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Republicans manufacture suffering

  1. #1
    Suzie is a poor teenager. She is sexually active and gets free condoms and STD testing from planned parenthood.

    Then the planned parenthood in her area shut down. Now Suzie has to buy condoms at the store and cant afford STD testing thanks to being a poor teenager with no insurance.

    One day Suzie's tire gets a flat. She has to borrow money to replace it and now cant afford condoms. She is young and figures pulling out a few times isnt so risky. Then she gets pregnant.

    Suzie wants an abortion but cant because Republicans. She knows she cant afford a kid. Should've listened to her friend Jane when she warned her about pulling out. Jane went to school in California so she got a proper sex education that warned her about pulling out.

    Suzie has the kid. It turns out to have hep c. Suzie had it all along but didnt know because she didnt get tested.

    Now Suzie has to get the baby treated. But she cant because she has no insurance. She goes anyway and accrues medical debt for her sons sake.

    Now the kid is growing up poor and unwanted through no fault of its own, and Suzie is forced to raise a kid she doesnt want. Eventually they become homeless, and the kid gets taken by the state. She talks to someone online from the UK who had a similar situation but got help with housing and was able to keep her kid and avoid being homeless.

    The kid grows up. He wants to go to college but cant afford to. He wishes he could get a scholarship but never got high enough grades due to his poor education. Republicans blame people like him for being welfare suckers. He just wishes he was never born.

    All of this could've been prevented with proper sex education, accessible medical care, and a proper welfare system. All stuff the Republicans are hell bent on denying people.
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  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    tl;dr: Suzie is a whore and wants the state to pay for her lifestyle
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  3. #3
    Originally posted by aldra tl;dr: Suzie is a whore and wants the state to pay for her lifestyle

    Suzie has only ever had sex with one person

    He was the whore. Cheated on Suzie. Poor girl.

    Also I'm more than okay with my taxes going towards Suzie and her child. Thats why I actively vote for and support politicians who promise to raise my taxes. In the end the people who need help get it and that's what matters.
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  4. #4
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    I’d fuck Susie
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Erekshun I’d fuck Susie

    So youre the shit bag who cheated on her
  6. #6
    Fake news. I’ve been using the pullout method with success for ten years and it never ONCE failed me. The only times they got pregnant was when I went balls deep and busted my entire load in that pussy with no contraception whatsoever
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Fox Fake news. I’ve been using the pullout method with success for ten years and it never ONCE failed me. The only times they got pregnant was when I went balls deep and busted my entire load in that pussy with no contraception whatsoever

    I mean it has a 4% failure rate. A lot higher than other forms of contraception.
  8. #8
    Using the Fermi estimation technique, I would guess that I’ve had sex over five thousand times in my life. It has failed zero times
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Fox Using the Fermi estimation technique, I would guess that I’ve had sex over five thousand times in my life. It has failed zero times

    Some dudes have a lot of precum (see 1337) and it can carry enough sperm to impregnate. Its an evolutionary thing. A lot of animals regularly can precum enough to impregnate. Its kinda necessary for rape babies. Off the top of my 9 heads I know ducks have some good ass precum.
  10. #10
    cigreting Dark Matter
    tl dr
  11. #11
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Some dudes have a lot of precum (see 1337)

    Is that the dude that fucked you in the ass
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Fox Is that the dude that fucked you in the ass

    No. Keep up with your nis lore. You are way off.
  13. #13
    I just wanna take a moment to remind everyone that hydro named her kid after random shit her dad thought was cool.

    Imagine something like

    Pegasus Red Rambo Hawaii
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  14. #14
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Some dudes have a lot of precum (see 1337) and it can carry enough sperm to impregnate. Its an evolutionary thing. A lot of animals regularly can precum enough to impregnate. Its kinda necessary for rape babies. Off the top of my 9 heads I know ducks have some good ass precum.

    Maybe, but the US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other developed country. That seems like a problem that isn't going to be fixed by throwing more money at it.

    That and I'd rather state funds went towards people with serious illness or who are in need of life-saving surgery before dumb kids doing dumb kid shit.
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  15. #15
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Pegasus Red Rambo Hawaii

    I read the other day that Sid Vicious' heroin dealer's legal name was Rockets Redglare
  16. #16
    I once met a guy who legally changed his name to Merlin The Wizard. First name “Merlin” last name “The Wizard”. It was the name on his driver’s license. I called him Mr. The Wizard. He didn’t like that
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  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I party on that pussy fam
  18. #18
    Originally posted by aldra Maybe, but the US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other developed country. That seems like a problem that isn't going to be fixed by throwing more money at it.

    That and I'd rather state funds went towards people with serious illness or who are in need of life-saving surgery before dumb kids doing dumb kid shit.

    In principle I agree with better sex education, better education in general really, and even shit like giving out free condoms, heroin needles, whatever. But the real problem is not education, or any of that shit. People are the problem. No matter how good something sounds in principle, people will always find a way to keep being fuckups
  19. #19
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Fox I once met a guy who legally changed his name to Merlin The Wizard. First name “Merlin” last name “The Wizard”. It was the name on his driver’s license. I called him Mr. The Wizard. He didn’t like that

    kek, you reminded me - when I worked in a call centre years ago there was a guy there who was fighting with the government to change his name to Trashy D. Trashbags. I have no idea whether he eventually succeeded
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  20. #20
    Originally posted by aldra Maybe, but the US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other developed country. That seems like a problem that isn't going to be fixed by throwing more money at it.

    That and I'd rather state funds went towards people with serious illness or who are in need of life-saving surgery before dumb kids doing dumb kid shit.

    Yeah... Because we allow big pharma and hospitals to go unchecked with how much they charge. The government does not regulate it at all like most of the world does.

    I once got charged 1,500 for 12 stitches and some topical anesthetic. My recent root canal cost 3k.

    This is BASIC shit that should be covered.

    Personally im okay with people like Suzie getting help. In an ideal society, or say, 1950s USA, the corporations would be footing most of that bill anyway. They've done REALLY well over the last 70yrs lowering their taxes. This is why America is a great place to do business. Our taxes are next to nothing. We have many of the richest people in the world because of it. Most valuable economy of any nation.

    I dont get why the right here thinks lower taxes will help the economy. Free capitalism is not the way to go.

    And dont even remind me of the CEO loophole that allows corporations to funnel money into lower tax brackets while simultaneously giving them more money. This is why companies like Amazon can pay zero tax. They just put everything into Bezos's check and company expansion.

    This policy does work GREAT for small businesses who genuinely have high overhead when starting out but for big corps its easily abused. I dont think we should tax gross income obviously and I dont know what the solution would be but this is not right. It is so easy to avoid taxes in this country if you are rich. You can just invest and invest and become richer and richer. We don't have brackets for the crazy rich corps like europe does. I believe the cutoff is a few mil or something snd thats got the 26% bracket lowered from 35% by trump

    But hey we got our income tax lowered by 3% fuck yea MAGA
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