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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL People on welfare get the $1,200 plus their regular welfare check?

    Yep. Its a stimulus check. It's to stimulate the economy not because people necessarily need it to survive.
  2. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins you literally have no idea what youre saying

    regardless…it comes down to the fact that my skin is white and yours is the color of shit. no argument you ever make will trump your losing the genetic lottery.

  3. Originally posted by rabbitweed Yeah actually Obbe how do you get inside your own base? The iron door has no open switch from the outside. Do you do a running jump into the sheep pen?

    That's how I get in lol
  4. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins youre a dirty wetback and need to get back into the fields

  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL Almost all of the "gaffs" Trump makes are simply misunderstood statements he made. He just needs to be more clear. But then again, it really doesn't matter how clear he is, because anti-Trump 'tards would crucify him even if he rescued kittens from a burning building. Their hate is so immense and overpowering that nothing on Earth would satisfy them, no matter what Trump does or says. They can't stand the fact they lost the 2016 election. And as Obama himself said, "elections have consequences".

    He sure seems to need to be clear a lot.

    Do we want a leader who isn't clear when making statements? Obama was very clear. All the time. He never mixed up his words.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL What makes unemployed citizens and citizens who survive on welfare or food stamps different? Why are welfare recipients considered unworthy of the same level of financial aid? Are they like a lesser class of human.

    They get the 1200 too.
  7. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Probably is the key word in your first paragraph. It is not guaranteed. I won't hang my financial well being off "could happen"

    As to the second paragraph … they can't kick you out or turn off your utilities right now, this is true. But say you pay a measly 400 for rent each month and maybe 60 in electric, 40 for WSG. Basic shit, that's 500 a month. Now say we are in this stale mate for 2 more months, 3 months total. You'll owe 1500. But you haven't had an income for these past three months by choice. Come the first of the month your bill collectors are coming round. They want that 1500 plus the next months bills too. 2000, or get evicted and tarnish your credit by not paying your utility bills.

    Do you think someone will put into legislator that these companies cannot expect payment in full by the end of the month things return to normal? Do you think it will be written that this situation cannot affect credit reporting because you chose to stay home? They may not be able to evict you or turn off your water but they sure as hell can report you as delinquent on your accounts.

    I have learned from the magic orbs and will no longer be requiring your services
  8. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins wetback

  9. Originally posted by Stopffs I’ve already read and comprehend how the unemployment and fed gov money (4 month help- expiring July 30 as of now) works

    I believe you are incorrect on the dispersement of federal funds .

    What country do you live?

  10. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t 1200 doesn't even cover my bills. Let alone allow for basic sustenance, as well. If that 1200 has you covered for essentials through multiple months, I give you props.

    I must ask … you do realize that suspended payments of bills does not mean you won't owe the funds once everything is back to normal, right. Why would anyone willingly put themselves into a situation that is financially detrimental?

    I'm seriously beginning to think all of you Regressives don't read the news. People are probably going to be getting another Stimulus check and it'd going to be announced early next month. The money has already been set aside and signed for with the original CARE act.

    1200 is more than enough for your essentials. What do you need other than food and water? Your utilities wont be shut off and you won't be kicked out. You might have to pay it back later, sure, but I'd rather go into debt than risk killing the people I love.

    Also even if you're essential you can apply for unemployment right now. It's a myth that you can't. They released guidelines when they announced the new unemployment rules, all you have to do is show that you didn't make money the previous week. You don't have to be fired or even not be working. Even if you've just lost hours you can apply for unemployment.

    Your work can turn it down but I have a feeling they're being pretty liberal with it right now. I know a freelancer who got on unemployment, and I talked to a dependent who got a check. So if people who aren't supposed to be getting it are getting it, you can definitely get it.
  11. Originally posted by Stopffs I never said anyone would get 2400 on top of 100% of their regular wages. I said that some will be making more than their regular wages WITH the extra 600.00 a week from fed gov. And that is still true - some up to 20% more.

    I never said that either. You have athletic abilities issues. Everything I have said to you, you are not even acknowledging. I'm going to explain it one more time- Nobody is getting an extra 600 dollars in addition to their regular wages from unemployment.


    If you make 1000 dollars a week, unemployment will only cover up to a certain amount. Let's say it's 450, which is not far from actual unemployment benefit limits. The reason unemployment is BELOW normal wages is so that people don't just stay on it and they actually get out and find a new job. You can easily google this information but unemployment never pays more than a certain amount.

    If you only make 800 a month, you don't get that 450. You'll get a percentage, idk. To make it easy, let's say that comes out to 400 a month instead.

    Now the government announces that they will pay full wages. They give states up to 600 per person for unemployment.

    If the guy making 1000 applied, he would no longer get 450. He would get 1000, his full wage. That's an extra 550 dollars, which is under the 600 limit.

    If the guy making 800 applied, he would get 800 instead of 400. That's an extra 400 dollars for him.

