job Placement & Referral Service: Help job seekers find suitable employment opportunities and connect employers with qualified candidates.

    Laser Cartridge Remanufacturing: Refill and remanufacture laser printer cartridges, providing cost-effective and environmentally friendly printing solutions.

    Law Library Management: Assist law firms, legal institutions, or libraries in organizing, cataloging, and managing their law libraries.

    Legal Transcription Service: Provide transcription services specifically for legal professionals, converting audio or video recordings into written documents.

    Letter Writing Service: Offer professional letter writing services for individuals or businesses, crafting personalized and impactful correspondence.

    List Broker: Compile and sell targeted mailing lists or contact databases to businesses, helping them reach their desired audience.

    Loan Packager: Assist individuals or businesses in preparing loan applications, gathering necessary documentation, and presenting loan packages to lenders.

    Mail Order Business: Establish a business that accepts orders through mail, catalog, or online platforms and delivers products directly to customers' homes.

    Mailing List Services: Provide services to manage and maintain mailing lists for businesses, ensuring accurate and up-to-date contact information.

    Managing Professional Practices: Help professional service providers, such as doctors or lawyers, with the management and administration of their practices.

    Market Research: Conduct market research studies for businesses, collecting and analyzing data to inform strategic decision-making.

    Medical Records Review: Offer medical records review services to insurance companies, legal firms, or healthcare providers to assess accuracy, compliance, or legal implications.

    Medical Transcription Service: Transcribe medical dictations and documentation into written reports or electronic health records.

    Music - Teaching, Composing: Provide music teaching services for instruments or vocal training, or offer music composition and arrangement services.

    Newsletter Publishing: Create and distribute newsletters on specific topics or industries, delivering informative and engaging content to subscribers.

    Nursing Registry for Patients: Establish a registry of qualified nurses or caregivers for patients who require in-home medical assistance or care.

    Office Automation Consultant: Advise businesses on streamlining and automating their office operations through the effective use of technology.

    Out-of-Town Business Service: Offer concierge-like services to businesses or individuals visiting a new city, assisting with logistics, recommendations, and local support.

    Payroll Preparation: Provide payroll processing services to businesses, ensuring accurate and timely payment of employees' wages.

    Private Investigator: Offer investigative services for individuals, businesses, or legal firms, assisting with gathering evidence, conducting research, and uncovering information.

    Publicist, Public Relations: Assist individuals, organizations, or businesses in managing their public image, creating publicity campaigns, and handling media relations.

    Public Opinion Surveys: Conduct surveys and research to gauge public opinion on specific topics or issues, providing valuable insights to organizations or governments.

    Referral Service: Create a referral network connecting individuals or businesses with trusted service providers in various industries.

    Reminder Service: Offer a reminder service that sends timely notifications to individuals or businesses for important dates, appointments, or tasks.

    Renting Computer Time: Provide access to computer resources, such as processing power or software applications, on a rental or subscription basis.

    Repairing Computers: Offer computer repair and troubleshooting services to individuals or businesses, addressing hardware or software issues.

    Research Service: Conduct research projects for individuals, businesses, or organizations, providing comprehensive reports and analysis on specific topics.

    Resume and Portfolio Preparation, Writing: Assist individuals in creating professional resumes, portfolios, or CVs that effectively highlight their skills and experiences.

    Reunion Planning: Help individuals or organizations plan and coordinate reunions, bringing together friends, classmates, or family members for special events.

    Roommate Finding & Matching Service: Facilitate the process of finding compatible roommates for individuals seeking shared living arrangements.

    Scholarship Research Service: Assist students in finding scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities by conducting comprehensive research and providing guidance.

    Second Medical Opinion Referral Service: Connect individuals seeking a second medical opinion with qualified healthcare professionals or specialists.

    Seminar Organizer, Promoter: Plan, organize, and promote educational seminars, workshops, or conferences on various topics or industries.
  13. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat hey guys a job is a job right? a man needs to eat sometimes.

  14. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat I literally had no money all day zero in my wallet and met a 16 yr old. All the time ive been spending at the club buying them dirnks or girls this age and 18 and hoping to get lucky only for them to make out on the side of me with ukrianian boys their age I met a Polish 16 yr old today just walking. Wlaking them mean streets guys. thats right. I was crossing a street and I almost didnt do it but noticed a chick that might be hot and young going across me and on the other side so i did it just in case and almost didnt do it guys. as i was crossing and approached her street she sort of made eye contact and smiled. this is vert rare indeed guys most eastern and especially polish chicks never msile or give eye contact. so i said you got pretty eyes. she thanked me and i said do you have a facebook she did and gave it to me and as we said goodbye to each other i messaged her she repsonded right awya and asked what shes up to and we ended up going on a long walk and finding out a lot about each other guys. thats right. i may have met my future girlfriend today. now gotta hope none of her friends are those chicks i cursed at and called whores or my reputation with teens doesnt reach her as that could ruin it. the monent guys.

    she turned 16 on january so shes a bit old as i like just barely 16 but its not bad huh?

