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  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil Lol no. I'll get off on my charges with extremely lenient "punishment" due the gladue act.

    Get an oilfield job by getting hired over better qualified dumb rednecks. Prob won't pay taxes on what I earn cuz it's treaty 8 territory.

    Start up a construction company and get preferred status when making government and corporate bids cuz I'm native. Hire white nigger subcontractors with no pensions, or security and funnel the labor jobs to them while reserving the meetings and quotes for my own.

    Lol I remember the Gladue act from when I was in training to be a parole officer (we had to learn about things like that).

    I sometimes forget about that part of my life entirely because I was on both methadone and benzos at the time.
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I get the distinct impression that China doesn't really have a military modernisation plan and is just throwing money at whatever looks 'high tech'.

    they haven't been in a serious conflict in a long enough time that they don't seem to understand what's important when it comes to force planning anymore, and they don't seem to enforce any higher standards in military manufacturing chains than anywhere else - probably because it all comes from the same factories as the consumer stuff - but it means most of their hardware is unreliable at best.

    I imagine the bulk of their propulsion and rocket tech comes directly from Russia but even then I wonder how well their TBMs, SAMs and ASBMs would actually perform if they were tested in real combat
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  3. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker No, you will continue to make bad choices and scrape by until age catches up with you and you can no longer hustle. Then your choices will be gone and you will be in a hovel.

    Lol no. I'll get off on my charges with extremely lenient "punishment" due the gladue act.

    Get an oilfield job by getting hired over better qualified dumb rednecks. Prob won't pay taxes on what I earn cuz it's treaty 8 territory.

    Start up a construction company and get preferred status when making government and corporate bids cuz I'm native. Hire white nigger subcontractors with no pensions, or security and funnel the labor jobs to them while reserving the meetings and quotes for my own.
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by CASPER That doesnt mean you cant assess common trends. Ive yet to see anyone yelling FREE HONG KONG burning buildings and beating the shit out of people.

    That's literally the narrative of the Chinese communist party. When I talked to a Chinese person that's literally what they said; they burn things and beat people up because that is what their state news tells them. It's really no different.

    You can't disqualify a movement because it's violent.

    "Gun rights advocates sometimes shoot people therefore GUN ARE INVALID AND EVIL" durrr, that kinda logic holds no weight.

    I don't care if a movement is violent or not, I care if it's RIGHT. In this case I believe it is right for funding allocated to police to be put towards much more worthwhile and socially beneficial projects. What kinda cuck actually wants more police around them? I understand u live in DA CPT DOWN CRENSHAW AIN NUTTIN BUTTA COMTIN THANG but you'll also smart enough to know that no disenfranchised impoverished urban youth is going to turn away from DA SKREETZ simply because they notice an influx of law enforcement resources. That's retarded logic. Best case scenario now you've got someone who the state has to pay a hundred odd thousand a year to warehouse for a good amount of time.

    Stupid. What a stupid cucktry. I'll never understand how people can call themselves "libertarian" "conservative" "liberal" or anything besides authoritarian who advocate for a stronger enforcement arm of the state.
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    LOL wasn't sure if satire

    it's troubling that it's hard to tell nowadays
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  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Not enough
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    they'll probably rename it before then
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  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I gotta say his Dad was a big dick swangin union bustin just watch me queen bashing real nigga but his mom was a fucking whore and he inherited more of his moms traits than his dads.

    We could do so much worse. It sucks because Peter Mackay might have given him a run for his money and wouldnt be an outrageously bad PM but then they elected Erin O toole who's a fucking dumbfuck social conservative career politician with 0 charisma 0 credentials and no way to get messaging across. Peter Mackay is a piece of shit too but in a unifying way. Way better choice for the torys.

    Cuckstin is a phony piece of shit who keeps trying to expand the executive branch and enrich him and his friends pockets. He sacrificed Bill Morneau and replaced her with CRUSTA FUCKING FREELAND who has 0 fucking financial credentials but has proven her loyalty over Ukraine and a ton of other issues. She never steps outta line and wouldnt tell on the PM, thats basically the only reason shes in that ill fitted role and it should be immediately suspect.

