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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Octavian I've always had big calves. Are some people just generally predisposed to having small ones or can they make them bigger via training. Surely the latter?

    I have a heart condition so my forearms and calves never got good bloodflow and remain small even when I've gone out of my way to work them out. Idk. My biceps are pretty big and so are my thighs. My shoulders too. People always ask me if I work out because I am pretty built in parts. But my forearms and calves will probably remain forever small.

    Got some circulation issues for sure. Sometimes i wake up to numb arms and i sleep flat on my back so i know im not sleeping on them. When i was doing poppy tea it got really bad because it lasts like 12h. Got kinda scary at times when I'd be up for 15min trying to get my arms un-numbed. Big part of why i stopped. My blood pressure is low enough.
  2. Originally posted by Fox Using the Fermi estimation technique, I would guess that I’ve had sex over five thousand times in my life. It has failed zero times

    Some dudes have a lot of precum (see 1337) and it can carry enough sperm to impregnate. Its an evolutionary thing. A lot of animals regularly can precum enough to impregnate. Its kinda necessary for rape babies. Off the top of my 9 heads I know ducks have some good ass precum.
  3. Originally posted by Octavian I wear shorts in the Summer. Only people who don't are thosse with chicken legs and varicose veins. My schizophrenic neighbor wears shorts all year round but he's a dick.

    Tbh I have some chicken legs (I was a swimmer all my leg is thigh) but I still wear shorts because I don't give a fuck what people think about my chicken legs. I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear
  4. Originally posted by Fox Fake news. I’ve been using the pullout method with success for ten years and it never ONCE failed me. The only times they got pregnant was when I went balls deep and busted my entire load in that pussy with no contraception whatsoever

    I mean it has a 4% failure rate. A lot higher than other forms of contraception.
  5. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz The only russian news website my state's firewall allows to be accessed (legally) on publicly available computers. Yawn, must be some real spooky misinformation and propaganda

    You are a delusional schizophrenic.
  6. Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead Dude, it was a chick's ARMPIT that I fucked. You have her lube up the pit, then she lays on her side so that she's on top of her arm. Fucking a knee or elbow just sounds tedious for both parties.

    Knees have that cartilage that would probably make it uncomfortable

    Elbows are often bony

    Armpit is probably the best choice UNLESS she is fat. Then the fat probably makes the elbow the best
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm British, I never wear shorts.

    Is that a thing? Do people in England not wear shorts? During summer i constantly wear them just to spite mq and his immoral career choice
  8. Originally posted by Erekshun I’d fuck Susie

    So youre the shit bag who cheated on her
  9. Originally posted by POLECAT just waking up from a thc induced nap,, I was testing the latest harvest,, it don't look impressive at all but it knocked me on my ass for a 2 hr nap

    Hey you grow hemp right? Can I buy some
  10. Originally posted by aldra tl;dr: Suzie is a whore and wants the state to pay for her lifestyle

    Suzie has only ever had sex with one person

    He was the whore. Cheated on Suzie. Poor girl.

    Also I'm more than okay with my taxes going towards Suzie and her child. Thats why I actively vote for and support politicians who promise to raise my taxes. In the end the people who need help get it and that's what matters.
  11. Plus the big ass thing is overblown. Also it reminds me in highschool of a convo between two of my friends. One was a pothead white kid and the other was a black pothead.

    Was something like

    White guy: Damn look at that ass

    Black guy: That? Its small

    WG: Yeah but its still shaped nice

    BG: Yeah but its small

    WG: Well, you're black

  12. Originally posted by Octavian Hawt

    Srs? She looks anorexic if that isnt photoshopped. Give me a girl with internal organs and a ribcage any day
  13. Originally posted by CASPER So apparently my xrays showed i have arthritis. Fucking gay.

    What does arthritis look like on an xray
  14. Suzie is a poor teenager. She is sexually active and gets free condoms and STD testing from planned parenthood.

    Then the planned parenthood in her area shut down. Now Suzie has to buy condoms at the store and cant afford STD testing thanks to being a poor teenager with no insurance.

    One day Suzie's tire gets a flat. She has to borrow money to replace it and now cant afford condoms. She is young and figures pulling out a few times isnt so risky. Then she gets pregnant.