    Originally posted by Wariat i may have met my match in heaven guys. a match like none other.

    damn, you are cursed. THE ONE TIME in years of doing this I actually get a result holy fuck lmrao didn't expect that, I knew one day maybe , todayt is that day RIP

  15. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Wariat everytime i meet a chick and post her here or talk about her i get nothing or nothing happens. but if i dont talk about her or mention her here everything happens.

    lol who are you kidding? nothing ever happens tyo you except cosmic comedy

    Originally posted by Meikai YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO WARIAT

    Just stop posting about girls here, man. Problem solved. -


    the fact that noboy is posting content like this says enough. No girls writing NIS on their tits

    oh wait....


  16. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump We should print out our old posts and start a religion.

    I'm mking custom scraping tools powered by AI to sort through not only this site but also the totse archives and every other archives + chemistry and secret underground books, idk what else, trianglism rantology. the erowid rhodium chemistry archive

    any other blessed archives??? Internet culture, drugs, chemistry , explosives, hacking, biohacking

    imagine just a thing like this with each category and you click it and it opens like a wiki page.
    and the wariat section is a live capture of all his posts by an AI tool that uploads them instantly before he can edit or change them

    you click "AI" or "religion"

    "green meth chemistry"

  17. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian i feel like you could use a job lol

    Are you offering me one? Because I am actually hiring people , I do a LOT . Like Henna for example i'm getting into henna, big things. Nobody helps me, why would I help anyone??? They don't value me as an employee and they expect me to give up my life so they can make theirs slightly easier.

    That's why there's a worker shortage, people would rather live off peanuts selling onlyfans for $5 than make a living working for some faggots because that job sucks, nobody wants to be there, that company is shit and sells jedi chinese crap and needs to die like many others, I am building the cocaine Ai crypto future of tomorrow

    we are always hiring, and pay nothing

    as money is worthless
  18. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    NIS is 9.5million characters over 100,000 threads.

    I would estimate around 25% at least is spam with probably 15% overlap of quotes, if you saved it all with timestamps +usernames and stuff it could go over 10m

    The Quaran is only around half a million so we have definitely covered everything at least once I think. Thoughts? Is this database blessed and holy?????? You are posting in the temple, it's hard to write a bible that is a hub of knowledge and the only source of many lost secrets of the universe

    yeah yeah its all spam but you really think out of 9.5 million characters there is 0 value in that? it's basically longer than every holy book combined at this point and I don't feel like we have even really done anything

    Who was snoopy?

    Why did they write so much about religion?
  19. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    *summons another wind atronch*
  20. A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    irmaaaa garddd u guisseee tytytytytyty for keeeping my fred bumping bumping :O <3 love you all... alll like 2 of you LMRAO

    Originally posted by Bradley This is the only place I can express how I feel, what I think, and what I believe should happen without censorship from anyone with common sense.

    To deprive us of this is like depriving slugs of the morning dew. If you want any damn so i bought this receipt wrapper full of weed for 10$ after the cops stopped me haha from this ghetto ass black lady right and this shit is sof fucking fire!!!! she said it's like a christmas tree, my god, I thought it had fentanyl in it the way it looked (KINDA POWDERY NGL) but u know me, i go buy a lil pippino and pakc me up a bowl, the store i bought the pipe from came outside and said "sir, please do not enjoy your wares at our establishment, i am sorry" so I got high staring at him from the parking lot, I went and bought a chicken like the rotisserie kind (the smoke shop right next to the grocery store)

    fucking 9$ for a rotisserie chicken and a 1.50$ bottle of hot sauce, but fuck it, right, so I go hit the pipe outside (again int he parking lot with dozens of hispanics walking around me, my neighborhood is 94% Hispanic, 100% cuban) like a dozen tiems and pack it up and hit it some more, and then I get to working on the chicken, my god! I should've went to popeyes the way I only wanted 2 pieces type shit, right, so I eat a drum stick first, (at this point I shlapped da hot sauce bottle till 1/3 of it was in the lil plastic black tray the chicken come in), mmmmm dat drum stick shlapped! on god, so I go and rip me off this crispy lil wing

    dip it in da sauce ofc, (I love getting lost in the sauce, unless it's sour cream, i put that on god fuck sour cream) and take 1 bite

    Not feeling it. The way that wing felt in my mouth kinda tasted… like obv im the one ripping this corpse apart, so i know it all got cooked the same, that shit fucking SUCKED! right lol

    so I haven't touched the other drumstick, the entire breast sof the chicken, the other wing, and the wing i did bite into, still good! most of it!

    I walk up to this 200 year old rastafarian literally this nigga looked like the person they'd point to on a timeline and say "we all came out of Africa, this is your ancestor" so I tried talking to him, he didn't speak english

    We hand signaled that I wanted a cigarette, he hand signaled he wanted to hit thre weed pipe, i said ok ok ok

    so then I lit hte cigarette, let him hit hte weed pipe, and handed him this 5/6 chicken

    as i'm walking away in perfect english


    the end pt 2 will be how i talked myself out of a ticket by telling a black police officer "i'm a real ass nigga from the 414"

    oh i jest i jest

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