    Now maybe somebody makes 1500 a month, but unemployment maxes out at that 450 number. Well, he can only get 600 extra, so now he's only getting 1050 instead of the 1500 he would be making at work. He does not get his full wage, but he does still get the supplement to help him.

    If this doesn't explain it cleanly to you idk what to tell you. There is no extra 600 dollars, only 600 dollars being used to bring people up to their regular wages. Read the actual legislature I linked and you'll see that.
  12. Originally posted by aldra Yeah I can't imagine Biden actually winning, but I hope he does. It'll be even funnier than when Trump won

    There's significantly more left leaning than right leaning people in this country. The major issue is that young people don't vote. It's like 30-40% compared to 70% of elderly, who tend to be more conservative leaning.

    It's really only a matter of time before someone like Bernie wins. I feel like Trump was the last big push. He didn't even win popular vote which normally means you lose the election. You can tell me I'm bitching about electoral votes but the fact is that Trump won by the skin of his teeth against Hilary who many Democrats straight up despised. I don't think Biden elicits as strong of a response and he's also got the Obama factor to help him.

    Plus there's the whole swash tide thing. If Trump wins 2020, a Democrat will win 2024. If a Democrat wins 2020, a Republican will win in '24 or '28. This has been pretty consistent through America's history with these polarizing politicans. Like how after Abraham Lincoln (R) we had Andrew Johnson (D). After Nixon/Ford we had Jimmy Carter. The pendulum swings one way, then the other. Black president? How about a racist president! And events like COVID-19 only quicken the swing.

    Every single War in American history has seen another party take office either by the end of the war or during. We have not had more than 2 consecutive presidents of the same party since 1929. It always switches. No party other than the Democrat-Republican party has ever held office for more than 16 years in a row. And if you look at recent history, the pendulum is swinging less and less towards the red, and more and more towards the blue. Republican party will probably be completely wiped out in the next 100 years.
  13. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t As stated, if I were home I could make the decision. However that is not the case.

    "The U.S. Department of Labor's unemployment insurance programs provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own and meet certain other eligibility requirements."

    Choosing to stay home when deemed an essential worker negates the part where it says "through no fault of their own". Though I am sure this is on a case by case basis with current situations it is still a choice made. As I said. I can work or I can go unpaid.

    Yep. And it's your ADULT decision. You could've put the health and lives of your family first and stayed home unpaid. Stimulus check should cover most of your basic essentials.

    It's not an EASY decision but it's still a decision you could've made. Plenty of people have. I'm essential and I chose to stay home.
  14. how old are you now
  15. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins you referenced a source that has been verified to be MINITRU propaganda and fake news. ergo…your post is MINITRU propaganda and fake news.

    and youre a retarded spic who needs to spend more time trimming my trees and less time wasting my electricity

    You're dumb.

    I guess they're all working for the same jedis, right?

    Oh no wait, you're just a propaganda sheep who believes whatever Trump says even though he doesn't have a shred of evidence or proof, he just 'doesn't believe it'.

    Daily NK, which first published this news, has a 100% track record of accuracy and truth when it comes to news on North Korea. Their claim here was later confirmed by US intelligence.

    Meanwhile Trump just yesterday is calling this fake news, and going against what US intelligence says. Figures lmao
  16. Originally posted by CASPER Its been fucking hot here. i sweated through two sets of sheets and a pillowcase last night. Sucks.

    46 here. Trade?
  17. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t I am an essential employee. I have 2 options. Continue to work or go unpaid. Granted, if I was home in Texas I would have a third option to burn through my accumulated vacation leave.

    I did not make the decision to put myself in the vulnerable position of escorting people to work (directly). I did not make the choice to have the room beside mine used to Medical Hold people for their 14 day required quarantine when entering country.

    I did however make the decision to inform my children of my DNR preference, not Covid related but in any circumstance. They've known for a couple years now.

    Oh yeah you did. You made the ADULT decision to endanger everyone around you. Nobody is forcing you to work. Plenty of essential workers are staying home. Thats what this money is for in the first place.
  18. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins look at you, all quoting kike MINITRU propaganda.

    fake news.

    that slanteyed pudge pile is accompanied everywhere he goes by a full medical suite. CPR is a first-aid technique practiced on the little people. kimmy has some of the best med tech that exists on this planet…literally on par with what the USSS carries around for trump. if he fell on his face his attendants would have him on full vital monitors…including blood O2 levels…and if his heart needed a jumpstart it would come from a defibrillator, not some other slant eye doing lip-locked chest compressions.

    You're retarded. He's been in the hospital for over 2 weeks. Its public and open knowledge the Chinese sent doctors. It has nothing to do with whether or not he already has doctors dumbass. None of what you said even applies to my post, you're just so confused and vapid all you can do is spew nonsense
  19. Originally posted by -SpectraL It boils down to partisan Democrats rejecting ANYTHING from the other side, no matter what damage or destruction that obstinacy does to the country. It's basically treason and a clear and present threat to national security. If I had my way, they'd all be behind bars.

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