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Posts That Were Thanked by netstat

  1. street_carp African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting Once you finally understand what motivates democrats you'll love him and every other republican

    Yep, you'll learn to love a billionaire who acts in the best interests of other billionaires.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Suicide is your best life choice
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  3. Originally posted by netstat I kind of envy him in a way. Being that stupid, capable of handwaving away any information or arguments that contradict his views and living with so much delusion would probably lead to a relatively low stress lifestyle where one isn't always having to reckon with and reconcile what's actually going on in reality. Although sometimes he does seem to get butthurt easily and go on 'urine idiot' posting sprees.

    Honestly it has to be pretty fucking nice being dull and easily persuaded. Imagine being SpectraL or something. No thought. No love. All your thoughts float away into dust, and make way for the Alex Jones and Fox News.
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  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Kev The exact same thing that changed my mind when i once believed the warming hysteria: scientific data showing the long term record, i noticed a COOLING, not warming trend.

    What part of the above graph is unqualified to you?

    All your link contained was an expert telling me that just because todays temperatures are nowhere near unprecedented doesnt mean I shouldnt believe the opposite, without explaining why i should disregard the science that gives us the current historical record.

    Nobody in the universe has ever denied that the earth's climate changes on it's own or that it may have been warmer at some point in the past, so I don't know if you are illiterate or what but you're just refusing to engage with the point.

    Which is that human industrial activity is causing accelerated climate change at a rate that is not in line with the natural, historic rate of change of the climate.
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  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker OD

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
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  7. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Sudo My mind was fucked then. I have to admit, being a totsean is part of my identity in some way. I'm creative and destructive and socially antisocial. Those are unifying things that define a lot of us I think.

    I Love you guys go fuck yourselves

    Yeah totse was a big part of my teenage years and really had an impact on me. Left me with an open mind about things. I usually drift away and come back, but with seemingly everywhere either being an echo chamber, heavily censored or too topical the space station is nice.
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  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Anyone remember how on totse there was this well known moderator in SG named "RobinHoody" who was young and played guitar and worked as a dishwasher or prep cook and lived in Baltimore? He had weird infactuations with women celebrities or really young women in general (i.e. silverfuck) and I talked to him about a pretty well known actress I knew from my city and he said he would mail me his guitar if I sent him pictures of her and they got in contact.

    Well one day out of the blue he just fucking disappeared and was never heard from again. He made a "goodbye" post but never returned as far as we can tell. He definitely got into some weird typa shit later in life but he never returned to totse.

    Same with Metaphysicist, him, yoyobek, jackketch etc, they all just disappeard after totse. That's interesting to me, like these people had totse be a big part of their lives, then left it and had to replace the hole with something. It's fun to hypothesize about where they would be now. With each website we lost people but the longer this one stays up the more people are "caught" in it and the more likely one of them will google the word that makes no sense to anyone else "totse" and this website will probably show up somewhere on the 15th page of the google results.

    The "information" side of the website has died with each generation too but now it's just an awesome shitposting medium which is basically all the internet is now anyway. I used to have so much useful shit I learned from totseans/zoklations. It's funny the role each incarnation had in my life was different. I'm very glad that elusive Jeffery Huntington huffed shit and raid and conjured up the medium. Fucking south park even incorporated poor ol pickwick's poo huffing blend. I remember the original thread and I thought it was really stupid and couldn't possible be real. My mind was fucked then. I have to admit, being a totsean is part of my identity in some way. I'm creative and destructive and socially antisocial. Those are unifying things that define a lot of us I think.

    I Love you guys go fuck yourselves
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  9. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Woodward has been writing hits pieces on Trump since he started running for the GOP nomination. If someone had been trashing you in the media how incredibly stupid would you have to be to hand them a bomb like that? Before you say "Drumpf is stupid" or some shit up that alley just remember he is demonstrably smarter than you.

    Bumping this again because it's the funniest post of 2020
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  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    ITT zoomers raised on smartphones
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Finally a violent revolution. I was trying to find takers in 2013 but nobody seemed to be riled up enough. Glad to see its finally catching on.
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  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Snowden and Assange are heroes
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  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................................................................... (banned) i would have completely encouraged the cops to taze that gibbering wetback…then cheered them on

    Shut the fuck up boot-licker bitch
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  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    It's supposed to be outside of all known abiotic mechanisms that can be reasonably be bounded to the conditions on Venus.

    For my money, I would still bet we will probably end up finding out it's some novel abiotic mechanism we didn't know about, but this is still by far one of the most realistic pieces of scientific evidence of possible extraterrestrial life that has ever been put forward.
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  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Suck my dick faggots

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  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Heh what a fag
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    how powerful are the two servers? generally speaking a security server does not require all that much power so if your two servers are roughly equal I'd use them to simulate and test failover or something instead. It's not too hard to set up in something like VMware/VSphere.

    In terms of network security I would want that set up on the gateway/router; I personally like pfsense and you can set that up on a literal $50 computer. I think there's a raspi build but you probably want a little more power than that if you're interested in packet inspection or anything relatively heavy-duty. Monowall/smoothwall/etc are even lighter.

    In terms of internal security, IDS/anti-malware etc. I'd set it up as a VM; there's no real need to have that completely external to the VM cluster
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I don't code in python because I'm not a homosexual but you were probably right the first time, this is going to be the bottleneck:

    results = grequests.imap((grequests.get(u) for u in urls), size=15)

    not so much slow code but it'll queue up each page get, you'll want to use threading to run several of them concurrently if at all possible
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Use the threading lib, and i don't mean the multiproc lib, the actual threading lib. IIRC if you have the requests lib, which you do you should probably have the requests_toolbelt also.
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  20. I have be released
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