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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Erekshun Tears yes. But which kind is yet to be determined.

    No we determined it already.

    Tears of joy.
  2. Originally posted by Erekshun You mistakenly think everyone believes like you, or should. Texas is not blue.

    2018 elections didn't lie. Its why the house is dem majority now. This election will have a full sweep for Democrats. House, senate, and presidency.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---.----.--------------4--(b­anned) youre an illegal alien. youre not allowed to vote

    No I'm not.

    I've voted before and I'm voting again.

    My whole family is voting Biden :)
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL Where can we view the positive test results?

    Its public access.
  5. Voted blue in 2018

    It'll vote blue again
  6. Originally posted by Merzcat It's a simulation game for the PC you ignorant moron

    It's literally ported from mobile.

    You're playing a mobile game.

    And not even a fun one like bloons
  7. Originally posted by Merzcat That's already been done numerous times before and it still hasn't been taken down.

    Just took it down by myself. You're welcome.

    This is an international count. 1,500 nurses, many young and healthy, but dead due to the intense viral load they've been exposed to.

    Trick or treat, I guess.
  9. Originally posted by Meikai SOMEONE needs to make a stand against your reckless anti-Americanism.

  10. Originally posted by Merzcat Well technically I have been here for years, sad to say since 2017.

    I need to stop coming to this shithole.

    Also learn to use the search feature, you've been talking about being a yid for a long time.

    Post your username or get the fuck out. No respect for alts you may as well be a pedo
  11. Originally posted by Kev huh?

  12. Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is no such thing as "scientific consensus" Scientists never all agree. Science is not the presentation of facts, it is the study and interpretation of observable phenomena.



  13. Originally posted by Meikai Then why does it matter if Americans are complaining? Are they to become the only nation on Earth in which people don't complain about taxes? smh

    This is just more anti-American propaganda from NIS's resident La Raza member.

    Go play devil's advocate elsewhere.
  14. Originally posted by Meikai Literally everyone complains about taxes. Filing them is an inconvenience, and paying them is to many steps removed from any tangible benefit people end up receiving as a result (or when the effects are more blatant like with universal healthcare, needed too infrequently to seem worthwhile).

    Seriously, people in the UK are complaining too. All the time. People in Canada. People in every place where the government permits complaint are at this very moment complaining about the government. And they're all equally justified. It's not like Americans are unique in this regard.

    I never said they didn't...
  15. Originally posted by Splam It's a misdeamener on first offence. Mostly due to Canadians unintentionally crossing the border. The Mexicans who are forced to cross the border do so because they've got a criminal record. Else they're eligible to get a tourist visa. The non-criminal Mexicans jump their visa. The criminal Mexicans jump the border. Hence it's irrelevant if the act in itself is criminal on first offence.

    So what you're saying is that criminals commit crimes? Color me fucking shocked.

    Doesn't change the fact that the majority of these people are law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong but jaywalk across the wrong side of an invisible line to help their families. They don't deserve to be separated from their children, locked up for years awaiting trial, be sterilized, go without food, water, or medical treatment, be raped, etc.

    This is literally how concentration camps started in Nazi Germany. Hitler promised to close the borders. Then he started becoming hard on illegal immigrants. Soon the definition of who was illegal or not expanded to anyone deemed unfit to live in German society. If you aren't seeing the patterns by this point, you are blind.

    "First they came for the jedis
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a jedi.

    Then they came for the Communists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    and I did not speak out
    because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me
    and there was no one left
    to speak out for me"

    If you don't see this happening already you are crazy. Communists vs Nazis, Democrats Vs Republicans, it's the same shit. Hitler told people over the radio to go hang out by election stations and intimidate voters. They showed up armed and in 1934 Hitler won the referendum that gave him supreme power over Germany. He was lucky he had stacked the courts because nobody believed it when he won with 88% of the vote. He blocked all attempts to re-count the referendum. You know, like the GOP did with Bush v Gore when the FL Supreme Court already ruled on doing a recount?

    It's fucking textbook.
  16. Originally posted by Splam Doesn't matter about the lease. Not even the same China they leased it from. The China they leased it from, ceased to exist during the civil war. As did their debts.

    To clarify, this lease became void when the motherfucking Qing dynasty ended in 1912. The lease was signed in 1894.
  17. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 So science is about consensus now? Woww interesting

    It always has been.
  18. Originally posted by Kev this new lunatic fad reminds me of the dark ages when everyone blamed everything on demons but at least they knew what their problem was even if they didnt know what the cause was. this whole thing of blaming all ills on some invisible russian hackers is retarded on every level. these paranoid delusions are on a whole other level.

    Says the guy supporting American Hitler
  19. Originally posted by -SpectraL I would love to see the 3 million year old weather report.

    It's called ice and rocks you retard
  20. Originally posted by Kev ending your life is not enough for you? too bad, i wouldnt touch you to scratch you, faggot. im afraid i might catch something.

    dont need to be to toss around a spic runt.

    Go ahead and end your life. I'm waiting
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