    Anyways, there are a lot of reasons to dislike Joodeau besides how effeminate he is. That's just the facade on the surface, he's smarter and more shrewed than most give him credit for
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  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Meikai I'm going to laugh when your 200 IQ fivehead ass gets dragged to the FEMA camps by the liserd illuminati to get a vaccine that gives your children autism and implants an RFID tracker into you to bring about the abolishment of paper currency and borders. I bet you think the satanic NASA globe model is real (NASA is HEBREW for DECEPTION) and a bunch of Saudis did 9/11 and their passports miraculously survived the crash and also that tower 7 collapsing is totally non-suspicious.


    Aliens did 9/11.

    Saudis converted the Aliens to Islam, though.
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  10. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I learned to dissociate profoundly prior to teaching myself masturbation. Not long into my first experiments with the practice, I split from my young shame, channeling it into the creation of a sexual alter and if I masturbate, it’s actually relations with her. She is my accidental sex slave and she has no other purpose than to reflect back my inadequacy. Outside of this interaction, she’s disgusted by me and I only ever see her scowl.

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  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Tbh, pretty much any of these types of conspiracy theories are quite useful to me as a heuristic litmus test for IQ.

    I just tally up the number of these conspiracies a person believes in then calculate their IQ by dividing 100 by that number.

    If they mention the luminardy or reptilians, those count for 2 points apiece.
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  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Wariat aso you are a hypocryte as well Bugs? You find it no problem if gadzooks fuks an 18 yr old only because you said its legal but in other states and most countries 16 is legal but for eome rewosn you have a hard on if i was rucking 16 yr olds once in a while hard while calling them bitches and kinky sluts? thats called being q hypocryte because your original response was the legality argument which you adressed wuickly then went on some wild rant going off tangent.

    The fact that AoC varies from one culture to another is a fact of life, and it raises some very interesting questions surrounding the arbitrariness of any particular AoC.

    It's somewhat analogous to how eating beef is totally normal in most parts of the world, but it's utter sacrilege in somewhere like India. And then there's the fact that some Asian cultures consume dog, a household pet often assigned the status of family member on most other parts of the world.

    My word of advice at the end of the day, though, is just to abstain from engaging in any debate about the precise age of consent in any given country because it's just never fruitful, and only makes you come off to people as a pervert seeking rationalizations.

    If it's legal in your country to sleep with 16 year olds, then I guess go for it. Just like if you live somewhere that regularly eats dog... Eat it if it's your tradition, but don't waste your time on the Internet trying to change other people's minds.

    You'd be wasting your time AND making yourself look monstrous to them.
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  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bugz Half your age

    I stopped reading there because it felt like a good time to stop.

    A good rule of thumb, I must say.

    10/10. Will follow.
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  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Kev That is also false, lets look at a more recent part of the graph, the past few thousand years instead of million:

    I see nothing unusual or unnatural about todays warming period. the temperature grew at a faster in the medieval warming period than today, without indistrualization. every peak preceding it was even more dramatic than the one before it.

    AGAIN FUCKING ILLITERACY. HOLY SHIT YOU MONGOLOID IDIOT RETARD. How long ago does this graph end? It's written on there faggot, read it.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    just accidentally pasted this in an email, hope I managed to fucking delete it in time:

    I'm native american, I want an apology from every single white boy on this board. For what?

    For bringing niggers here

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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lolyeah I had a hard time finding a photo of someone in a suit and tie smoking meth
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    formal meth use
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Relax we're not important enough to dox.

    I'm more concerned about you people calling me at work and shouting nigger down the phone
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    damn someone already registered
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  20. Originally posted by Kev also because he is masculine

    What is so masculine about being an obese 70 year old man with fake hair and fake skin? Is wearing a wig and roasting yourself in a tanning bed what manly men do now?
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