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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL These nutjobs actually think they can project their own arrested rioters as Republicans. There's nothing they won't project.

    Yeah I guess the cops just help clear the crowd away from the kidnapping for no reason, right?

    This is far from the only video. It's really telling that Splam hasn't heard of it. That means he only reads right wing news.
  2. Bill Krozby is like hydro. They're both the type of people who run through relationships because they can't hold onto anyone long term. Their friendships usually last just a few years. Always dealing with personal drama over dumb shit, like stealing Hulu accounts or sending unsolicited dick pics and getting fired for it. Stuff that sane people just don't do.

    The very worst part about Bill Krozby however is that there's no disconnect between how he posts and how he speaks. All the dumb shit he types, he says, and uses IRL. We know this because he's uploaded multiple videos of him harassing people in public.

    He also takes all my trolling very personally. I'd feel bad about it if he wasn't such a piece of shit 'father'
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL If clothes can be loud, then this site can be loud.

    Nobody calls clothes loud either
  4. Biden could literally be a pedophile and I would still vote for him at this point. Democracy is on the line.
  5. Originally posted by Obbe Trump Supporters That Harassed Biden Bus Were Armed, Operation Organized in Private Facebook Group Linked to QAnon

    One of them tried to run over protestors earlier this year as well for blocking the highway.

    You know if Biden supporters were doing this, Trump fans would be crying about anti fa and socialism and the "radical left". It is utterly and completely fucked up that a political party is doing this. It is the destruction of peaceful democracy. This is literally what the cartels do in Mexico to politicians they don't like. We've already had an attempted kidnapping like what the fuck?

    BLM, blue lives matter, etc. None of that is a political party. That Trump supporters specifically are doing this is really, really horrifying and should be enough for anyone to vote Biden. I have no respect for anyone voting Trump after this. This is not like facism anymore. This is straight up fascism, with all the political violence and corruption that comes with it.
  6. Originally posted by Splam Yes totally comparable.
    The reason you guys are so lucky to have a constitution is to protect the rights of the individual from government control. Aslong as it's upheld, there will be no mass internment of people based on race or religion.

    People kidnap people in unmarked vans. Show me one case of a person who has been proven recently kidnapped and detained without trial by the gov't.

    No. I don't care about your opinion. I only care about expressing mine. There is no changing your mind, and you aren't even American so it literally doesn't matter. If you haven't heard about the unmarked vans or unmarked feds, you haven't been paying attention. I'm not going to bother with someone so willfully ignorant.
  7. Originally posted by POLECAT trump already has 70 million votes from early voters Biden only has 20 million votes

    I'm sure these numbers are totally legit considering no results have been released yet
  8. Lot of virgins getting their cherries popped this year :D It's fantastic.
  9. Originally posted by Splam No MMR, I do not see the USA ever rounding up jedis, communists, trade unionists etc.

    You know why? Because unlike Germany, the USA has a constitution which protects those rights and a supreme court willing to defend it.

    Illegal immigrants are a different story and fair game for deportation.


    Right. The constitution our president and supreme court adhere so much to.

    We literally live in a country where federal agents in un marked vans are kidnapping innocent people off the street. Where people are held without fair trial, and in inhumane conditions. Deportation is one thing. Keeping people like animals is another. It's not just US citizens who are supposed to have rights in America you know. It's everyone.

    This whole country was founded on immigrants. Unless youre 100% Native American, you have fairly recent immigrant ancestors. Doubt they asked anyone for permission before they colonized. Nevermind that Trump is trying to take away rights from LEGAL immigrants too.

    "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Charge your phone. Let me know how it goes.

    Will do

    Taking a friend with me as well. He's voting Biden. It's his first time voting.
  11. Originally posted by POLECAT u nigga's skerred,, haha,, the elections are always called on election night,, u niggas need to calm down and ride the red wave

    Dude you're old. How do you even believe this? I maybe get it for someone who only remembers Obama but I don't understand how you can possibly think that's true after being alive to see otherwise. What the shit?
  12. Originally posted by Archer513 Those are whores who’ll do anything for money.

    Real lesbians look like truck drivers

    Old people always have some weird misconception like this. Sexy lesbians are real outside of porn. I used to know a sweater meat couple who sold mushrooms until the bitch ripped me off by trying to sell me vermiculite weight
  13. Originally posted by Technologist They opened a little over 30 mins ago here. You’re an hour behind, I believe.

    Hope it’s not a long morning for ya!🤞

    10min to go here. I thought it opened later tbh. Either way I have nothing to do and I am willing to wait for hours in the cold if I need to.
  14. Waiting for the polls to open :D
  15. Originally posted by ORACLE What do you disagree with her on in specific?

    She's a woman who worked hard. That's what he doesn't like. Remember, this guy doesn't think women should vote. He's not sane
  16. Originally posted by Meikai I wonder if the concept of No Nut November is going to have a noticeable impact on the prevalence of babies born in August.

    Do they want BALL CANCER?
  17. Originally posted by Sudo plus nobody is really "shy" anymore about being a trump supporter and if so, the variance of it is like .5%

    Yeah. Plus they've changed their polling methods for it as well. 2016 was just so much closer. Hilary had a national average of like +3.

    Also how do people know it won't be skewed in Biden's favor? The polls are wrong but somehow it'll only help Trump? Maybe Biden wins with +10 this year. Just because your stupid neighbors and shit family like Trump doesn't mean the majority of America does.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---.----.----------2-----(b­anned) youre the cock goblin

    with your asshole of excessive dilation and colon quantum singularity you spontaneously suck the nutsack nectar out of every cock within ten light years

    I am the Waffler
  19. Biden at a national average of +8
  20. Originally posted by Sudo Trump is behind by at least 10 points in Pa. according to literally every poll. What are you going to do when you're wrong? Is it cry? I bet it's cry

    Reminder that in 2016 the national average as calculated by fivethirtyeight was only 1.7% off.
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