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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Polecat, quit being a sore loser.
  2. Originally posted by Technologist Awww poor G won’t say a word. He’s hiding in a corner somewhere with his tail between his legs

    Yeah I knew from the start he wouldn't pay up anyway. I've seen his house. Dude really can't afford it.

    It's fine tho honestly. I don't want to force anyone to pay up if they can't afford to do so.
  3. As predicted, G is too poor to pay up.
  4. Originally posted by netstat creepy sleepy joe rescued himself from death, only makes sense he will bring the 240k old people who would have died anyway but are attributed to corona hoax back to life

    Explain the massive increase in excess deaths this year then. I especially recommend the "Excess deaths with and without COVID-19" chart. It's quite clear to see that the number of deaths not related to COVID-19 is about on par with what the CDC has predicted. There are a small number of people who might have died anyway but it doesn't explain the spikes.

    Guarantee your dumb ass has never looked at this page.
  5. Literally 14 convictions across the entire US this year. Like 1,000 throughout all of American history.

    Nobody said it NEVER happens. It's just so rare and ineffective that it doesn't matter. Voter fraud isn't an issue. It never has been. The FBI already investigated this after 2016. They didn't find any significant issues with voter fraud either.

    And only one of those issues might've possibly effected the election. And you don't even know if it's pro-Trump or pro-Biden or pro-Jorgensen. But sure, Democrats stole the election.

    Still waiting for that evidence that Trump and his followers keep saying they have but can never provide. This list from your alt-right think tank isn't it.
  6. Looks like her ancestors are from Britain as well considering she has a British accent and grew up there.
  7. lmao lets see that blockchain fam
  8. Originally posted by G $1,000 crypto

    ^avoiding paying up

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i bet my soul and everything i own that trump wins

    ^doesn't own a soul or anything of value, so he actually did pay up

    Originally posted by Nil $100CAD Trump wins.

    ^waiting for my monopoly money
  9. Actually, you seem VERY niggerish. You're not a nigger, are you netstat? Because if you were, I'd have to ban you.
  10. Not what her Wikipedia page says. It says British. Don't see the word "nigger" anywhere on here. Are you sure you aren't just talking about yourself? You seem kinda niggerish.
  11. Originally posted by netstat still a nigger, still part of j'ewish plot to eradicate whites

    Nope. She's British, actually. Just like James Bond. Eligible to be recruited as a secret agent.
  12. even if those people voted 100 times, Biden would still win.
  13. 241,000 deaths thanks to Donald Trump.

    Can't wait till Biden gets in office and fixes all this.
  14. Yawn. Cute troll. I know you two organized it together. I didn't expect him to pay anyway. G can't afford it.
  15. Originally posted by netstat the worst part is that it's a nigger. a nigger and a woman? lmao the j'ews aren't even trying to hide their agenda

    She's British. Her family is Jamaican. Not a 'nigger.' She's an accomplished actress who scored a big role. Based on her past performances, she's a pretty good actress.
  16. Originally posted by Sophie No system is 100% secure, but one can at the very least make an effort to not be an idiot.

    Well, I'm glad you recognize your problem. I hope you'll attempt the effort.

    Originally posted by netstat isolation node sounds like a skid trying to describe an airgapped machine

    sandboxing is one of the most common and robust forms of security isolation used today, if you're using any common web browser released within the past few years you're using a sandbox, if you're using a modern phone every user app runs in a security sandbox, virtualization is also a form of sandboxing, for example the new windows sandbox is little more than a stripped down windows build running on a hyper-v vm. security of virtualization setups does vary with virtualbox being considered pretty insecure and vmware/kvm/hyper-v being pretty secure. think about the statement 'VM is insecure' and ask yourself if this was true, how could hosting/VPS providers operate?

    Exactly my point. Sandbox is for sand. SpectraL knows what I'm talking about.
  17. Originally posted by cigreting Its the j3ws in Hollywood spewing their agenda again. Read mark dices book about hollywood

    I am not reading anything you suggest ever. There's nothing wrong with this movie. Shit changes, and you'll have to get used to it. The only reason all these changes are happening is because these IPs are getting stale in the first place. Another Bond movie with a male protagonist comes out and who watches it? Who hears about it? I don't even know what the last bond films have been. The last one I remember watching was that Skyfall one.

    But this movie? I heard about this. We're all talking about it. Now the next time you see an ad, you'll remember. "Oh, that's that shitty joooo movie." You will, anyway.

    You might even watch it out of curiosity when it gets to Netflix or some shit. A lot of people will, just to complain about how shit it was. Or maybe they'll be surprised. Who knows. But the fact that it's DIFFERENT doesn't make it BAD. They didn't change James Bond. They added a new character. This is a spinoff series.

    Whether the movie will be good or not, idk. But it's going to do well just because idiots like you can't stop talking about how there's a vagina instead of a dick on screen. I mean what, you'd rather look at a dude for all that time? Who says a woman can't be 007?

    Originally posted by netstat bond-esque movies need a masculine lead end of story, bond is an archetypal masculine role: rugged, charasmatic, utilitarian charmer, spy and killer, women simply don't operate this way and trying to replace bond with a female version will be as cringey as in every other female fronted action film

    gas kikes, end women's rights, put an end to this nonsense

    Oh, yeah. Idiots like this do. "Women can't be spies."

  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby what happened to macafee? was it like what happend to brieghbart? serious queston i don't know who mcaffee is

    Spend an hour looking him up. It's worth it. He's so insane. I'm sad he got locked up. That shit was entertaining
  19. Originally posted by Bugz One time we knew this girl who's mom owned a liquor store. she was also cute as fuck. I kind of miss the friendship of her but she had issues back then. anyways she would let us come in and walk out and then tell her mom it was stolen and then she would hook up in the car with us later. full car, 3 women 4 guys

    Of course there is one thing about this when it was happening and I was a ride along.. we were all in High school. it's a high school thing. not 30 year olds pulling this shit. OK maybe in college when you're not 21 yet. the 1970-80s it was called a "beer run". you grabbed the beer and ran out. or maybe this was a local east bay slang. Like Hella was decades back before it became national

    Wait, you mean she'd MEET UP with you in the car? Like "Hey guys here I am"?

    Or you mean she'd HOOK UP with you in the car. As in, a 7 person orgy in the car.

    Because if it's the latter, I've seriously underestimated you.
  20. Originally posted by POLECAT I'm looking forward to capturing a few lefty hotties to start my repopulation and reeducation project

    They're gonna divorce you for being a bigot and raise the kids to be Democrats as a single mother while you pay child support until you're in your mid 70's.
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