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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. jgggnnnfFUCK
  2. ok hold up you're dipping into my fetishes here
  3. Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN Watched 'The Hills Have Eyes' a couple nights ago. That movie is way more brutal than I remember.

    If someone wants it I'll email it to them.

    I want you to spoil the entire movie for me
  4. your brother is a concerned egg
  5. Originally posted by CASPER §m£ÂgØL beat it to everyone

  6. Originally posted by Obbe You sound like a faggot.

    yeah he's a faggot we're both faggots get over it faggot
  7. Where do you live? That looks beautiful but totally dead.
  8. Originally posted by ORACLE Congratulations on your evenly static fíltered shit particles not depolarising your olfactory epithelium properly… You just stumbled into 17th century miasma theory you fucking retard

    "I can't smell it any more… It's working!"

    Again, you are objectively wrong. Masks reduce penetration to about 44%.

    All you're doing is parroting propaganda spread to conserve mask supplies. Propaganda that has now been refuted and denounced by the world.

    And yes, falco. Less smell = less inhaled. None of what you said about depolarization actually matters or is relevant as olfactory transduction is not even that heavily effected by static, let alone the mild static caused by your mask. You're not smelling fucking ozone here so chill the fuck out retard. You just wanted to use big words to make it sound like you knew what you were talking about. The reduction in smell from wearing a thick mask IS because of the reduction in particulate inhaled. If you don't believe that you can fuck off and die.

    Or you can come over to my apartment and fuck me silly till the sun comes back up.

    Ball is in your court faggot
  9. Originally posted by gadzooks For the record, I find Stalin and Mao just as deplorable as Hitler.

    Mass murder is mass murder.

    No matter how noble the intentions of the despot, they're still a despot.

    See? Who actually thinks Hitler is worse somehow just because he killed jedis instead of non-jedis? Where are these people you're claiming exist, rabbitweed?
  10. Originally posted by rabbitweed Look at the way we treat hitler compared to dictators who murdered more people like Stalin and Mao. It's acceptable to argue Holodomor death counts, but 6 million is a sacred number. People lose their shit if they see a swastika, no one cares about a hammer and sickle.

    Look at the way the gap in black and white achievement, or black and mexican achievement, is explained as 100% the wicked fault of whites. But the similar gap where jedis out perform whites is… because jedis work hard? So when whites do better it's institutionalized racism, when jedis do better it's just a good work ethic.

    Look at how ever US president has to kowtow to Israel… even trump! The man who gave such little of a fuck that he waged war against the incredibly powerful NY Times, and instituted a muslim ban in 2016. Even he has to kiss the Israeli ring and prove to AIPAC he's going to be a reliable puppet.

    And let's not mince words. The west literally followed a jedi religion for centuries. Yes jesus was a jedi, it's a hebrew cult.

    Do I think every single jedi is meeting up together to plot ways to bring down the white man? No, I believe what's happening requires no central coordination.

    Do I want the society I live in to be-jedied, to not be so influenced by a tiny minority? YES.

    I don't think anyone believes Mao or Stalin are good people or anything. The difference is they killed their own people. Most Americans haven't even heard of Pol Pot but he a quarter of Cambodia's population at the time and totally wrecked the country by killing anybody remotely intelligent or educated. People were killed for picking (STEALING) berries from the forest (YOUR COUNTRYMEN), or for having sex with their wives, or having glasses, or a degree, or a job in government, or like a million other things.

    But they killed their own people, and didn't invade anywhere that mattered. So no war was started. Sure Hitler didn't directly order as many deaths, but if you count the deaths from war caused by his personal desire to conquer Europe, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher than anyone else out there. Some 80 million people died, or 3% of the world's population. That's pretty fucking huge yo. He's a piece of shit. It has nothing to do with the fact that he killed Juus. I don't know anybody who thinks that 6 million number is 'sacred' it's just a fact based on evidence. Nobody cares about that number except for holocaust conspiracy nuts.

    I don't know who the fuck you think is blaming racial economic disparity on the whites, but they probably aren't real people. I certainly don't think that, nor has anybody I have ever met in my life. And pretty much everybody I know and interact with is a liberal. Not a lot of Republicans around here. The gap between jedis and other white people? There are only 7.5 million jedis in America with 40% of them living in NY, Chicago, and LA, which are some of the most expensive cities and states to live in... so of course they earn more. I don't know what else you mean by 'achievement' but literally nobody is saying its as simple as 'blame whites'. This is just propaganda made to make white people feel attacked. I won't say there isn't similar for ethnic minorities (I personally believe the racism problem in this country is waaaaaaaaaay less than most people think) and there are some people who think KINDA like what you're thinking, but besides the internet where have you actually seen these people?

