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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Okay I lied and I looked at it. First image is literally useless. Of course white people who live primarily in NY are going to have a higher income. Identifying jedis have such a small population in America, that chart is garbage and doesn't actually prove anything. Statistics are so easy to manipulate when you want to prove a point. It may be true that jedis earn more but a simple number doesn't pain the whole picture. I could make one about race too that'll show white people earning more. Does that mean white people are all in on a conspiracy as well? God that image doesn't even break up the different sects of Judaism or Islam but it has a million for Christians.

    Second image doesn't even have a source. This is why infographics are fucking useless
  2. no infographics. I'm not looking at that.

    Link the studies that information comes from and share a real opinion, or get the fuck out. People can put whatever they want in an image.
  3. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Thieves oil. add it to your mask. Then your mask works. Some things are quite ancient, but work better than some of the things they develop today.

    Big pharm does not want you to know about these things….

    But the history is obvious, and factual, or the things that took place would never have found the light of day. Nobody who wore this got the black death in 1346-1352.

    The black death (Virus) and Bubonic plague (bacteria) worked side by side, but were two totally different entities. back then though, one begat the other, and were thought to be one in the same.

    Thieves oil worked through both when robbing the dead in the plague fields. Nobody got sick. History is funny that way.

    wear this on your mask, collar, and hat or in my case, skullcap.

    Fucking lol you are mentally ill. "Thieves oil" is literally just a name for any number of mixes of essential oils and you have absolutely no evidence to prove any of those oils work or why. Big Pharma doesn't give a flying shit about your essential oils lol. Most of them don't do anything, and the ones that do actually work have very little effect.

    Originally posted by ORACLE And that is true, and I have no problem standing behind it.

    If you aren't a carrier, it's not going to stop you from transmitting, as you can't do that unless you are a carrier.

    If you aren't a carrier, it also won't prevent you from airborn infection, unless I guess someone is sneezing on your face.

    All of the benefits are in regards to those who carry COVID-19: it picks up the bigger moisture particles and prevents it from getting on shit that other people will touch. You will still be exhaling airborn viruses because the mask will not stop it in aerosolised form, so it won't prevent the need for social distancing etc.

    But I'll add one caveat: everyone should act like they are carriers whether they are or not, and wear a DIY cloth mask. At worst it will be harmless to wear a mask (useless but harmless).

    Nobody is saying it will 100% stop you from getting infected and nobody but the most idiotic of people think that.

    But it does objectively REDUCE chances of catching the virus. If you don't think it blocks airborne particulate from being inhaled, go take a giant fat shit. Smell it with a mask, and then without. You're going to smell it a lot less with a mask on. At least if it's properly insulating and thick enough.

    Yes, virus containing water particles are small enough to get through, but it will still block some. It also has the added benefit of weakening and dissipating your air intake, which reduces the radius of how far air travels in/out of your nose and mouth. Imagine a sick guy is 6ft away from you. Without a mask you are at the edges of where his breath travels and probably breathing some of that in anyway. With a mask, you might breathe in none or just a negligible amount.

    Plus just imagine how many people it stops from picking their nose or messing with their mouth/face. I know I regularly brush across my mustache and beard and it's been a hard habit to break. With a mask, I instantly stop.

    There's just no way that masks are 'literally useless' for preventing infection.
  4. Originally posted by cigreting maybe he isnt all excited to get aids/stds retard

    Hey retard, who said he would even risk it? He can hire a hooker to do exactly what these nurses did, which is bathe him, change his diapers, and take care of him like a child. Hookers are pretty open to that kind of stuff and obviously don't mind the sexual aspect so they won't quit like these nurses did. Plus, they'll shower with him.

    Fucking the nurses is a different fetish. This doesn't seem 100% sexual to me anyhow. You gotta be pretty fucked in the head to pretend to be retarded just so you can be babied and cared for. Don't forget these nurses were doing a lot more than just bathing him. Probably makes him feel safe or some shit.
  5. Originally posted by Netflxchillr oh, i get it.
    I don't look Native American one iota… so, i hear ya, for sure.

    Yeah native north americans have had their indigenous genetics pretty diluted cuz of rape
  6. To be clear, I am talking about the idea that jedis run the world. Not necessarily that every individual jedi is bad. Most people I know who think jedis run the world don't have a problem at all with individuals. I mean, THEY'RE not the ones running things just because of their religion. If you think all jedis are a problem you should probably just get out of this thread because you are too illogical to present a factual argument for your case.

    I would like to see some evidence that jedis are running the world. All I've seen is some jedis in power and people think that's evidence enough, as if there aren't a considerable amount of Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and Atheists who hold similar positions of power that are used for purposes of propaganda and control. jedis are not special in this regard.

    I am not going to watch any youtube videos, and if you have any infographics or memes you can throw those right the fuck out.

    All I want to see is hard evidence that shows there are jedis conspiring with other jedis to promote jedi... whatever it is they're supposed to be trying to spread.

    You conspiracy nuts say that the evidence is everywhere, and that I'd have to be dumb not to see it. So call me dumb and show the evidence. Any post which does not cite its information will be instantly disregarded as complete made up bullshit.
  7. Originally posted by Obbe

    Pigtails instantly make a girl 10x sluttier, but also somehow 10x uglier.
  8. Originally posted by Stopffs This stuff sounds pretty dangerous. Are you being serious?

