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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. We don't have nigger holes just regular human being holes.
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---2----.----------------(b­anned) zoom out. everyone wants to see how many of them are up your cock socket.

    faggot nigger

    Just one of them but I bet you couldn't guess which.
  3. Originally posted by I_Will_Nut_Upon_You

    Way too late on the delivery.
  4. Actual picture of me:

  5. Yeah Biden should be winning all the electoral votes. He got ROBBED.
  6. Well them posting the pic of not me was the triple cringe.

    Then you posting that explanation was a quadruple cringe.

    then mmq comes in with a steel chair
  7. Originally posted by frala That’s your Mom’s haircut

    she is a good hair cutter
  8. I can't wait for the Georgia recount to come back pro Biden again.
  9. Originally posted by Lanny Let’s just say that if you cut my legs off at the knees they’d call me tripod

    cause you always got a big ass shit dangling nice
  10. Originally posted by Sudo 10 thousands cringes in the air

    I know. I can't believe they think that's me.
  11. That is a black man's haircut 4 sure
  12. Trump is 3 points behind in Michigan. That's well beyond what a recount can fix. Blame Trump for insulting Detroit for the last 4 years.
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL Then there's that pesky 1887 Electoral Count Act (3 U.S. Code).

    That was overuled in USA vs Shut The Fuck Up
  14. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Guess all that winning wore out those Trump supporters.

    What do you mean? They knew he was corrupt the whole time.
  15. Originally posted by ORACLE It's already shitting the fucking bed for everyone who isn't playing the stock market. Biden will stabilise it and continue America's trend of growth with direct stimulus. Honestly Trump's biggest robbery was the last round of stimulus. Threw pennies to the poor people of America and billions in "quantitative easing" were plundered by corporate America. All that money should have been direct stimulus. 220-240% less businesses would have shut down or jobs been lost with direct stimulus.

    Yep. Trickle up economics works. People who need help are gonna spend the fucking money. Food, bills, etc.

    Instead you had Kanye West's clothing company getting some of this money because... why?

    Really the only ones who needed help were the airlines I think. They didn't really have a way to operate.
  16. I don't even watch what I eat. My body just knows what nutrition it needs and I eat it. Never been outside 152-165.

    It must suck having shitty fat genetics and needing to eat baby plates of veggies so you don't pass out while you try and poorman diet yourself into losing weight.
  17. Originally posted by Grylls Lol @ people pretending they never liked trump in the first place because they know hes gonna lose

    Suddenly after 4 years HMMM MAYBE HE WAS CORRUPT?

    Knew this was gonna happen.
  18. Originally posted by ORACLE Fat UKistani doesn't understand what protein or portion control are.

    He eats microwave vegetables for lunch. Thats what he thinks healthy eating is. 100cal of plain vegetables.
  19. Originally posted by POLECAT if he does I'm calling him out now for being in cahoots with globilizm and the political eletes along with big tech who have fooled us all with this trump presidency all the wile it was just foolery against the patriots to ware them down and show there cards so the globilists know who to take out, thereby only be left with good simple law abiding followers who will make good slaves for china to purchase

    Fooled us all? Motherfucker, you mean he fooled YOU.
  20. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 U flexin brah?

    Just dropping facts man.
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