    In the end, people just like to feel victimized. Blame it on the whites, the blacks, the jedis, the mexicans, the spanish, the chinese, the french, the indians, the argentinians, the christians, the muslims, the atheists, the americans, the democrats, the republicans... whatever, it's all fucking bullshit. People all over the world want to feel victimized and have SOMEONE to hate.

    I heard a story once about this guy who was hitchhiking across Europe. It was funny. Every country he went through warned him of the people in the next. The serbians warned him about the bulgarians, who warned him about the turkish, who warned him about the armenians and iranians. On and on and on and on. Everywhere in the world, people find someone to hate. Always somebody keeping them down.

    In the end all of these people are good people. I meet a jedi, he is probably a good person. I meet a chinese man, he is probably a good person. Most people in the world are not trying to fuck you over in some organized worldwide conspiracy spanning hundreds of years. There's actually very few people who are trying to do that, and the only thing they have in common is greed, power, and a big wallet. There is no ethnicity, religion, or nationality immune to the corruption of money, and the influence the control of it has over their lives.

    I may troll about white people and republicans here but I don't actually give a real shit. Most of you are fucking insane and most white people and republicans I've met in real life have been absolutely fantastic people, just like most people in general. So I don't see why anyone would blame it on the jedis when the vast majority of jedis are not even zionist. Where is your evidence that all jedis are in on this conspiracy? Do you really think that if there were no jedis around, people would just NOT try to control the media? Why just the jedis?
  11. Again, "Thieves oil" is not even a thing. It can be any number of things in there. Doesn't matter though because it doesn't work. This is a massively an outdated science. You know those old time plague masks? The beak is for stuffing herbs in there. Back then they thought that herbs could be used to heal in ways we now know aren't true. One way was by smelling them, which is how the whole Christian tradition of burning herbs started. Priests commonly burn incense and stuff like sage is used to keep away bad spirits. It was thought to increase your 'yellow bile' which is one of the four humors they believed the body was comprised of.

    They also used to bathe in herbs and thought that eating ridiculous amounts of them was healthy for you. If you look at medieval cuisine they added absolutely disgusting amounts of seasoning when they could afford to. It was also a sign of wealth. Kings ate food so strong in taste that most people today would probably not find it very palatable.

    This is just ancient bullshit. No oil is going to prevent you from getting sick. It doesn't kill the virus, it doesn't block the virus, it doesn't counteract the virus, so what does it do exactly? Where is your proof? You talk about a source but you haven't shown it. I'm going to try to show you a study disproving what you're claiming but I'll probably have to go back to the 1500's to find one. You know, right around the time when people started realizing that washing their hands did more to prevent illness than making the room smell pretty.

    I fucking hate people like you because your beliefs actually harm people when spread. Don't stain your mask with essential oils. Get an activated carbon enhancement like the N95 masks have. Make sure it is insulating and thick. That's all that matters.
  12. Lol don't listen to him. It stands for "Amazing, Motherfucking Amazing..."

    You say it when you're in shock or something. Like Gadz and his lowered shampoo bill.
  13. Originally posted by CASPER If i d9nt it gets flaky n gross pretty quick. I just gotta make sure to oil it as soin as i get out of thr shower

    I just shampoo my entire head (hair, beard, nose, eyes, etc) then use a moisturizer on my head hairs, including the eyebrows. Do you use moisturizer on your beard? I've never found a need for beard oil but my beard has never been as thick or long as yours. It does get itchy under there if I don't use moisturizer tho.
  14. English, Spanish, Chinese, some Portuguese/Italian learned from actual Portuguese and Italians and not just crossover with Spanish, as well as a few back and forths memorized in Hindi, Arabic, and Polish.
  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny which establishment did you donate your trump bux to ?

    I'm still waiting on mine, but I know when it's coming.
  16. Originally posted by Fox I just wanted to piss you off by breaking your no infographic rule. Looks like it worked

    You couldn't piss me off if you tried. I'm stoned and exercising my fingers.
  17. Originally posted by Fox You put more thought into it than I did those were just random pics I got from google. I don’t really have a horse in this race so

    I want to make sure the information I listen to is reliable. I made this thread after seeing hikki post a million images like the ones you just posted. I realized I never see any hard evidence about this jedi stuff and I've always wanted to believe in a conspiracy so I'm really trying here, guys.
  18. Also that first image's study was literally done by an institute that is for secular values. They produce mostly opinion pieces so I'm not sure where any of that info came from. (I would if you sourced the fucking study). Not exactly the most unbiased source for information on religion.
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