    I'm being serious. A kilogram is only 70-100 dollars. And it's not dangerous. Unlike other opioids, the alkaloids in mitragyna speciosa (7hydroxy-migragynine and mitragynine) do not recruit the beta-arrestin-2 proteins which lead to respiratory depression in things like fentanyl, heroin, ketamine, alcohol, etc. It's the respiratory depression which kills people.

    I'm not going to say it can't kill you or that it's harmless, but nobody has ever died from it. The FDA released a few deaths they claimed were caused by it but the DEA actually refuted a few of these because they were so ridiculous. You know when the goddamn DEA is standing up for drugs there is some hardcore propaganda being thrown. The deaths they listed all had medical reports attached so you can actually review the info yourself. Those deaths ALL included other factors. Some of them had things like heroin or alcohol or benzos in their system, and merely included Crouton in the toxicology report and not as a cause of deaths. There was at least two of them which included fucking gunshot wounds. This is why they only used medical reports and not an actual study on Crouton itself.

    Don't believe what the mainstream media says about it. There is some heavy lobbying against cheap natural medicines like CBD and Crouton.

    Lots of people don't know this but the FDA actually reversed a decision to ban Crouton a few years ago because there was so much pushback. They set a date for it to be banned, then rescinded it for a 'study period' that has since not ended. Many states (including mine) have even set special legislation for it to keep it legal and so that minors can't purchase it.

    I've talked to so many people who have effectively switch from opiates to Crouton. Either for pain or just pure addiction. Krat0m is fantastic stuff and one of my favorite drugs just for how cheap, useful, and flexible it is.
  9. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Waah

    It's also a group of like 5,000 lol.

    I'll stick with my widely accepted research from accredited institutions and journals, thanks. Good job cherry-picking so you can source one of the few journals that supports your claim.
  10. This thread was funnier when i was drunk
  11. 1kg finely ground mitragyna speciosa
  12. 我操了她的妈妈
  13. Originally posted by Netflxchillr when i say easy…
    what i really mean… is: "easy" reading. I read so much as it is- I don't want to be following/reading a recipe that's two pages long with directions etc.

    IDK about you but when I'm making mac and cheese all I want to do is read about some lady's kids and petty marital problems.
  14. you couldn't fry an egg
  15. Originally posted by WellHung why another 1200 after that? Is a second stimulus check in the works?

    I feel like nobody has been paying attention.

    Look at the CARE act. The money has been set aside for two 1200 checks to be sent out. The majority of the country is still under lockdown. Even in states where the government has lifted orders, businesses are still not returning to normal.

    People need this money. It's only a matter of time before they announce the second check will be sent out, I think. After that they'll have to draft new legislation for any new stimulus checks or unemployment changes.
  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL Back in February, the World Health Organization was swearing on a stack of bibles that nobody needed to wear any masks, travel to and from China was fine, and nobody had anything to worry about. We're more than prepared for any eventuality, said the WHO. I was telling people at the same time that the WHO is full of shit, that a level-4 bio-weapons lab in China had intentionally released the virus, and that everyone should wear masks because the shit was about to hit the fan, and I also warned that the New World Order was going to exploit what was coming to bring in more of their tyranny. All the leftists were calling me a tin foil hatter and insisting no masks were needed, because the WHO said so, and also insisted it was just some bat soup gone bad. Just goes to show how much these dumb fuck leftists really know. Nothing.

    stopped reading here
  17. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    The AAPS is a highly political group funded by big pharma that is opposed to social security (fucking lol) and the affordable care act. If that didn't tip you off to their bias, the fact that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has an official stance on gun control probably should. They also declared the FDA unconstitutional, don't believe in evolution, believe that vaccines cause autism, think HIV does not cause AIDS, don't believe in climate change, are anti abortion and think it leads to breast cancer (their study was openly rejected by the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and the World Health Organization.)

    They also straight up made up information about illegal immigrants bringing leprosy into the US, saying that they caused 7,000 cases in the past 3 years when the actual information, WHICH THEY THEMSELVES CITED, was 7,000 over the last 30 years with nothing to do with immigrants, illegal or otherwise. And they never corrected it either. This is still their claim as of today.

    So yeah. Real trustworthy site. Very objective and scientific.
  18. You said it was literally useless if you aren't sick tho

    cmon bro
  19. Originally posted by Netflxchillr You've got some really cool photos mexican… except your hand doesn't look very mex.

    You sound like someone who has never been to Mexico. Where my family is from there's an entire community of red haired, blue eyed Mexicans who have been here since the Mexican-American war in the 1800's. Pretty lulz thinking of all those racist irish in TX having their descendants fight FOR Mexico against America.

    Ever hear of the boxer Canelo? His name literally means cinnamon. But he's as Mexican as they come. Part of the master race.

    Personally my family has light skin, black hair, and green eyes. I've been mistaken for white and Asian because people don't realize how ethnically diverse Mexico is. Someone wrote in one of my yearbooks, "Stay Korean."
  20. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Good masks were always surprisingly pricey. Anyone who did a lot of DIY knew that.

    It's because of the enhancements. Also insulating masks require high quality and precision. If its just cloth they're easy make and cheap as hell, which is why you can still get paper thin masks on Wish and Alibaba for pennies.
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