    Suzie wants an abortion but cant because Republicans. She knows she cant afford a kid. Should've listened to her friend Jane when she warned her about pulling out. Jane went to school in California so she got a proper sex education that warned her about pulling out.

    Suzie has the kid. It turns out to have hep c. Suzie had it all along but didnt know because she didnt get tested.

    Now Suzie has to get the baby treated. But she cant because she has no insurance. She goes anyway and accrues medical debt for her sons sake.

    Now the kid is growing up poor and unwanted through no fault of its own, and Suzie is forced to raise a kid she doesnt want. Eventually they become homeless, and the kid gets taken by the state. She talks to someone online from the UK who had a similar situation but got help with housing and was able to keep her kid and avoid being homeless.

    The kid grows up. He wants to go to college but cant afford to. He wishes he could get a scholarship but never got high enough grades due to his poor education. Republicans blame people like him for being welfare suckers. He just wishes he was never born.

    All of this could've been prevented with proper sex education, accessible medical care, and a proper welfare system. All stuff the Republicans are hell bent on denying people.
  15. Originally posted by snab_snib look at the shit he posts. he goes from one idea to the next about how he could salvage his life. they're all harebrained nonsense. he watches tons of content for idiots. like stuff no normal person wouldn't be embarrassed to watch. he writes as if he either has some kind of traumatic brain damage or a degenerative mental illness. from what i understand he is a registered sex offender, which had to have broken him on some additional level. his overall epistemology indicates no actual path up and forward for him, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

    people like this don't grow old. if i had to bet, i'd say confidently less than 10 years. but under 5 or even 1 wouldn't surprise me.

  16. Originally posted by aldra is a dad homoman

    I've not seen much in regards to internal politics on RT, at least not on the english site.

    The primary complaint among Putin's supporters is that he hasn't done enough to combat the west and that he's been far too friendly to a system that effectively ruined Russia in the 90s and continues to undermine it. The now-infamous pensions reform that dropped his approval rating, for example - people see it as a reform that was essentially created and passed by the pro-western 'fifth column', but they've become angry at Putin for being too 'soft' on them and allowing it to happen.

    The same feeling permeates a lot of policies, from the government providing funding to ostensibly anti-Russian media to the Russian military not directly responding to US-backed attacks on their units in Syria.

    This is like determining America's general opinion based on Fox or CNN
  17. Originally posted by mmQ I do, but my work is extremely limited. -_-

    inb4 pants go out of style, everyone is wearing shorts, and you are out of a job.
  18. Originally posted by Sudo What is your job? Why doesn't it pay well enough to support yourself? You can try to justify being reliant on your parents all you want as a cultural thing but you really just don't have anywhere better to go and have completely failed to launch. Bill Krozby is 100% self sufficient, as are the overwhelming majority of North Americans over the age of 18. And then there's you, sitting in mommy and daddys home unable to move forward with your life because you can't handle being an adult on your own.

    That's cool and all, by all means, be a useless little neet, but trying to harp on a self sufficient individual with a much better personality than you for obtaining gainful employment is fucking pathetic

    Bill Krozby has his apartment paid for by his parents lmao

    He's also poor as shit, lives alone, goes from job to job, has drug and social problems, a criminal history, and yeah... lmao. No wonder you come to his defense. You are all of those things and more (see: pedophile)
  19. Originally posted by mmQ A chair doesn't need legs m8. Consider me your personal beanbag. 😊💓

    Sorry, I wanted BOOBS not SACK.

    I don't take kindly to my butt rests taking a vacation on the clock. It's four legs and up off the ground or no dice. comprende?
  20. Originally posted by Octavian I've never been into that sort of gambling but I assume the risk and win factor is somewhat similar or the same nontheless.

    Errm with more money? Just secure my future so I'm not some old fuck relying on a state pension with all sorts of debilitating illnesses from drug & alcohol abuse. I'm not saying I won't already have such issues then besides self inflicted ones, just hopefully less.

    I also want out of this shit town where I live and see the world. All I have ever known is drug and alcohol benders with sluts/ STIs/ hangovers/ regret/ shame/ broken relationships/ limited capital/ debts and sometimes hunger as a result of my lifestyle.

    Where would you go?

    Frankly traveling has made me realize it's just another form of escape. I feel like literally nothing I do will break that cycle.
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