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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL They are so brainwashed by CNN they don't realize half the country are Republicans, and that includes millions of millennials (Gen Y), Gen X-ers, and even the new Gen-Zs breed.


    Democrats outweigh republicans by a large majority. About 1/3rd of all registered voters.
  2. Originally posted by Octavian So basically I should avoid Poland cause all the women are gold digging whores?

    Man, fuck Poland.

    My town has a sizeable Polish population. For the most part I have known them to be hard working, if a bit cold. I remember a Polish man came to do work on my house and played that song on loop, "YOU SPIN ME ROUND BABY ROUND RIGHT ROUND"

    The Polish lady at the deli is always kind. My childhood friend was Polish and his parents were always great.

    But then I met Wariat and my entire opinion of Polish people changed.

    I now hate Pollacks, and wish they would all die in a large kerosene fire.

    I couldn't even tell you why other than that if Wariat is truly a Pollack, they can't be that great as a culture/ethnicity.

    No great society produces a Wariat.
  3. Originally posted by Splam Huh? The map is from 1920. I posted it as a pecularity more than anything.
    PS. race is not a social construct.

    Yawn. Try again troll
  4. Originally posted by DontTellEm Um. U live w ur mom.
    Ur literally the 21 yr old little person daughter exhibiting false rage.

    Show is especially gross, I've caught glimpses before, but never watched a full episode. How do they shower & use the bathroom when they are filled w garbage? It's honestly crazy cuz they reAlly don't seem incoherent. I wonder wants going on.

    LOL source?
  5. Originally posted by aldra

    want this, but not $230 want it

    though I could try and claim it as a 'work expense'

    Trump fucked up my expense plan
  6. Originally posted by CandyRein The dollar isn’t going to put me in a rut like you and §m£ÂgØL.. Motel boy :)

    The sugar will lol. Probably why your ass is so flat :(

  7. I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow. Its weird having a job you actually enjoy.
  8. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Canada is the #1 producer and exporter of amphetamine types stimulants in the world

    Lol not true at all.
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein I legit am a secret holder
    A secret with me is as safe as a page in a diary..

    I legit have secrets people have told me and made me promise not to tell.. they’ve passed away and I still keep those secrets because they asked me not to tell
    And I never will :)

    Can I tell you a secret?
  10. Originally posted by WellHung Candy rein will never believe me or trust me… Consequently, she will never accept my praise at face value.

    Its funny how she gets along with racists better than you
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I dont because i think you're a retard.

    This nigga coming in months later lol
  12. Originally posted by aldra …were you actually in the vending machine?

    It was a vending machine costume
  13. Originally posted by Cheyes

    SWIM got a bunch of vicoprofens for free :)))

    which is cool becos you can eat way more of them than vicodins if you want to

    SWIM keeps getting a ton of free opiates this past year, life is weird

    it's his favourite opiate

    puts dilaudid to shame

    he took like 10 plus a benadryl and thought they were were broken but he just sucks at waiting

    gabzorz reduces hydro potency (but hydro increases gab potency), so maybe that has something to do with it

    When I was 16 I sold vicoprofen out of a vending machine in my school's cafeteria. Good times.
  14. Originally posted by Splam Bah hahaha. Races have been separated for maybe 50 thousand years. Adam and Eve's race wouldn't be recognizable to anyone today.
    With that said, the caucasian race is a product of mixing with Neanderthals, which gave rise to their creativity. The East Asians supposedly mixed with some other type of humanoid which gave rise to their intellect. Then you have the blacks….

    This is retarded and massively ignorant of human migration patterns.
  15. Originally posted by Splam Until some US president comes in and says 'Canada has the ability to develop nukes within the next five years' then uses that as a pretext to invades us.

    Some areas where I live are 50% Chinese. Hell I saw a big ass ad on the back of a bus in Chinese only, no English, where I live!
    Looked like a real estate ad. Chinese love buying up the Vancouver market. Rural Canada is white as New England with some native tribes roaming around.

    America will never go to war with neighbors. We like our big ocean separating us from all that nasty blood stuff.
  16. Fuck snow.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "almost"

    I almost had sex with 14 women last night
    I almost had a 737 land on my house
    I almost stuffed 32 boiled eggs in my mouth at the same time

    Sounds gay
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson AKA living outside.

    Has never been to the desert
  19. Ok boomer
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker He proved you wrong so just sit down.


    I speak facts

    You speak conjecture
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