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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Solstice I think gay guys are the most sexually aggressive and upfront of anyone looking for sex. Seems like a lot of them just offer to fuck or be fucked by anyone and anything.

    There was a study I saw a while ago that showed gay dudes had the most happy relationships. It went: Gay dudes > heterosexuals >lesbians.

    Part of it was gay dudes having more open relationships. Apparently lesbians were strict on the monogamy shit and have an increased rate of domestic violence. Which, there's not a lot of studies on it, granted, but it sounds right?
  2. didn red
  3. I need to flex my quill
  4. Originally posted by mmQ EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.

    only Mexicans are different.
  5. old gay dudes are a precious resource

  6. too long

    didn't read
  7. horrible thread
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's what the niggers are saying.

    Nah that's what republicans like you say. Black people don't say that. They are brothers.
  9. Originally posted by Technologist bribery is a crime😁

    quoted for the regressives
  10. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I'm not a republican. In fact I never registered for any party until 2015. The only reason I registered republican was to vote for Trump in the first primary election I've ever voted in. Get your facts straight fat boy.

    >registered republican

    >not a republican

    >not voting


    It will be nice to lose your vote when Trump is voted out of office.
  11. 32oz of lube and a bag of kava
  12. Originally posted by Speedy Parker ^fat


    synonymous with republican
  13. Originally posted by Speedy Parker You two are cute. Arguing about red vs blue just like they want you to. The real lines are conservative self determination and it's value of individual freedom vs a brainwashed liberal thought form that is chomping at the bit to surrender it's freedom for the illusion of security.

    didn't read
  14. Originally posted by Speedy Parker See, you just did my job.

    "Mexicans are stealing our jobs"
  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker if i gave a shit about who reads this crap i ppromise you it would be flawwless. but i cant be assed to read what i post









  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker clams are soft and rubbery just like chubby beaners.

    Nah they're healthy and strong and one of the coolest animals in the world
  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker it hurts that you're fat huh?

    It would if I was.

    But I'm not.

    Healthy as a clam :)
  18. Originally posted by Octavian My Spine is still warm.

    Thread did not deliver.

    Ok spook me out birch i double dog dare u
  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker typos aer teh olny tine you gey to be rifht huh?

    Tfw someone who speaks English as a second language has better skills than a native speaker. Quite sad.
  20. sEe yOu nExT YeAr
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